Good eye is that yours?Can't tell yet, whoever said it's a girl, because he can see hairs, should get some glasses. This is what you should see if it's a female.
Good eye is that yours?
You sure you weren't looking at the pic i posted? Cause his internode can't see any preflower coming up at all.In that 2nd pic you posted, there looks to be a small female preflower coming in on the right side of the internode. I'm 95% sure it's a female.
As for the first pic, it's impossible to tell. Those hair-looking things sticking out, are called "stipules" and both sexes have them. Wait another day or two, then post some new close-ups of the upper internodes, and we'll be abkle to tell ya for certain, that it's female. Actually, I know it is. We just need another day, to confirm it 110%.![]()