please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Grinders are good for bud that's been super compressed in the vac sealing, or if you have to smoke wet weed. otherwise i'm not a fan
Hey,oil tip..the little (what my wife calls 'corn knobbys') handles you stick into corn on the cob to hold it..make great dabbers...
I'm not really a pro with scissors..I broke my right wrist into basically 13 little chunks when I was a I don't move too well with that hand..BUT,the orange fiskars you get at office depot are razor sharp and have a reflex spring so it does make it easier..
Having a really fucked up day. Some days the world can have a dark tint. I am making decisions today that have very dark overtones but need to be made. All we can do is keep fighting through..its a fucking grind out here in Babylon...knee deep in shit but I fight like hell.

Send some good vibrations, meditation, and prayer this way.... just pull for the good guys today....righteousness and love

God damn, the good guys never win. This is a fucked up planet out here in Fat City.... well, I certainly took a giant bite out of Babylon this go around....sucked on the fat for a while and swallowed hard, but the man always comes around to get collect his due.
still have what I need and that is powerful love and a amazing wife but shit is dark today in imps world.
I took a really big loss today and it is hitting hard....
I've never been that drunk. I've seen some very convincing drag queens. He is not one of them.

I like the even burn with a grinder. And I can always add the kief back. Though usually I just pack another bowl and periodically dump the kief into a little mason jar and make MrE mix oil when there's enough to make it worthwhile.
I need to get a real BHO tube. The stopper I have doesn't form a gas tight seal with my baster.
It's been a long one.
I've seen that pic reason I hated clubbin in ny..never could tell exactly what type of club you were
And I do NOT wanna see any pancakes after getting off work..and dealing with my son..that's all that boy wants to eat!!
ok ok no panny cakes fer you rory! I would also like to add that i am dieter and this is sprockets! [video=youtube_share;gaWCHSofq9A][/video] I am happy as a little gurrrrrl!
Thanks but I tracked it down and was watching it while you't those the nhilists in the big lebowski?lol..don't take this the wrong way guys,but there's something peculiar about a jewish person,portraying a german,who's shocking someone in a chair..just saying it to clear my head..weird!

I shave horses also.
One of my all time favorites...Big Lebowski....I love the Cohen Brothers.... No Country For Old Men.....Raising Arizona
Something about that Yodel sends me back to a beautiful nostalgia. ....
Thanks but I tracked it down and was watching it while you't those the nhilists in the big lebowski?lol..don't take this the wrong way guys,but there's something peculiar about a jewish person,portraying a german,who's shocking someone in a chair..just saying it to clear my head..weird!

I shave horses also.
Indeed i have a very weird ,dark sense of humor at times. [video=youtube_share;sNXmQ23dHmc][/video] It appears that there's a plethora of talents that come outa kitchens staff here in the good ole u.s of the a!:peace: