Plants have consciousness

Don’t mistake electrochemical signals through a mycelium network for consciousness. In any degree. This is bro hokum for sure but at least not harmful.

Sure - but if you watched the video did u see how it moved when he ‘thought’ of the idea of hurting the plant.

That is the most interesting part.

Also. Any experiment we do can never be the truth.. why? Because every scientific experiment done today does not included his own limited intelligence as a factor to the result.

For instance you’ve never sensed anything in your life now. It always has been and will be in the past due to our senses.

The same senses we ignorantly use to decipher our place and origins in this existence.

That’s not to say science is wrong for what we our observing we record. It is simply not looking at the bigger picture and the great mystery of life that’s happening now
Sure - but if you watched the video did u see how it moved when he ‘thought’ of the idea of hurting the plant.

That is the most interesting part.

Also. Any experiment we do can never be the truth.. why? Because every scientific experiment done today does not included his own limited intelligence as a factor to the result.

For instance you’ve never sensed anything in your life now. It always has been and will be in the past due to our senses.

The same senses we ignorantly use to decipher our place and origins in this existence.

That’s not to say science is wrong for what we our observing we record. It is simply not looking at the bigger picture and the great mystery of life that’s happening now
I’ve been a fan of this gal from British Columbia for years. She’s shown in at least one video and identified as a forester. In all truth she’s the 4th generation of timber people there. Trees are her life. Extremely interesting science. If a birch is cut these chemical signals are emitted. Other trees including spruce emit chemicals to help repair. Pretty damned cool. I’ve been using bennies for years. Got laughed off here more than once for saying fungus are key to a healthy growing environment.
I’ve been a fan of this gal from British Columbia for years. She’s shown in at least one video and identified as a forester. In all truth she’s the 4th generation of timber people there. Trees are her life. Extremely interesting science. If a birch is cut these chemical signals are emitted. Other trees including spruce emit chemicals to help repair. Pretty damned cool. I’ve been using bennies for years. Got laughed off here more than once for saying fungus are key to a healthy growing environment.
The concept alone is crushing to most people. As it displays their lack of consciousness. And the true depths of the ignorance and arrogance of humans. We are the primitives in the equation. The biology and chemical processes of the symbiosis in nature is vastly superior and more complex than our parasitic means of survival.

Go green and treat your plants with the care all living things deserve..

And I will put the yellow mycos I scrape from under white oak bark against store bought sanitized and lacking all the truly essential trace elements and materials actually needed for natural processes. Active bread yeast is honestly more effective. LOL.
I’ve been a fan of this gal from British Columbia for years. She’s shown in at least one video and identified as a forester. In all truth she’s the 4th generation of timber people there. Trees are her life. Extremely interesting science. If a birch is cut these chemical signals are emitted. Other trees including spruce emit chemicals to help repair. Pretty damned cool. I’ve been using bennies for years. Got laughed off here more than once for saying fungus are key to a healthy growing environment.

Awesome isn’t it!! Like one big ass web. My wife was saying something similar with oak trees. If ones under attack it’ll signal the rest to produce more bitter for lack of a better word taste.

Fungus are the essence of all life!

Did u know fungus can withstand the vacuum of space? I like to think they are all floating around just waiting to pollinate a planet.
That is the core of my position regarding plants with consciousness. Plants are only being manipulated by their surroundings.
If so? Why do we use varying plants, crop rotation, to improve our soils? A two way street. Manipulative as well as manipulated. And it is not electro. It is chemical in plant. Your emitting chemical conversation right now. LOL.
Please keep in mind i am in awe of the magic of the biological web eons of life has created. Symbiosis, freaking straight up magic. It's just i define consciousness differently, and im a sucker for a well articulated debate
Please keep in mind i am in awe of the magic of the biological web eons of life has created. Symbiosis, freaking straight up magic. It's just i define consciousness differently, and im a sucker for a well articulated debate
If this was for me? No poke. And adding my thoughts. Nature has kept me alive. I got her back regardless as a result.

