please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

Seriously,I'm about to spin my wife out..she's got a lot of growing up to do..she blew all her savings on xmas,didn't bother to tell we have no food in the house..she needs a healthy dose..maybe then shell think!!!..if it works I'm dosing the senate
I can see Rory now... "take 5 hits and go think about what you've done" reminds me of my grandmother telling me "go stand in the corner and think about what you've done" All joking aside cant say much as I'm the financially irresponsible one in my current relationship.

Green just be thankful she doesn't mind you tripping, even if she doesn't partake. My ex wife killed all my plants, smashed my glass piece , and swore weed was evil.... yeah that was a long 8 years.... I've been with my girl for a little over a year and she is very straight edge. I was shocked when one day she said "so are you gonna let me try those truffle thingys you like so much?" Maybe one day your girl will want to trip with you too :p

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i wasted many years on an ex like that too, man was that hell.

and you're right, maybe one day she'll come around. i did make a slightly good impression on her friday- she was out for the day so i took 4 blotters i had in hopes of having a decent day. they were very very weak though, felt like i only had one, so i just spent the day cleaning the house. needless to say she was happy about it when she came back, and i made sure to point out "see how productive i can be on acid?" lol

i was hoping to go to mars though, and i didnt even land on the moon, just orbited a little. better luck next time.
The shit I put up with for a place to put my penis is really what that means...

LMAO my ex's vodoo punani is the only thing ever miss about her! "never underestimate the power of pussy. Just one hair can drag a freight train 10 miles uphill" Seriously though, I love my gf to death... but it wasn't my ex wifes personality that made me put up with her... sigh...Im a bad person lol

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Ill be honest and say she lack in that area also..but with my freak ex fiancee,it will allways be like holding a candle to the sun..she was wild!
Oh well,shit or improve or it won't..untill then,there is hash.
Anyone ever have the blues on LSD and listen to Blood On the Tracks? Intense man. Fucking real. That trip yesterday was solid. Heavy shit man....
Ugh I wish I had some weed or lsd right now.... I travel for work 2 weeks a month. I figured being alone tonight wouldnt be that bad. Id skype my girl and play some games on my tablet. Have a beer at midnight and get some sleep (work at 6am .) Yep was gonna enjoy just being alone and relaxing.... then my ex wife text me about 15 minutes ago. Now im just pissed at her and depressed im alone....

Sorry needed a place to vent...

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I not going to let it totally ruin my evening. My divorce gets finalized on the 2nd. I knew the "why cant we still be friends" call or text was coming lol. Just wasn't expecting it to be tonight. I really want to just let her have it.... but that wont solve anything

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Remember the reason youre depressed and how it happened..that should do the trick..usually no man puts his hand on a burner your girlfriend seems waaaaay cooler..
And stop answering the makes anyone who wants you to pick up go fucking nutzo crazy!lol
Im good, and I don't answer... she texted me.

Its all good, I wasnt depressed bc of her... I just wanted to be home with my girl for new years. One more day of work and then ill be back home. I got some magic truffles waiting for me too :p

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Just thought I would stop by and say what a beautiful morning it has been...gorgeous sunrise, made some wonderful music with my cousin, cup of coffee and I have a half day at work...what a wonderful day I can feel it's going to be a good one for all you...lovin you
What's up everyone? Hope you all had good Holidaze! I have only been on a couple times. Been busy, and started working again... not used to working anymore, so I'm dead tired after.