Plant HELP

I got this plant, and I wanted to know what y'all think on how it is going so far. When should I start adding nutrients. Also I notice the leaves are turning yellow what does that mean. This is also my first time growing. Any help works.20200917_112246.jpg20200917_112253.jpg20200917_112326.jpg
I think that means it needs some nitrogen. But careful not to over feed as it is close to flowering . Start maybe 1/2 or 1/4 recommended dose of nutes . Plant looks good other than that if u ask me , although I am a newbie but have read up on growing and done my research . Good luck
Could be nitrogen. Also are you taking that picture with a flash or natural lighting? New growth tends to be lighter and I've had it look like that in photos when I use my flash.
I know we all recommended "feeding it" but that soil is pretty rich.... I'd look first into how big your pots are and if they need to be transplanted. Fresh soil = fresh nutes
I know we all recommended "feeding it" but that soil is pretty rich.... I'd look first into how big your pots are and if they need to be transplanted. Fresh soil = fresh nutes
Easy way to check- try to lift one of the plants out of the pot if you can. if there are roots circling the side it needs a transplant.... if those roots are continuous/dense &/or brown it's root bound and you waited way too long.
So the plant has some food are you going to be using bottle nute and from my phone looks like your soil is dark did you just water as always thank you
Top dressing should feed her til it's time to flower. But if she gets hungry again... I'd think about introducing bloom nutes and bud boosters soon.