Plant issue ... can't figure out what's wrong help please

Guys, I raised the light from 2 inches to 4 or 5 " lastnight and she was wilting strongly again And one leaf is even more spotted and one even dried up .

Here is a photo, hope my other babies don't undergo this. Maybe I should replant after all.Going to raise it another couple inches tonight and see

Also, I am also growing several different vegetable plants alongside my babies , and they all look very vey healthy and they are all in the same medium and are receiving the same exact water so I thought I should mention that. Quite a few are still in jiffy pellets and look super healthy, I have quite a few of those left should I replant into those ? 6 of my bagseed are in them and are the first to sprout

And I posted a photo of my temp/humidity levels. Humidity is 40% which is good I believe ? And I know the temp is fairly low sitting between 68-72, but it's in an open room in which I can't really configure temps


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Yeah weed grows different in mediums than normal veggies. Veggie aren't as finicky. Ph is a bit low for me at 6.2. You need to get if up a bit imo. Always heard mixed reports with miracle grow so I'd definitely consider repotting to a light mix like bio bizz.
Yeah weed grows different in mediums than normal veggies. Veggie aren't as finicky. Ph is a bit low for me at 6.2. You need to get if up a bit imo. Always heard mixed reports with miracle grow so I'd definitely consider repotting to a light mix like bio bizz.
Alrighty , is there anything at home to raise the alkaline of PH? I won't be able to pick up a kit for another week or so . I know I've used lemon juice in the past to lower PH cause it's acidic and it worked fine in my hydro bubbler setup.

Oh and update , two of my AK-48's and a OG kush auto have emerged from the soil Really hoping they end up much healthier than this first AK.

I just dropped 50$ on a 20L bag of castings today Holy fuck those things are expensive. Will be prepping my organic soil mix this week
Potassium bicarbonate,for ph up, something to do with brewing ,don't use baking soda. The salt can Cause issues in long run. Otherwise buy organic up and down if you don't want to use the normal stuff.
Justin trudeau(our prime minster ) is legalizing marijuana in Canada as of July 1st. They will be selling it in LCBO stores and for ersonal consumption 4 plants per household will be allowed . Look it up online it's 100% true man, he's been working on legalization since he got in office . I don't agree with the legalization in most ways , but hey it's happening regardless.

In Ontario it will be legal and they're starting a trial run selling marijuana in several stores down south
Im from quebec, i know what the law is supposed to be, but home growing is a different topic.
The Quebec government does not want anyone to grow marijuana plants at home, and it sent a clear message to the federal government Thursday that it is ready to fight to impose that ban. Both Quebec and Manitoba, have taken a zero-tolerance position on homegrown weed.
Fournier (Quebec relations minister) argues the federal government has the power to make it illegal to grow five plants or more at home — but it does not have the power to authorize Canadians to grow up to four plants.

He believes Quebec is well within its jurisdiction to impose a penalty.

This is kind of like in California. (just the opposite)..its legal says the state, yet if you are stopped by federal customs agents who circulate roadways and randomly stop people apparently looking for illegals who got across the border lol, if they find weed on you, they have to take it as the federal govt does not recognize the state laws of it being legal. Here it will be backwards, the feds allow you to grow it, the province doesnt want to.
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Alrighty , is there anything at home to raise the alkaline of PH? I won't be able to pick up a kit for another week or so . I know I've used lemon juice in the past to lower PH cause it's acidic and it worked fine in my hydro bubbler setup.

Oh and update , two of my AK-48's and a OG kush auto have emerged from the soil Really hoping they end up much healthier than this first AK.

