Sorry if this seems like i just havin a blonde moment! but i know the hole root system thing been good and healthy but what about the lack of vertical growth? shudnt they be taller after 3.5 weeks? i watched a few grow vids and the plants look way taller and more fine in structure.Do you have any idea how many people would be extremely envious of your problem?![]()
Think i goin 2 loose a few with my earlyier watering debarcal but you live and learn!.
PS: Sorry if i got this wrong but read a amazing post by i think by yourself about the attitude of a police officer towards the medical use og weed, Great bit of writing, i have been a home and residetial care giver for 10 years with the NHS and have been asked so many times by my service users if i could arange this for them, i wish i could of obliged them this small comfort but...well you know the score. I have nursed during palative and end of life senarios where this would have been a blessing as they would not have the soparific affects of the huge amounts of opiate based pain relief can upset family and can rob them of comunication when they need to say the most. Not to mention the discomfort that constipation that gos hand in hand with such drugs. Whoooa Sorry way of topic and think the great root growth down to Rhitzotonic not anything i have done!.
Be good and if you cant be good be carefull!.