Please help a new grower

Lol bunch of haters.

I grow more and better weed than allllll of you.
You think my plants are sick then i would hate to see any of yours.

Still no pics from you wannabes!
I brought my plant indoors for 36 hours to start the flowering phase. I've been doing 12/12 light for two days now. The newer leaves are getting a little better but some are still browning. This is my first plant ever. It's outdoors I keep it shaded sometimes due to high heat outside. I use regular water to water it. And am using miracle grow moisture control. Could it be from foreign debris on the leaves from being in my closet for 36 hours? Or heat stress? Anyone please? Also should I remove the dying leaves or let nature work it's magic ?View attachment 3951707 View attachment 3951709 View attachment 3951713
Hello I know I am new here but, I do have a few years of growing experience and have grown successfully in Miracle Grow before. Anyways, I am not sure if you got any decent answers yet that won't cause more trouble. If you try to flush you may drowned the poor ladies. I went through the same issue a not too long ago.

From looking at the deficiency chart it looks like a Magnesium deficiency which is understandable since Miracle Grow does not contain a lot and after about a month it starts running out. Cannabis loves that and Calcium. I would say get some Cal-Mag and try giving them a light dose by foliar feeding. I use half of what the bottle says to use but, you can do the recommended amount. I would spray a little at first and see if things start to look any better.
Could be Zinc deficient as well but, I would just start with one thing at a time. This is just my opinion. The best advice that I have got from this forum I think is don't do anything to drastic. I mean unless you are just going to just re plant in some better soil which is always an option. Best of luck with your ladies.
Miracle grow with time release nutes will cause lockout as you can see. Also looks like iy got a little watm. But you need to flush with 5 gallons of water. Wait 1 day. Then transplant into something better. Try fox farm it will work great for at least 2 months. Fox farm ocean forest or fox farm strawberry fields.
After transplant water only when the pot is very light when picked up and water tp 20 percent runoff. In the future do not use miracle grow. If you have to you need to sift any pieces of wood larger than half a penny. And mix in at least 30 percent prelite. This is the only way to get miracle grow to do a half way decent job. But i would recommed not using it.

MG is formulated to screw up Cannabis! This was said by a high ranking Scotts official in an interview after they bought G&H.

"FLUSHING" will make the problem worse! You can't "flush" the bad out of MG soils - PERIOD!
Flushing that much will screw the pH simply by the media staying wet so long!

Years and years ago, I tried to make MG powdered nutrient work.....It can BUT, is still needing to be supplemented with proper micro's and Ca/Mg. Not to mention P/K is off. It's not worth doing or even trying - you can not grow out to potentials with the crap...

FF soils will NOT acceptably run 2 months!

Miracle grow should not be used by beginner's........and if your not a beginner.......that makes you tell the guy to use go get the 20-20-20 and feed heavy?

Part 1 - correct!

The use of a balanced NPK is done and well by some. I can run a 20-20-20 and be successful.....1/4 strength = 5-5-5. Not my favorite ratio but, it can be made to work.

Bottom line is NO SOILS BY MG! (NO soils that self feed for that matter) Don't use MG ferts!

Just because something can work. Doesn't mean you should try!

BTW, I dislike FF nutrients! Terrible charting and the powdered ultra high P&K shit,,,,,is for flowers! Cha - Ching that! :roll:
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They'll be back when they find some free wifi ......I'm sure there both out panhandling or swallowing sausage to get a few bucks together.....gotta be a paying customer to enjoy the free wifi ........unless they just man up and jump in front of a moving car has wifi as well

But I don't see either of these dudes having the balls to do that..((sigh))

I'm guessing three testicles and around 11 years of schooling between the two of em.
Lots of mouth diarrhea......but no you even grow weed?
Post some more pics of the set up, should be entertaining , I mean impressive.
Where are your pics? And i mean of plants YOU are growing. Not your girlfriend bobs pics. Or stolen google image search pics

Think your growing tomatoes not weed.......
MG is formulated to screw up Cannabis! This was said by a high ranking Scotts official in an interview after they bought G&H.

"FLUSHING" will make the problem worse! You can't "flush" the bad out of MG soils - PERIOD!
Flushing that much will screw the pH simply by the media staying wet so long!

Years and years ago, I tried to make MG powdered nutrient work.....It can BUT, is still needing to be supplemented with proper micro's and Ca/Mg. Not to mention P/K is off. It's not worth doing or even trying - you can not grow out to potentials with the crap...

FF will NOT acceptably run 2 months!

Part 1 - correct!

The use of a balanced NPK is done and well by some. I can run a 20-20-20 and be successful.....1/4 strength = 5-5-5. Not my favorite ratio but, it can be made to work.

Bottom line is NO SOILS BY MG! (NO soils that self feed for that matter) Don't use MG ferts!

Just because something can work. Doesn't mean you should try!

BTW, I dislike FF nutrients! Terrible charting and the powdered ultra high P&K shit,,,,,is for flowers! Cha - Ching that! :roll:
I was attempting to get him to transplant out of the MG after flushing and get into something more friendly. Guess i should have suggested something besides FF?
Just thought it would be easiest for him.

Any suggestion on something other than FF thats bagged and ready to go and is easy to get ahold of?
Bob.......if married to mr sunshine that make him your husband not your wife.

Still no pics from your fake ass....
Damn dude.

Early morning meltdown!

I've done this before. If your plants were semi-worthy I'd post a bunch of my shots that would shut you the fuck up.

You're not even CLOSE to my level. Find my pics yourself. It's really easy to find images I've posted.

But then again you're a fucking idiot so...

If you keep suckling my dick hard enough maybe I'll play. Gotta go though. Your moms here.
Damn dude.

Early morning meltdown!

I've done this before. If your plants were semi-worthy I'd post a bunch of my shots that would shut you the fuck up.

You're not even CLOSE to my level. Find my pics yourself. It's really easy to find images I've posted.

But then again you're a fucking idiot so...
You dont have pics or you would post them. Doubting you even grow at this point. And if me writing a response is a meltdown What do you call you ranting and racing for hours after i left the thread? Typica bob behavior.

Your a joke. Get used to it.
This was grown in Miracle Grow. You just need to time it right so you can flush them. Of course never hurts to add a bunch of perlite and have plenty of holes in the bottom of your container. Yes you may see some Banana's from the light leeks I had. Other than that I got a little more than an oz with like 2/23 watt and 1/13 watt CFL lights. I know seems shitty but, one the up side it was great smoke and got some good hash from it too.P4180019.JPG P4180013.JPG