I just signed up for the secret world Beta.
Sure! I'll send you the info via pm.
The thing that turns most people off (and some people on) is the no classes, no leveling, mix and match skill system. I really dig it though, you can customize your toon for any group you're running with. I signed up with the Illuminati and am currently rocking an assault rifle + chaos magic setup.
No classes? No leveling? Count me in!
i played wow for years till i killed deathwing the day the patch came out, then i realized the game really didn't offer a challenge anymore.
i may try panda land out idk yet.
i bought D3 but it sux. the are wowing it up as fast as they can and its not worth playing for at least 6 months.
If they do an Elder Scrolls MMO and it is pretty much like Skyrim (or even Oblivion) then I'd join in a heartbeat...
If they do an Elder Scrolls MMO and it is pretty much like Skyrim (or even Oblivion) then I'd join in a heartbeat...
If they do an Elder Scrolls MMO and it is pretty much like Skyrim (or even Oblivion) then I'd join in a heartbeat...
d3 is just fine. I will admit servers are a bit sketchy. but if the fans get over the fact that d3 is not d2, if you want d2 then install that. I enjoyed it, cant wait for an expansion to act V