Platinum LED

I get my intensity from lm51c's, my spectrum comes from this platinum. ufos are shit. basically every blurple is shit now, but what I can say. PLATINUM HAS BEEN THE BEST BLURPLE MANUFACTURER TO DATE (besides chilled lol). now lets show off our new tech.
I get my intensity from lm51c's, my spectrum comes from this platinum. ufos are shit. basically every blurple is shit now, but what I can say. PLATINUM HAS BEEN THE BEST BLURPLE MANUFACTURER TO DATE (besides chilled lol). now lets show off our new tech.
I'd put Fluence well over Platinum.

Edit: though many would probably take issue with referring to Fluence as "blurple".
having to spend over a grand to get 2k umol at 18 inches is absolute horseshit
LOL - why would you even WANT that? Thats an unusable light level.
Again, WHY would you even want that? Why would you want to try to grow under what is essentially a spotlight shining in the center of your tent??
just because you put a lense on it doesnt mean its gonna take away light..
Yes, it does, AND it just ruins the spread and makes the light unusable very much beyond the outline of the light's case. I guess that might be ok if you are growing in a 12" x 18" tent. But I need more coverage than that. I don't want to have to use 1 light per 1.5 square feet, and hang them 2 feet from the canopy. It been pretty well established that well dispersed light grow better than highly focused light.
LOL - why would you even WANT that? Thats an unusable light level.

Again, WHY would you even want that? Why would you want to try to grow under what is essentially a spotlight shining in the center of your tent??

Yes, it does, AND it just ruins the spread and makes the light unusable very much beyond the outline of the light's case. I guess that might be ok if you are growing in a 12" x 18" tent. But I need more coverage than that. I don't want to have to use 1 light per 1.5 square feet, and hang them 2 feet from the canopy. It been pretty well established that well dispersed light grow better than highly focused light.

and your same argument proves true having 2 individual focused beams at lower wattage would do better than a single wide spread fixture above at a higher wattage. so...... if you want to talk about spread.....
we arent commercial growing here. having my lights close to my plants creates cross angles that gives bud spots light that are usually in the shade. is how I get my yield because it penetrates the canopy. unless you like lollipoping and scrogging that wide spread light from above dont do shit. it also depends on how big your grow is, if you want to grow gavita style, have the space to do it and go buy gavitas. led's arent made to run like that. they run cool so you can run them close and make your lower buds as dense as the top.
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The guy said he has a VERO Cob and bought the P300 5 years ago. I was in a similar boat then and since bought better lights.

No one is arguing that there are tons of better choices now...

Some of y'all just like to argue..
He's recommending the light to people. He got called on it. Get a grip.
OK, you want some science....

Lenses. Lets start here. Lenses absorb and reflect a portion of the light that shines through them. The best lenses are Fluorite Glass with anti-reflective coatings or "multicoated". This is the kind of glass used in telescopes costing thousands of dollars. They have light transmission approaching 98%. Pretty sure thats not being used here. Ordinary uncoated "float glass" has a light transmission of about 92-93%. So at best you are losing 7% of the photons emitted due to the lenses. I already have to sacrifice 7% of my efficiency to driver losses, now you want me to throw away another 7%?
No thanks. Lenses suck.

PAR. Lets talk about PAR. Its measured in unit called "uMols/s" - its the number of photons emitted by a luminous object every second. Its also referred to as "PPF"'. A 600W HPS light, for example puts out about 1100 uMols/s. A horticultural light's efficiency is defined as "uMols per Joule" (uMols/J). A Joule is equal to one watt. So the 600W HPS light has an efficiency of 1.83 uMols/J. Samsung Strips and Quantum boards can generally hit 2.5 uMols/J efficiency before driver losses. Running them softer can kick that up to 2.7 uMols/J or better. Now, after perusing the Platinum site for about 45 minutes or so, I find all kind of references to "PAR" and how their light has the "highest PAR per Watt". Funny thing is, while they take center spot PPFD measurements - those say nothing about the total output of the light, and I cannot find an actual total PPF number for their lights. None. Nada. Zip. Now why is that?

OK, next I watched the "PAR" video for the 300W light. You know what jumped right out at me? The small oval of light on the floor of the tent. A BRIGHT oval of light with almost nothing outside of it. Even at the 24" height that circle is BARELY larger than the light itself. I don't know about you, but I don't grow in a small 9x19 oval. And while the video claims there are full PAR maps on the website, I could not seem to dig one up. Hmmm.
Thats what lenses do for you - they don't "magnify" the light, they just concentrate it into a smaller area, so your light has poor coverage.

And that spectrum he shows for about half a second? Ummmm…. hate to tell ya but thats a pathetic spectrum, IMHO. A blue spike and a red spike and a nothing much in between. A decent spectrum ought to look something like this:

View attachment 4160328

Thats a white light spectrum. which leads me to...

In the second video, he tries to tell us that "white light is inefficient", because plants "don't absorb much green", which is just pure nonsense. Here is the spectral reflectivity profile of a high nitrogen cannabis leaf:
That small hump at 550 nm is what makes it green. About 90% of the green light falling on it is being absorbed. NOT REFLECTED.

