please dwc help

Seriously though get a life this post is old as shit I asked a dumd question and got dumb answers and apparently a couple dummies too the horse is dead let it rest....but rest assured the next time I come up with an odd idea I'll post itfor you to have something to smile about
LMFAO, you really need to get a life (yes, i do too). I didn't have to go to college to understand/learn 100x what you know.

Heres some advice, next time you hop on a thread asking for help, DONT FUCKING ARGUE and be a cunt. You obviously didnt know shit, haven't spent more than 10 minutes on google,and likely NEVER spent more than 10-12 days in a horticultural class. Blatant Lying and uneducated arguing, those are my main issues with newbies.

Heres what you should think about.
But true dwc doesn't involve nan air pump bro
I'm not understanding the joke I'm 25 and I've grown plants in more weird shit then that hell the clones are in plastic shot glasses now with coco peat And I've used a pencil box b4 2 was a bonsai fail tho I'm sorry u chose to make fum rather than help but my mind frame is grow these everywhere overgrow the country until the shit is out of control x 10 hell grow a tree in a tree
Help or fuk off
Dude how much more looking into it can you do than being in school for HORTICULTURE the SCIENCE of making PLANTS FLOWER and that's what we are shooting for huh so yeah you to eat a fat one if you're not going to help hell go on YouTube cause u probably are better there than class and then type dwc and see if you see pumps in the beds of whatever veggies their growing tata STAY OFF THE THREAD IF YOU NOT BEING POSITIVE
Basically, points are
re-read this thread once you've learned stuff, also its not about mindframe, its much more about knowledge, skill, and equipment/supplies.
go to youtube and quit being an arrogant shit, take your own advice. Its clear you never youtubed dwc. Pumps galore. Even in rdwc.

Seriously though get a life this post is old as shit I asked a dumd question and got dumb answers and apparently a couple dummies too the horse is dead let it rest....
You started the thread ~ 1 week ago. So not "old as shit". Maybe old in the sense that the entertainment value is dropping.
And your most recent posts in this thread (besides these newer ones) were from ~12 hours ago...

I think,
mcdonalds was made for unintelligent fucks with no future (like you). That goes for the workers and the faithful everyday consumers.
I think,
you should learn more and use your brain to its fullest (or have an iq above 140) before calling people dummies.
I think,
you should already have an understanding on something before trying to MAJOR in it.
I think,
being an asshole on a thread only invites more assholes.
I think,
the shows probably over now, the horse has been kicked while its down.

I hope to god you were just trolling and that isn't your everyday personality.
If so,good job.
If you werent trolling,
all i can say is "only in FUCKIN 'MMURICA!"
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