Beagles, spaniels and various and sundry other breeds were thrown in for effect. I believe I inspired a little Chihuahua bashing, didn't last long, though.![]()
shit all dog bites hurt i worked at a doggie day care and an austrailian shepard fucked me up
pits just have really strong jaw muscles nothin mystical
ooooh me too, me tooYeeeeeeah ... But I'd still rather be bitten by a weaker jaw muscle.![]()
they can be a fierce breed that dog should be put down period.. dogs who attack humans repetivly are a threat.. pits can be nuerotic, phycopathic, problem dogs no doubt, and the truth is most people shouldnt own them..or a gold fish for that matter..
Yes, they are feared. But they are feared for good reason. I got chased by a pit bull when I was a little tyke ... It chased me around the block for a few minutes and I had to pound on a stranger's door just to escape... It could have been coincidental that it was a pit, or the fact they are overpopulated.
Overpopulated? I didn't know you were into eugenics . . . .
Then please tell me what the correct term would be for dogs and not humans? lol
But ferreal ... There are too many pits around. I don't know if it's just around here, but the shelters are bumpin with pit bulls.
Dogenics? yah I'm high
That sucks though lots of dogs are euthanized in the shelter every year
Ever seen that movie Day of the Dog? That chick was crazy!
ok high rant stop now![]()
Whoa ! Only a man who is high could come up with such a clever solution for the lack of terminology! hehe
Yeah ...... It's always sad when an animal has to be euthanized [spell checker is telling me that's wrong, then what is it godammit??], especially when they haven't had a chance to live a full happy life .. My dog was just euthanized last night actually .. But that's a whole other topic... Advanced kidney failure to just sum it up real quick. But yeah.. She lived a fulfilled life.
I haven't seen that movie, but I saw 101 Dalmatians... Why didn't the ASPCA come and charge the people for animal hoarding ?? Who could actually get away with having 101 Dalmatians.... lol![]()
That sucks breath sorry to hear about your dog.
I like the crazy cat lady on the Simpsons she always has a cat jump on her face or something.
Disney movies don't have to make sense silly . . .![]()
i've been listening to the scanner for the past 2 weeks while i've been harvesting. i get the animal control channel as well as airplanes, highway patrol and ambulances. lots of welfare checks on horses, lots of lose border collies and lots of pit bull complaints. just complaints.
It is kinda sad if you think about it ... How big of a role stereotyping plays in life. I'm sitting here thinking, and as much as I'd like to say that stereotypes don't influence my outlooks, they really do... I mean, I'm not huge on it like some people are or anything.. But when it comes to pit bulls, I'd be lying if I said I would be just as scared of any other breed of dog walking around my neighborhood......and not just because I almost got attacked...
The same goes for some other things in life that I won't get into because it will certainly be taken the wrong way and I don't feel like explaining myself.