I just dropped 50$ on a 20L bag of castings today Holy fuck those things are expensive. Will be prepping my organic soil mix this week
You can use wood ashes if you have access to them. They are a good source of calcium and potassium, and is a natural ph up. Just make a camp fire in the yard and collect the ashes:)
On a side note, you may be better using vinegar as oppose to lemon juice to bring the ph down. Lemon juice contains sugars that can create bacteria or attract unwanted pests
Im from quebec, i know what the law is supposed to be, but home growing is a different topic.
The Quebec government does not want anyone to grow marijuana plants at home, and it sent a clear message to the federal government Thursday that it is ready to fight to impose that ban. Both Quebec and Manitoba, have taken a zero-tolerance position on homegrown weed.
Fournier (Quebec relations minister) argues the federal government has the power to make it illegal to grow five plants or more at home — but it does not have the power to authorize Canadians to grow up to four plants.

He believes Quebec is well within its jurisdiction to impose a penalty.

This is kind of like in California. (just the opposite)..its legal says the state, yet if you are stopped by federal customs agents who circulate roadways and randomly stop people apparently looking for illegals who got across the border lol, if they find weed on you, they have to take it as the federal govt does not recognize the state laws of it being legal. Here it will be backwards, the feds allow you to grow it, the province doesnt want to.
Yeah I understand what your saying mate , it's like in many states where the state laws allowed dispensarys to sell marijuana but federally it was illegal sonthe DEA would bust down they're down and close up shop .

Well I'm glad I'm not in Quebec tbh lol.
I'm pretty against legalization , the drinking laws 19 but a bunch of 13-14 year olds drink, so it won't be surprising to see 12 year old kids lighting up cause it's "legal"

Government only cares about the cash crop coming which is sad.
kids do what they do, whether you legalize it or not. there is no corollary between legalization and increased use by minors, in fact, its the opposite.

when i was a kid, we didn't give a shit about the drinking age, and we smoked weed, which at that time we thought would NEVER be legal.
it wouldn't have made any difference to me, or to any kid that was already smoking weed...any kid that wanted it could get it, and they still can, makes no difference whether the government says its ok or not
Yeah I understand what your saying mate , it's like in many states where the state laws allowed dispensarys to sell marijuana but federally it was illegal sonthe DEA would bust down they're down and close up shop .

Well I'm glad I'm not in Quebec tbh lol.
I'm pretty against legalization , the drinking laws 19 but a bunch of 13-14 year olds drink, so it won't be surprising to see 12 year old kids lighting up cause it's "legal"

Government only cares about the cash crop coming which is sad.
Exactly..and the same age kids smoke cigarettes as well. Where there is a will, there is a way..makes no difference if it's legal or not. Im not for legalization either, but in the end, if alcohol and cigarettes are legal, marijuana is not a big difference at all, certainly safer than alcohol! The same way a kid can get in trouble if seen smoking a cigarette, or drinking alcohol, the same will apply with marijuana. I for one couldnt care less what the law says, im a sovereign person, on sovereign land, im allowed to grow any plant i choose to in my privacy! The constitution of both america and/or canada, protect those freedoms, and if taken to court or arrested for growing my own marijuana for personal consumption only, no revenue from sales, i have the right to do that in the privacy of my home!!!
My landlord this year in february gave me a modification to my lease, in which it states that i cannot consume or grow cannabis on the property..the lease modifications were for everyone in the weed smell never leaves my apt at all!!! I declined to accept the modification as it's complete discrimination! He cannot dictate to me what i can or cant smoke in my place. That's like saying you can drink wine but not beer. If my neighbor can puff his cigarettes on his balcony and i have to smell that shit, then you better believe im allowed to smoke weed!!!:)
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I have a habit of drinking my can of beer as i walk to and/or from the store. Not in private sectors, but in public areas as sidewalks. I have been stopped by police, and they cant do anything really, i told them i will continue to do it as if the person in front of me can smaoke a cigarette, which im forced to inhale the toxins from it, my beer drinking does not harm a soul around me! If cigarettes can be smoked in public, then i can drink my beer in public, so as long as i dont cause issues, like public drunkenness! In the end they let me go without a word as there is no defence in the end on their part.
It's a Good thing that there wilting at night ,take Energy to hold leaves ,what's the point if the lights are off ,so don't worrie about that .They also use very little feed during lights off,you will notice this if your growing Hydroponic set up .Looks a tad light what ec are you feeding .