And I was referring to pheromones. Not the scent of your comments. LOL. Poorly worded. My bad.
That is the core of my position regarding plants with consciousness. Plants are only being manipulated by their surroundings.
One of the discoveries they made regarding trees is how unhealthy trees are when replanting clear cuts with single species of tree. In many of these previously logged areas the topsoil and the mycelium is under everything and torn to pieces because of the equipment used to do logging. Lending some credence to growers who companion plant. In vegetable gardens for years but just now catching on with cannabis growers.
That is the core of my position regarding plants with consciousness. Plants are only being manipulated by their surroundings.

They are only being manipulated by their surroundings through our vision. Take away sight - what conclusion would we come to?

Consciousness transcends physical matter so it cannot be observed through the human eye. Rather it is the ‘eye’ itself looking through the eye of a human.

It’s very abstract but can be demonstrated in ones own experience.

When did our own awareness start? Not out memory.

We don’t even remember are own birth! Or sucking on our mommas boobies. Yet we experienced it! There is no memory in consciousness itself.

Another interesting thing is this.

If I was aware at my birth, and therefore aware in my mother’s womb when did I start being aware? My mother’s egg or my dads sperm? Neither. I have always been aware I just forgot.

Same with every other person and living thing on this planet - we have always been consciousness. Of what exactly? Fuck knows xD That’s the exciting part!!
A study has demonstrated the self-awareness of minnows
Home version. Watch a shiner minnow on a tip up hook when a large predator comes within sight range. Funny stuff for a distraction.

We need to learn to separate intelligence, as defined on ours. From awareness. My belief as to the tripping stone in this informative world of awaking. LOL.
They are only being manipulated by their surroundings through our vision. Take away sight - what conclusion would we come to?

Consciousness transcends physical matter so it cannot be observed through the human eye. Rather it is the ‘eye’ itself looking through the eye of a human.

It’s very abstract but can be demonstrated in ones own experience.

When did our own awareness start? Not out memory.

We don’t even remember are own birth! Or sucking on our mommas boobies. Yet we experienced it! There is no memory in consciousness itself.

Another interesting thing is this.

If I was aware at my birth, and therefore aware in my mother’s womb when did I start being aware? My mother’s egg or my dads sperm? Neither. I have always been aware I just forgot.

Same with every other person and living thing on this planet - we have always been consciousness. Of what exactly? Fuck knows xD That’s the exciting part!!
Freud says,
  • The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.
  • This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes instinctive and primitive behaviors
Peer reviewed source

Herein lies my definition of consciousness. The baby is aware it needs momma titty. and is aware it can squeeze its hands to hold on while its muscles fire in the right sequence to suckle milk. It's not conscious of it. The plant is aware it needs light, so tretches nodal spacing to reach canopy of competitors. It is not conscious of this act.
The baby feels pain when pinched, the plant wilts when damaged. Still not conscious, just primitive unconscious chained behavior.
In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the unconscious mind is defined as a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of conscious awareness.
The plant has urges, memories, and very well may have thoughts and feelings, arguably yes. But it is not conscious of them. The awareness you speak of begins in the ego.
I acknowledge the magical unknowable depth of reality you mentioned, it's just that my side of this thread is plants have an unconscious relationship with the universe. Heck i guess id go so far as saying every living organism has a soul even...just not conscious of it.
Freud says,
  • The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth.
  • This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes instinctive and primitive behaviors
Peer reviewed source

Herein lies my definition of consciousness. The baby is aware it needs momma titty. and is aware it can squeeze its hands to hold on while its muscles fire in the right sequence to suckle milk. It's not conscious of it. The plant is aware it needs light, so tretches nodal spacing to reach canopy of competitors. It is not conscious of this act.
The baby feels pain when pinched, the plant wilts when damaged. Still not conscious, just primitive unconscious chained behavior.
In Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality, the unconscious mind is defined as a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of conscious awareness.
The plant has urges, memories, and very well may have thoughts and feelings, arguably yes. But it is not conscious of them. The awareness you speak of begins in the ego.
I acknowledge the magical unknowable depth of reality you mentioned, it's just that my side of this thread is plants have an unconscious relationship with the universe. Heck i guess id go so far as saying every living organism has a soul even...just not conscious of it.
And the rabbit hole again appears. Was Freud able to recall his actions at this stage in life or ask a newborn's opinion. Totally unprovable hypothesis at best. Again the arrogance of man as we define something we may never perceive on our pathetic senses. LOL.

Crazy frustrating topic. May we remain civil. LOL.
