Please dont post how your seeds arrive!!!!

sir rance alot

Active Member
Thanks to all the people with common sense here.......Thats all this post was for...Not that you might get busted because you posted how your seeds arrived....but the fact that it serves no purpose to post details of something that changes several hands during shipping...

its not a debate on posting details on your grow, details on your strains, or details of the place you buy from or how much you spent....It is a simple favor that a fellow grower is asking of all of you....

Just dont post details of how your seeds arrive....Its not like im asking you to give me something expensive or something that requires the slightest bit of effort on your part.

Peace.....and good growin


Active Member
I think most of you that are ranting about paranoia and people being scared, worried or otherwise, are missing the fucking point!! It's about fucking respect you god damn degenerates! The respect for the businesses and the respect for the people that feel strongly about the subject of not sharing stealth shipping methods. That's what it boils down to. For those of you that think it's paranoia... Wouldn't you feel a little pissed off, betrayed or disrespected if you gave some pot or sold some pot to someone and they just went and told someone else where they got it from, how they got it, how much they paid etc. I think you would. Now I know we're talking about seeds here, and not pot, but seriously you have to look beyond your own ignorance. In this case, ignorance is definitely not bliss


Well-Known Member
I think most of you that are ranting about paranoia and people being scared, worried or otherwise, are missing the fucking point!! It's about fucking respect you god damn degenerates! The respect for the businesses and the respect for the people that feel strongly about the subject of not sharing stealth shipping methods. That's what it boils down to. For those of you that think it's paranoia... Wouldn't you feel a little pissed off, betrayed or disrespected if you gave some pot or sold some pot to someone and they just went and told someone else where they got it from, how they got it, how much they paid etc. I think you would. Now I know we're talking about seeds here, and not pot, but seriously you have to look beyond your own ignorance. In this case, ignorance is definitely not bliss
LMAO. Need some bars...?? sound stressed out dude.


Totally agree and if you don't think there's cops on this forum ur crazy..I've been tryin to figure out who owns this site. Alot of forums are owned by the governmnt so keep that in mind when giving away details
The cops are probably reading this now!!! So no don't post any info that they dont need to know!!! Let them do their job and figure it out, that is their job and what they get paid to do!!! So dont do their job for them, unless you want to be considered as one of them!!!snitch!!!


Active Member
revealing stealth doesn't matter.

it's not like the DEA can't order themselves and see what the packaging is. also there's eleventy billion forums showing exactly how to stealth ship using a bunch of different methods with pics. every bank I've ordered from uses the standard corrugated board and Qtip method.


Active Member
Some people just don't get it.... why can't some people just leave well enough alone? answer... cause they are stupid.... loose lips sink ships....


Well-Known Member
It best not to broadcast shipping methods. A poster who does so is happy to get his seeds, but should be considerate of fellow members.

Providing stealth shipping details assists the authorities only. Knowledge is power. No one wants their seeds seized by Customs, sterilized by irradiation, or crushed.

And to some of the members yelping about paranoia, I have a suggestion: Start growing. :leaf:

Obviously you don't know the true meaning of the word.


Active Member
I just got my first seed order ever and I havnt said a word as to how they were shipped or packaged. Runnin your mouth ruins it for you and everyone else, think before you speak. Discretion is the name of the game. Or as Ron Burgundy would say, "When in Rome."


Active Member
Once again. If you think law enforcement doesn't already know about super secret ninja stealth shipping, you're a moron.


Well-Known Member
stealth shipping ...

A hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahaahah

if the feds want to know how they are being shipped they will spend 45 dollars.

to think hiding seeds in a wallet is stealth is stupid. you found them, why wouldn't the feds? if a package is being searched, it is going to be SEARCHED. :dunce:

how much you all pay for "stealth"?



Active Member
I have two things to say. The first comes from Mr. Barry Cooper, whom we should all be familiar with.

It's not paranoia if it's actually happening. This works the same way as fear. You've all heard the saying "There's nothing to fear but fear itself." Well, that's just not true. Fear is a mechanism by which our species protects itself. Being afraid of clowns is irrational, but being afraid of a mass murdering psychopath who's killing people in your town is logical and healthy. Similarly, being paranoid about the felony in your basement is also logical and healthy.

Second, the feds don't need your help to find out what seeds are being shipped in. That said, there's no possible benefit to posting the shipping method, so just don't. If you really want to know what kind of package your seed are going to come in, wait until they arrive and find out, then keep it to yourself.