please don't dominate the rap jack if you got nothing new to say

It's good to be back here. I have not tripped in a while. I will take mescaline soon as I can. I'm trying to find someone to trip with. I have tripped alone for the past couple years. It's great to trip alone but having a partner makes it much better. I have some great san Pedro ready.... There is no LSD around here. If there is it is some old deadheads private stash
I was going to go to a baseball game Giants v Dodgers in San Francisco on mescaline but that will have to wait now... My brother was going to fly in for work but the plans changed. Some have said a large crowded ball game is not a good place to trip. But I'm a psychonaut and not looking for the easy controlled trip playing with blacklights. I'm in it for the weirndess and good old fashion adventure
It's good to be back here. I have not tripped in a while. I will take mescaline soon as I can. I'm trying to find someone to trip with. I have tripped alone for the past couple years. It's great to trip alone but having a partner makes it much better. I have some great san Pedro ready.... There is no LSD around here. If there is it is some old deadheads private stash
you still thinking of moving to oregon?ill still fly out either way...i wanna go to those falls!
The energy at big sporting games like that in stadiums is so fucking powerful.... It's somewhat of a trip even for the most sober mind. It might be easy to get overwhelmed while being there on a psychedelic for most people. I would definitely want to dose up a little something though :bigjoint:
No I am staying in California Central Valley . My dad took me back and I have been kicking ass at work. Making money . The business is growing like crazy. If and when I graduate with a ag science major I am going to take over the business so he can retire. We are getting along great. ... I have a gift in sales believe it or not. I am really good at it for whatever reason and I have had a whole career in retail to strengthen that skill. So my dad is happy to have me back ... I have always worked hard ... Money solves all problems and that's just it.
Yes rory! Let us plan this meeting! If not ill fly out there. Give me a festival your going to this summer and I will make a good attempt to go. Havasu falls or any reason to come to California ! I'm so down to have some fun. Last two years have been really hard on me. I have earned some fun
interlocken is 20mins from my house literally..glad you and your pops are good and your buisness is thriving! yes we should catch up,everyone needs a break..this past winter was hell on me financially(400bucks a month for heating oil!wtf!) but im crawling out quickly from the debts and need a week of fun and no worries..
no way id let my buddy stay in a,its a camp there(nice campgrounds btw) can buy the vip tickets and get
huge army type barracks tents,with cots and pillows,electricity..and a.c. bathrooms..or super vip where you have a free open bar,catering for meals with the bands,stage seating and your own golfcart with chauffeur.,or rent their r.v.s ..there is a few differeng option,the only ones that will be left soon will be day passes and general camping,and im sure those will be available at the gate..all the other tickets are gonna sell out between now and julyish most likely..if you do want a room they have options of getting one here in my town,and giving you shuttle rides there(20mins away) or,you can stay at wintergreen ski resort for about 3k all weekend,includes tickets and a 4 room suite with everything essential..up to you!
just read the info page on the know where i live so deduce your option/preference and click "enter".lol