Plant Problem Please Help


Well-Known Member
Im not aware of either of those having the micro nutrients of calcium and magnesium, which i belive your plant is missing as well, its a seperate bottle usually says calmag on it


Well-Known Member
Ok awesome just ordered 1 gallon of the Calimagic how long can i ride with the plants like this till it gets here it should be within 5-6 days also how do i apply this
That i dont know...i know some people have used tums ground up in a pinch to boost calcium but i dont know it that actually works or not. If someone knows that may be enough to get you by untill then...imo lack of calcium is the main problem but im not an "expert".


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
HotRodHarley is a relic here. He has a million posts meaning he's read a billion threads - plus he's a smart guy. If he thinks the N is toxing in your FFOF soil then it most likely is. The suggestion for Bloom nutes is because they will give your plant what it needs without aggravating the N tox issue.

FoxFarm Grow Big - Veg nutes 6-4-4
FoxFarm Big Bloom - Bloom nutes 0.01-0.3-0.7

Small plants in big pots usually require infrequent watering and very little nutes to start with. I believe based on the math you've been in 3 gal pots for about 11/12 days?

If you don't know whats coming out of your tap its often a good idea to supplement Cal/Mag to be safe. Supplement being the operative word - meaning use less than 1/4 (ish) recommended dose until the plant says otherwise or until harvest.

Do you have any Epsom Salt in the bathroom? That will work in a pinch to get some Mag in there until your Cal/Mag arrives. As far as Calcium, you might be best to try and ride it out until your package gets in.

Your plants don't look all that bad but they are starting to talk to you. Its up to you to listen.


Well-Known Member
So this should be fine?
There's your bloom nutes. All at 1/4 strength. Then water and water again. This helps keep the nutes in solution and disperse them in the medium so they are used. Next feed increase to 1/2 strength and repeat the waterings etc. Watch for signs of needing N.However it's easy to add and works the quickest of all fertilizers.


Well-Known Member
HotRodHarley is a relic here. He has a million posts meaning he's read a billion threads - plus he's a smart guy. If he thinks the N is toxing in your FFOF soil then it most likely is. The suggestion for Bloom nutes is because they will give your plant what it needs without aggravating the N tox issue.

FoxFarm Grow Big - Veg nutes 6-4-4
FoxFarm Big Bloom - Bloom nutes 0.01-0.3-0.7

Small plants in big pots usually require infrequent watering and very little nutes to start with. I believe based on the math you've been in 3 gal pots for about 11/12 days?

If you don't know whats coming out of your tap its often a good idea to supplement Cal/Mag to be safe. Supplement being the operative word - meaning use less than 1/4 (ish) recommended dose until the plant says otherwise or until harvest.

Do you have any Epsom Salt in the bathroom? That will work in a pinch to get some Mag in there until your Cal/Mag arrives. As far as Calcium, you might be best to try and ride it out until your package gets in.

Your plants don't look all that bad but they are starting to talk to you. Its up to you to listen.
Wish i could like this 100 times...that last paragraph is the key