Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS


Well-Known Member
this kid is a dick...




oh BTW... before i hear bitchin. i know alot of people say this is fake and i really dont care, its funny to me. so lets just end it there.


Well-Known Member
lol, I dunno, his brother's maniacal laughter seems pretty authentic in some of those vids. Especially the first one, when he comes back in for the camera, lol.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah I mean...I hope it's fake because jesus I can't imagine anyone allowing their child to act like that. But the first one seriously got funnier every time I watched it...

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
this kid is a dick...




oh BTW... before i hear bitchin. i know alot of people say this is fake and i really dont care, its funny to me. so lets just end it there.
this kid has became the most popular kid everywhere off of making his brother look like a bitch (which he is )
way to go able 1 more reason cane will kill you, mom , and dad


Well-Known Member
Did someone say..... Bob Saget!?!?!?!

Have you seen his "that aint right" comedy show?

[youtube]6p-knsWpZMo[/youtube] [youtube]YxXnL7stm6E[/youtube]


Well-Known Member
I couldn't watch it, it seemed like he was being overly vulgar to try to break free of his Full House/Americans Funniest Videos image. Felt like he was trying to hard at times...I dunno, maybe I'm just high and reading too much into it.