Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
im not offended, and i'm sry if i came across as it. anyone here is welcome to make fun of me all they want. i was just asking Carne to not spend 2 pages bashing a guy for posting a simi-racist pic, then less than 3 pages later posting his own pics making fun of other races and religions. Im Christian so i guess you could say it offended me but i think that would a stretch, more or less i just want everyone to see that we are having fun here there is no need to get a politically correct in this topic, laugh it off =)
yeah, keep digging that hole. dumb ass.


Active Member
What the fuck? The picture shows the irony of America and it's racist attitudes towards Hispanics. "Mexicans" are good enough to harvest our fruits and vegetables below minimum wage, without health insurance or any other type of benefits but when the picking is done... let's deport the fuckers. Now let's bow our heads and thank God for the wonderful food provided by near slave labor. It's not my fault that you're too fucking stupid to understand IRONY.
i didn't say it wasn't funny or true. i simply ask you to stop calling other ppl out for doing the same thing.


Active Member
yeah, keep digging that hole. dumb ass.
wow man grow up, there is no need to start calling names and cursing at each other. and not once did i try to insult you or your intelligence. im sure you are a perfectly reasonable man, i just felt you overlooked something.

"tolerance" - it works both ways =)

or maybe its ok to hate ppl for hating ppl, who are hating other ppl......idk anymore

and now im doing the same thing i made the first post about..... im sorry, it ends now, bash me one more time for laughs then lets let this die.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
i didn't say it wasn't funny or true. i simply ask you to stop calling other ppl out for doing the same thing.
I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you. You could have addressed this in a pm to me and I would have explained it so a 3rd grader could understand it. There is a far cry in pointing out hypocrisy and protesting outright BIGOTRY. Learn the difference... if you can.


Active Member
ty WW, for some reason i don't think continuing it would have ended any better then this next pic!

any tips for resizing a pic?


Well-Known Member
I dunno umbre but in the UK , playing 5-a-side we had them lill Oranges , i wudda settled for juice no doubt!

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member

I truly loved this one. Who knew crows liked to snowboard?