IN MEMORY OF BOB!!!!! Bob forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was mad. She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds. AND IT BETTER BE THERE!" The next morning when
his wife woke up she looked out the window to find a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway. She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale. Bob has been missing ever since.
Knock Kock
I have respect for the hurricane ready car. We lost two windshields during a heavy hail/thunderstorm last year. I wanted to cut some 3/4 plywood to size and use bungee cords to secure them to the vehicles when we know a severe storm is coming but the wife won't let me.
One time cost of plywood for two vehicles, less than one hundred dollars.
Cost of a replacement windshield each time one is broken...$350+...
I even want to invest in real old fashioned storm shutters for our windows because that storm took out 90% of the home windows in town.
It might look red necked, but damn glass is expensive.
you know whats funny but no pic? the government paying 27 million plus a year to keep the statue of liberty looking good. fuck that thing, who cares about a giant piece of copper.
Where does this figure come from? I googled but didn't find anything. That's $74,000 every day in maintenance costs. That figure can't possibly be right.
Scrape it for it's copper scrap value. Nothing good comes from the French. We can always rebuild it using galvanized sheet metal that is copper plated, pocket the trade in value.Gotta keep that copper polished! I'm guessing just the big toe is prolly 2 or 3 bottles of copper polish, at $5 a bottle that can get spendy! lol