I have 2 dwc plant im giving a go. Its my first time with hydro. Ive been growing for 6 years now and ready to try hydro. My 2 dwc plants are healthy but the roots dont look like they should. I am running full line of Fox farm just shy of full strength. I am 6 weeks in veg with one and 3 with the other. The roots are brown not slimy but brown. I have a 38 watt commercial air pump with a 4 way splitter one valve is off the two for my 5 gal dwc are full blast the other is half open. My rez temps when i first started was 75 to 78 not there at 70 last week a had them as low as 65 but dont no why there sittin a little high. I tried hiesenbergs benni tea but no difference. There is white roots but tangles in the brown roots like a tennes ball. They are clumped up. THats on both plants my ph has been good has dropped a couple of time but sittin good. Im using blulab for my meters as they are the best alleged atleast. Why are they brown but my plants are healthy. My 6 week plant is about 2 feet off the top of the bucket. And atleast a foot wide. They are both super healthy and new growth daily. Is it to much water movement and the roots keep getting broke. I am using this pump so i dont have to stir my nutes daily. Why are they browning. I have definetly seen more white roots since i dropped the rez temps but they turn translucent almost like see through. Please help i know can tell me what im doing wrong. Im thinking its to much air flow and breaking my roots.