Didn't keep it. It was listed here in another thread in 2015......I think the bit was from Big Buds mag - the AN propaganda rag.
I get a piece from them about it in a search but, it's not the same piece as was listed here in 15. Another point is that I wasn't the first to list that about the Scott's guy admitting that......
Doing a quick search here - Nope can't find the right one, maybe my wording?
Last ditch b4 I have to go - making a call......"jeopardy music plays".....
OK, here's what I got. The guy from Scott's who admitted the soil formulation thing - Jim King.
It was in an interview with "some business" magazine and the piece in BigBuds mag has been heavily edited from it's original printed form. That part (and others) was taken from the Business mag without permission and the whole piece was basically rewritten and reposted on the AN/BB site. It's why it's not there anymore........"Biz" - something, she thinks was in the name....
Thank you Tom tom for your help...
Sorry, best that can be done right now - gotta fly!