Now I'm not saying its a shit light and you'll get lousy results from it, cuz it will grow weed, just like all the other blurple lights out there, and it'll do it fairly well, like most of the others. But for what it is, its overpriced. MASSIVELY. Almost 400 bucks for a 180 watt light? One that they won't even tell me the actual efficiency in uMols/J? Not a chance.
Exactly what I was looking for thank you for providing some facts! I’m looking for more laymen’s terms but I appreciate the background on your opinion and not just saying “lenses suck”. The thing I liked this light for as a first grow light was that it provides UV light which increases potency and IMO light spectrum does play a part in photosynthesis and this light gives you a small variety in spectrum that the user can customize. NASA has proven that different wavelengths of light have different effects on the way plants grow. And I liked that about this light/ was on a budget. Thank you for providing some real science! It’s taken 27 pages and 3 years in this thread for that to happen. Glad I got this info
I bought a p300 years ago it's shit I got rid of it as fast as I could the cobs I built then kicked the shit out of it. You want some science let us know what diodes the p300 uses I guarantee they are a fraction of the effeciency of anything made in the last 3 years
I do want some science so thanks for that. I’m not going to let you know anything... I asked for people’s opinions that have evidence or science behind there opinion. I don’t. That’s why I’m asking for everyone who are hating on PLED to provide evidence and science behind why it is shit.... or provide a side by side comparison. Yes science would be great. I don’t know the science behind it that’s why I’m asking the people who are swearing against it and say I’m “drinking the kool aid” - I’m not going to believe people without credibility
NASA has proven that different wavelengths of light have different effects on the way plants grow
Yes, thats photomorphology - but that is something altogether different than their claim of white light being "inefficient" for photosynthesis.

And the whole UV thing has really not been established by any serious science - its all mostly blossomed out of one very early study in the 80's and a lot of anecdotal grows. Lots of people have tried it with no difference in their results. Regardless, the tiny UV diodes they toss into the panels, almost as an afterthought, simply doesn't amount to a hill of beans - its like an ant pissing on a house fire. If you want to try UV, Agromax makes some decent UV tubes that actually put out a good amount of UV, similar to what you would see with the mid-day sun.
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The thing I liked this light for as a first grow light was that it provides UV light which increases potency and IMO light spectrum does play a part in photosynthesis and this light gives you a small variety in spectrum that the user can customize.
Guaranteed the UV diodes they use in their panels arent anything to be happy about. If you want UV use a reptile bulb, or better, Agromax makes a pure UV t5 bulb.
UVB diodes cost hundreds of dollars for just 1. They are probably using UVA and not very much of it. So even if there is any added effects from UV, you're not going to get it through the diodes they stuck in it.
NASA may have proven that spectrum plays a role in photosynthesis on plants, but growers here have shown that light intensity plays a bigger role than spectrum alone.
I'm using it and it's not low output. I was under the impression they make thier own lights.

They have two models. One runs Cree and osram diodes and thier lite models run bridgelux.

Not sure what you saw on Alibaba but can you link it?
Ok not low output? What are your ppfd readings? And again what diode? The brand means nothing without a model number
I do want some science so thanks for that. I’m not going to let you know anything... I asked for people’s opinions that have evidence or science behind there opinion. I don’t. That’s why I’m asking for everyone who are hating on PLED to provide evidence and science behind why it is shit.... or provide a side by side comparison. Yes science would be great. I don’t know the science behind it that’s why I’m asking the people who are swearing against it and say I’m “drinking the kool aid” - I’m not going to believe people without credibility
So you think platinum led has credibility? Try whatever you want you will learn its not my money being wasted if your not willing to do your own research you will pay to learn
He's recommending the light to people. He got called on it. Get a grip.

You are being completely unreasonable friend.

I said the Vero COB was a whole step up in performance. If I was recommending a light based on my experiences it would be the COB...hands down.

I happened to mention that I bought the P300's 5 years ago and they ran almost constantly without any problems and they grew great pot (that is the part that really seems to bother you for some wierd reason). The reviews on amazon (at the time) were better than almost anything. No doubt the LED industry has gone into high gear since then and there a ton of choices now that are superior. No one is disputing that..but that doesn't seem to be enough for you.
There are many plants that don't care for green spectrum and blurple is great for those.

You will still yield more on these full spectrum LEDs on a basis of the number of Photons into the canopy per Watt drawn is my gut feeling unless a light has been specifically tuned for a plant.
Ok not low output? What are your ppfd readings? And again what diode? The brand means nothing without a model number

So you think platinum led has credibility? Try whatever you want you will learn its not my money being wasted if your not willing to do your own research you will pay to learn
I don't know. They sponsor here and I tagged them to come answer questions.

I will say that the 175 watts from the unit farm performs about equal to the 200 watts of citizen cobs.

The unit farm is a good light. I trust it over other blurple. It's not a true blurple. It has blue and white diodes for veg and red on the flower switch.

I did catch them in some lies so that's why I tagged them to clarify.
I don't know. They sponsor here and I tagged them to come answer questions.

I will say that the 175 watts from the unit farm performs about equal to the 200 watts of citizen cobs.

The unit farm is a good light. I trust it over other blurple. It's not a true blurple. It has blue and white diodes for veg and red on the flower switch.

I did catch them in some lies so that's why I tagged them to clarify.
They won't respond they are a shady blurple company they put some shitty white led on to ride the white led hype lucky for them most people don't ask what diode they use
I don’t know the science behind it that’s why I’m asking the people who are swearing against it and say I’m “drinking the kool aid” - I’m not going to believe people without credibility

WTF? Where did I "swear against it", or say ANYTHING about you?

I agreed with the one post you like, and you say "I’m not going to believe people without credibility"?
They won't respond they are a shady blurple company they put some shitty white led on to ride the white led hype lucky for them most people don't ask what diode they use

Nah. Now you're just wrong.

They aren't a shitty company. Good people that stand by thier product. They have even answered the question of the diodes before. I can't recall. Xp2 diode for Cree if I remember correctly.

They are on par with what area 51 and Apache were doing.

Im about positive you didn't see them on alibab. You made the claim so it's on you to prove it.

The light works way better than Mars and such.