Human behavior 101
If Nazi's with clubs and shields walked into a Black neighborhood to cause mayhem, social violence and the real thing. What would the response of the community's young men/women (any community). Would sensible people with wisdom (the chiefs, any race) not harness and organize such courage and zeal. Such love and energy of warriors with their families and communities at their back, it's hard to defeat people, when organized and properly directed. It can make a community as a whole, look and in fact be, intelligent, strong and decisive, (any community) in the face a stupid emotionally and socially retarded group of savages. This is good in the context of the larger nation too, it shows these people are wise and have resolve, it also divides those who would hate you and your wife and children, for who you are, a human being.
Ya need generals too, wise ones are best, just like chiefs (any group of humans), that's who they are really are. Commander and chief comes to mind, thought not the current one. Donald couldn't lead a pack of wild dogs, they would be wise enough to rip him to pieces and have a nice meal too, even dogs can be creative and solve two problems at once, with cooperative social action. Let's see if American's are smart as a fucking dog! Some won't be, they are the trolls, racists, psycho's trolls, those driven by fear and the hate it generates, and that cause the view of reality to get fucked up, along with the cowardly asshole holding delusional the view.
That does not mean a group of thugs might not leave a community naked, with the shit beat out of them and wearing hot tar or molasses (as you please) and chicken feathers with with plastic wire ties on their wrists, behind their backs too! It would make the NAZI's look real stupid for the TV cameras, their shame would live forever on YouTube too. Courts have a hard time with that too, if a good defense team and good intent is presented, better than killing the cocksucker's yer honor! I was one of the nice ones! Great on appeal and damn good PR!