Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member

ted nugent

how deer think...............

great quote!

deer hunting story...even if you don't care about hunting...gotta love ted!

Ted nugent, rock star and avid bow hunter from michigan, was being interviewed by a liberal journalist, an animal rights activist. The discussion came around to deer hunting. The journalist asked, 'what do you think is the last thought in the head of a deer before you shoot him? Is it, 'are you my friend?' or is it 'are you the one who killed my brother?

nugent replied, “deer aren't capable of that kind of thinking. All they care about is, what am i going to eat next, who am i going to screw next, and can i run fast enough to get away. They are very much like the democrats in congress.”

the interview ended.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Baby boy and dog having a discussion.



Well-Known Member

Sorry if this comes up as a link. If it does, please click and watch. Oh yeah, and have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Big P

Well-Known Member
Thanks, you made me feel good today and it's only 9:30 am.
your husband is on rollitup right.

one time I was real drunk at this bar with my roomate back in the day and this gurl was there that we had met before but she was there without her b/f.

anyway I hardly new the gurl let alone her b/f so I was drunk hitting on her all night and then me and my buddy convinced her and her 2 "older" friends to come back to the house with us to smoke some weed.

so anyway like I said I been hitting on that gurl all night and I was drunk. so we smoked at my place for a while and then her b/f finally came over.

hes sitting right next to her on the couch and she said somthing I cant recall now. and i forgot her b/f was sitting right next to her cuz he hadnt been with us all night and so I replied: "I know, thats why I been tryin to get with you"

and right when the words left my mouth is when i came to my senses and realized her b/f was sitting right there next to her!! looool

there was shock and silence for a few seconds

then I just blurt out "Just Kidding!" with an embarrased grin

she was like "aaaaaaaaah wtf r you taking about!?" lolol

lol it was messed up very embarassing lol

then he got all mad and told my roomate I was being kind of "rash" but i was sooooo drunk so I started pretending I had weaponry if anyone wanted to try somthing and I kicked everybody out lol anyway everyone left without incindent

anyway it was very embarassing.

ever since that day I have learned not to mess with forbiddin fruits

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
No, my hubby can hardly turn on a computer. lol. Seriously. He does enjoy your thread with me though.

You told a funny story. Sounds like you got away pretty clean if you ask me. lol

your husband is on rollitup right.

one time I was real drunk at this bar with my roomate back in the day and this gurl was there that we had met before but she was there without her b/f.

anyway I hardly new the gurl let alone her b/f so I was drunk hitting on her all night and then me and my buddy convinced her and her 2 "older" friends to come back to the house with us to smoke some weed.

so anyway like I said I been hitting on that gurl all night and I was drunk. so we smoked at my place for a while and then her b/f finally came over.

hes sitting right next to her on the couch and she said somthing I cant recall now. and i forgot her b/f was sitting right next to her cuz he hadnt been with us all night and so I replied: "I know, thats why I been tryin to get with you"

and right when the words left my mouth is when i came to my senses and realized her b/f was sitting right there next to her!! looool

there was shock and silence for a few seconds

then I just blurt out "Just Kidding!" with an embarrased grin

she was like "aaaaaaaaah wtf r you taking about!?" lolol

lol it was messed up very embarassing lol

then he got all mad and told my roomate I was being kind of "rash" but i was sooooo drunk so I started pretending I had weaponry if anyone wanted to try somthing and I kicked everybody out lol anyway everyone left without incindent

anyway it was very embarassing.

ever since that day I have learned not to mess with forbiddin fruits

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
The one of the best parts of this vid is the laughing in the background. This poor Arab guy will never live this down.



Well-Known Member
holy shit that bitch will break yo dick off!!!

and for some reason im willing to take the chance:eyesmoke:

but god damn imagine if you got fucked with such zeal lol

fuck give that gurl a prize, or mace her , or somthin, this gurl definatly loves the cock :D
at least hood will be shinny when shes done...is she using turtle wax?