Pitbudz87 new grow two plants in beer pong cups 24/7 lights


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man i cant wait to see if they look like they are too and blue mistic from the pics they got it looks like its so damn compact but hell thats a seed bank shot haha but thatd be sweet if it comes out like that tooo
haha hell yea it does look good as fuck huh im gonna throw one in a cup in the closet at first and another in the box for a mother i plan on gettin better lights and shit


Well-Known Member
yeah thats my deal rite now im savin some cash up for some new equipent and make a bigger box im gonna weait til its operational to spill the beans haha double entandra hahaha


Well-Known Member
yeah thats my deal rite now im savin some cash up for some new equipent and make a bigger box im gonna weait til its operational to spill the beans haha double entandra hahaha
haha yea in gonna get a new 400 watt hps mh conversion for my closet and and then put my 150 watt in a new closet ill buy and keep a mother trained for clones to go into the closet


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man that seems really close to what im goin with haha but loose lips fucks shit haha


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man that seems really close to what im goin with haha but loose lips fucks shit haha
yea but you aint gonna start anjournal on it so others can learn from your knowledge man jus dont tell your friends ive got 4 people besides family who know and they know id kill over it


Well-Known Member
man only bout 4 people kno and 3 are on need to kno basis the others been my best bud for like 13 years so hes on the know and yeah ill have a journal to share on this one haha i jus found this site back in june lol but i wanna make sure i got everything in order before i start tellin what im gettin or expectin nothin too fancy but itll be cool for me


Well-Known Member
what the fuck everytime i go to my roolitup it says there is another post on here by kho20 and it is me who posted last what is happenin


Well-Known Member
hahah im everywhere bro hahaha nah every time i come back it says pitbudz87 on a lil pop up thing idk what it is hahaha


Well-Known Member
hey pit... just wanted to say good luck... i read the shit outta your 12/12 party cup thread... your a smart muh fuccah... and i mean that... anyone who gets a zone outta a cup has to have some intelligence... i will be following this thread... are you gonna keep it alive as long as your mother is living? keep the south green and show these cali boys that the laws wont even hold us down... medicinal or not, we are entitled our rite to grow, smoke, and show...


Well-Known Member
also, are you planning on keeping your mothers in party cups for the rest of their duration?
thanks for the complamints man i appreciate it a great deal and no i will start them in party cups untill they have a good root ball i mean a good root ball then i will put them in bigger containers but keep in mind that these will be bonsai mothers i will be pulling the roots out of the container and cut the bottom of them at an angle on two sides twice a year lots of lst to guys to keep it small.


Well-Known Member
ive been tryin to figure out the whole bonsai thing myself now i have somethin i can watch to figure it out hell yeah


Well-Known Member
alright guys great news i forgot to tell you all that i received the blue mystic seeds wendsday germed three of em on thursday i beleive all i know is it took not even 34 hrs for the seeds to getminate and pop good taproots and they are all in a dome in jiffy pods waiting to sprout and then one wich will be my girlfriends will go iin the 12 12 she has expressed a interest in wanting to do this so we r just gonna throw one of em in there and see what we have and when it is getting close to harvest i shuld be throwing some clones in there too off another blue mystic. also ive received two afghan kush seeds the maillady missed us on friday so ive got to go pick em up at 10/9 so im exicited for that im only gonna germ one of them at the moment and make it a bonasi mother so i can clone it AND HAVE SOME DANK ASS WEED!!!


Well-Known Member
ive been tryin to figure out the whole bonsai thing myself now i have somethin i can watch to figure it out hell yeah
hell yea man glad i could be of some service ive heard it recommended that lights on for 16/8 this way but im not gonna do that untill i grab my other 150 hps and then ill leave some cfls and one 150 hps in there for veg


Well-Known Member
yeah... that is what i figured... yeah man, i have read alot of bonsai threads... and even looking at alot of basically "bonsai any kind of plant" kind of sites... they all stress the importance of trimming roots and trimming tops... that way it will fill out like a canopy of branches and stems... i was def planning on trying to get a bonsai mum going sometime in the future... that mite be what i do with "dj short- legends ultimate indica" strain a just got a couple of seeds of maybe....who knows... it just seems conventional to guys like me who dont have alot of room for a big ass mother plant... not where i live at least...


Well-Known Member
omg i swear i love jus bout anything dj short haha but yeah i read alot of em i jus like watchin shit first haha


Well-Known Member
well guys here is the plan ive got one plant in there now so im gonna top it tomorrow to start bonsai on it and ive got three seeds germin, the plan is gonna be to have if the one ive got noe turns out female ill have that one two blue mystic mothers and one afghan kush mother so i will take 10 cutting every two weeks i expect to pull about a gram or more from each one so if thats 40 cuttings every two weeks i will go straight to flowering and hopefully get 40 grams or more and get it perpetual see how long it takes each one to clone work out the kinks but things are lookin really good fellas