

Well-Known Member
Yeah... He has been bred to another dog recently. Thats $400 in my pocket... He is insane he can jump 7ft vertically. Heres a pic... And heres a pic of him as a puppy.
View attachment 217158
View attachment 217159

7ft?!! I hope you have a tall fence. My guy can probably jump, but never really wants too. Only time i've seen him jump is when he was chasing a rabbit, and was hoping around like a deer to find his location.


Well-Known Member
When i leave home i have to kennel him up in the house or put him on his chain. He jumps over the outside kennels and fence... He can even get over the neighbors privacy fence. So the chain is the last resort...


Well-Known Member
I really like your dogs color and size... thats what i was hoping for when my bitch got pregnant. But i only got black ones like that dad. and 2 buckskins...


Well-Known Member
I urgre you to check out the CDC's web site. The have alot of good studies that mainly show one thing....you cannot classify a dangerous dog based on it's breed. Most pits, rots, and any other big tough dog are used by the bad people to protect their bad doings.

You could just as easily do a study that shows dog bites by region or even neighborhood.

Yes in the area I grew up there are far more pit, doberman and rot bites than anything else...but I've rarely seen other breeds around there.

However, the neighborhood I now reside has reported way more bites from goldens, labs and germans...probably because there are only a few pits and rots that I am aware.

It's politics man....I was watching the news channels after the debate last week and all of the polls that were reported had Obama ahead anywhere from 6-18 percent....but generally the same range.

Fox News post debate poll
Mccain 98%
Obama 2%
wonder where they got there pool of "voters" to poll

when Most people get attacked by a big headed dog they think its a pit so the cdc records this as a pit bull attack. when really it was some mutt.. cdc cant be right all the time if reports of the attacks made by some scared soul


Well-Known Member
You could put a cover on the kennel to keep him in. I just hate seeing dogs chained up. I had a rott that jumped like that I used an electric fence to keep her in. After she hit it a few times I never had to turn it on again.


Well-Known Member
I really like your dogs color and size... thats what i was hoping for when my bitch got pregnant. But i only got black ones like that dad. and 2 buckskins...

Thanks. I really wish I could have studded him, but due to the bs BSL legislation he had to be neutered before we could pick him up. We get a lot of inquiries about him. Sadly...he's barren. lol.


Well-Known Member
Fuk me dead, your telling me theres 60 pages going on about pitbulls, couldn't yas of just called it dogs, then i could of got involved


Well-Known Member
well as usual it started with a pitbull bashing,, no offense fdd much respect to the monster master, but then turned into pit love..


Well-Known Member
so to save me reading 60 pages it went something like...pitbull talk.....pitbull bashing.....pitbull talk.......pitbull love?


Active Member
pitbulls were bread to be "dog aggressive" otherwise bread to be in dog fighting rings, so yes it does have a naturally short temper and bad attitude, but if raised from birth in a loving and nurturing enviroment they can be the best dogs ever, also rotts
Yeah and blacks are bred to run the street and sell dope.
thats one of the dumbest thing I ever heard.
if I raised you from birth to fight, does that mean everyone on your family tree would have short tempers and could snap at any moment.
some people just say dumb shit.:wall:


New Member
You DO know that all of the breeds of dogs in the world are 'man made' ...Pits WERE bred to fight. That will be in them at least a little bit until it is bred out of them...

So basically, yes, it does mean the pits all have the same qualities to an extent.. Brought up by the same person or not. Just like all blood hounds have the keen sense of smell that they were bred to have.... and sheep dogs have the herding skills they were bred to have.


New Member
Like, I don't believe it when people are saying their pit bulls would never hurt anyone... Of course you didn't see it because it's your own dog and it trusts you, but if anything ever set the pit bull off, it will turn just as vicious as a fighter pit.... So it does have fighter pit in it... With the way it bites and such.....

I'd rather get bit by any other dog than a pit. That statement says a lot.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and blacks are bred to run the street and sell dope.
thats one of the dumbest thing I ever heard.
if I raised you from birth to fight, does that mean everyone on your family tree would have short tempers and could snap at any moment.
some people just say dumb shit.:wall:
sorry man i am a pit lover , but i will be the first to say our scottish ancestors breed pits to fight period.. that is why they are such good people dogs because they cant bite the fight master .. now my pit is a lover and gets along great with my smaller dog but would i leave her in a room with another female dog and walk away hell no but i am a responsible owner


Well-Known Member
shit all dog bites hurt i worked at a doggie day care and an austrailian shepard fucked me up
pits just have really strong jaw muscles nothin mystical


Well-Known Member
so to save me reading 60 pages it went something like...pitbull talk.....pitbull bashing.....pitbull talk.......pitbull love?
Beagles, spaniels and various and sundry other breeds were thrown in for effect. I believe I inspired a little Chihuahua bashing, didn't last long, though. :lol: