Play WoW but want to play w/ other stoners...

Sure! I'll send you the info via pm. :)

The thing that turns most people off (and some people on) is the no classes, no leveling, mix and match skill system. I really dig it though, you can customize your toon for any group you're running with. I signed up with the Illuminati and am currently rocking an assault rifle + chaos magic setup.

No classes? No leveling? Count me in!
i played wow for years till i killed deathwing the day the patch came out, then i realized the game really didn't offer a challenge anymore.

i may try panda land out idk yet.

i bought D3 but it sux. the are wowing it up as fast as they can and its not worth playing for at least 6 months.
i played wow for years till i killed deathwing the day the patch came out, then i realized the game really didn't offer a challenge anymore.

i may try panda land out idk yet.

i bought D3 but it sux. the are wowing it up as fast as they can and its not worth playing for at least 6 months.

Heard that from other people about D3 too...heard the servers are down during peak hours often times. That would piss me off. Going to decide after Mists of Pandaria if I'm going to keep playing WoW. They need to just do a complete overhaul of the game...keep hearing rumors of a new MMORPG from Blizz but we shall see. Elder scrolls MMO might be the shit...
d3 is just fine. I will admit servers are a bit sketchy. but if the fans get over the fact that d3 is not d2, if you want d2 then install that. I enjoyed it, cant wait for an expansion to act V
d3 is just fine. I will admit servers are a bit sketchy. but if the fans get over the fact that d3 is not d2, if you want d2 then install that. I enjoyed it, cant wait for an expansion to act V

i agree to a certain degree, stat and skill stacking was my favorite part of D2 thus i hate D3 dew the fact that every time any awesome builds are found they are broken with in days by the developers. its not the same kind of game as wow, imo, but they keep trying to follow all the wow rules. They have a set idea about how they want you to fight in the game, and if you find any other way then that specific one they have chosen the nerf the skills or stats that allow you to do it.

it was not a big deal when it was all virtual, but now that items have real money value they are actually taking real money from you every time they mess up your gear.

Imagine if brokerage companies were able to adjust stock values at there will....... that's what D3 is, and yes they profit by making you have to get new gear.
Could we kinda get back to What we wanna do. We are all going to be on the wrong servers with any mains we might have now. Do we want to go horde or Alliance? PVP server or Normal server.

How do we decide this? What are our goals do we want to raid or just quest and level toons.

How wants to be the boss?

I have ten lvl 85s on Aerie Peak US server. I am alliance. All of them. I don't have a problem starting a new alt to play on. I don't care if it's horde or not. I don't raid on any of my guys. I don't have the time.

Are we starting a guild? That would be best I think. to keep track of each other.
Someone pull the trigger, go to random server. We can make toons, create guild called "RIU runners" or RIU growers" or something of the like. Booting up my pc now and if t isn't done in like 5-10 minutes, I'll do it.
low pop or high pop?

would it be best to make it a server with someones main so they can bank roll the lvling and what not?
I'm thinking mid. Dalaran? Easier to get out the better short, simple to remember (keep in mind we are all stoners).

: as my typing above shows. Lol. The easier to get the word out the better*