Please i need help lots of confusion

I have 2 dwc plant im giving a go. Its my first time with hydro. Ive been growing for 6 years now and ready to try hydro. My 2 dwc plants are healthy but the roots dont look like they should. I am running full line of Fox farm just shy of full strength. I am 6 weeks in veg with one and 3 with the other. The roots are brown not slimy but brown. I have a 38 watt commercial air pump with a 4 way splitter one valve is off the two for my 5 gal dwc are full blast the other is half open. My rez temps when i first started was 75 to 78 not there at 70 last week a had them as low as 65 but dont no why there sittin a little high. I tried hiesenbergs benni tea but no difference. There is white roots but tangles in the brown roots like a tennes ball. They are clumped up. THats on both plants my ph has been good has dropped a couple of time but sittin good. Im using blulab for my meters as they are the best alleged atleast. Why are they brown but my plants are healthy. My 6 week plant is about 2 feet off the top of the bucket. And atleast a foot wide. They are both super healthy and new growth daily. Is it to much water movement and the roots keep getting broke. I am using this pump so i dont have to stir my nutes daily. Why are they browning. I have definetly seen more white roots since i dropped the rez temps but they turn translucent almost like see through. Please help i know can tell me what im doing wrong. Im thinking its to much air flow and breaking my roots.


Active Member
Hmm? what color are your buckets? and can you take a pic of your roots? and if your plants pretty old some browning is nothing dont worry bro, just as long as new roots are still growing and ur plants look healthy ur goood. + rep for switching to dwc. i loved it after i switched


Active Member
and if you have a fan put it close pointing at your buckets it helps reduce the heat by keeping hot air build up away from the bucket

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
The brown might just be discoloration from nutes, or not. I say when in doubt use h2o2 and kill everything in there that might be a problem.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Yes - Pics please. The brown colour could be stain from your nutes, so like DJ said don't wory as long as the plant is overall healthy.

You didn't transplant from soil to DWC, did you?

Air-pump. Yours is 5x the power (38w/2) of what I'm using per plant, but I can't really see air bubbles causing root damage. I always have root mass/pieces in my water when I do the weekly change, but my root ball is good.


As you can see, the roots are kinda a tan colour.

Good luck.


New Member
Stain can be from nutes as well when I ran Botanicare nutes they stained them on day one and throughout the grow. I now use Dyna line and Aquashiled and every time my roots are like this no questions.


guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
its not from too much air. like these guys said its probably staining from your nutes. how do they smell? ph dropping during veg can be an indicator that pythium is present. generally your ph should rise during mature veg and the first couple weeks of bloom. in my opinion the safest thing to do is run mineral salt based ferts, use h202 + hygrozyme, and do frequent change outs.


New Member
its not from too much air. like these guys said its probably staining from your nutes. how do they smell? ph dropping during veg can be an indicator that pythium is present. generally your ph should rise during mature veg and the first couple weeks of bloom. in my opinion the safest thing to do is run mineral salt based ferts, use h202 + hygrozyme, and do frequent change outs.
Also MORE common and probably the case ph drop is from OVER FEEDING! Every grower should know ph and its actions/reactions to the uptake of the plant and not just "oh what ph range should I be in?" I mean I grew like that then realized I was one of those and then researched what the positive/negative ions are in the water for ph and how the plant absorbs or gives them off with feeding. Its not rocket science just a little work, unfortunately many growers do not want to put in.

I mean your roots brown too, you know what it "could also be" is nute burn! Too much and the nutes will brown the roots (overfeeding not staining) and then die causing root rot, pythium etc.. so if he does have this it was probably because he over feed them the most common cause, unfortunately people are naive and blame other things.

I mean we can only suggest, but you need to break things down one at a time and eliminate the possibilities for yourself. Most people don't and take someones word no matter correct, erroneous, misinformed or any other thing that could taint the information provided and that alone can cause massive delays in becoming the grower you want to become.


Active Member
I am having the same problem with my DWC buckets roots are going brown but not slimy using the botanicare nute line and plants are very healthy but roots concern me :(. My water temps around 65-73, ph. at 5.5-6.2 usually around the 5.5 range. Change the water every 10 days I am worried about my babies

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
could be a lot of things, hard to say without pics and daily ec and ph details. having a plant that is in water culture, has been vegging for six weeks, and is only two feet tall and one foot wide would suggest there could be multiple problems at work. like the blue guy said it could be as basic as simply overfeeding. if your ec and water level are dropping daily and your ph continues to drop you alomst certainly have pathogens in your root zone.
its not overfeeding cuz if it was burning the roots it would burn the plant and affect growth. My water is straight churning like causing it to have a high spot were the air is pushing the water. Hard to explain. If it cant be the movement of water and im keeping my ppms at 1100. Wich is slightly less than full strength. I had ran liquid karma two rez changes ago and that is when things were really a problem. But i also had temps at 75. Size of the plant isnt everything about growth. some plants just dont get huge. also i have fimmed her 2 weeks ago so thus the reason of slowing down vertical growth. I will post pics tonight. Oh and black buckets. Im thinking of wrapping in poly with white out of course. I appreciate all your guys help, and no we will figure it out.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
well if there is no slime and you feel like a two foot plant after 6 weeks of veg is right on schedule....maybe its just a liquid karma stain. 1000-1200 ppm seems pretty high to me. i veg at 600-700 with a .68 conversion meter. hope you figure it out...good luck.
Hear pics of the plants side view and the bigger ones top view. I will post pics of roots tomarow evening before rez change and after its flush Im going to try running the ppm at 800 and see how it works also going to add aquashield my question is how much. Side View.jpgTop View.jpg
please need some more info getting ready to rez change in a few hours and need some info. How much aqua shield BBcheese said 10ml/gal in another thread also water level were should it be.

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
i have never used aquashield as i run sterile systems only. after plants are established i run 3-4 inches below the bottom of the cup. (im still trying to wrap my head around your "size of the plant isnt the only thing about growth" statement.)
how tall a plant is for its age doesnt mean its healthy or not. Some strains grow tall some small some purple some not. Its just horticulture a cherry tomatoe is different from beefsteak. Sweet corn is different from yellow and feed corn. this strain is typically tall but not what i want. So i fimmed at 2 weeks to keep her from shooting up now she has gotten hella wide and is trying to shoot at every node on every branch. Would love to see how big some of your strains are at 6weeks from rooted cutting. Had topped of each bucket 2 day ago dropped ppms to 900 and will Drop them to 800 for this res will try aquashield at 10ml. Guerrilla Medic, and everyone else i didnt mean to sound arragant for saying that its not overfeeding cuz it prob is. I hope its part stain part over fert. I am going to switch to dyna gro product line wondering what i should get tho i no grow and bloom. Should i get any thing else. Like Pro-Tek

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
SSCN0994.JPGSSCN1074.JPGSSCN1075.JPGSSCN1073.JPGSSCN0883.JPGim just trying to help ya corkybuds. every strain i ever ran had to be flipped at 2-3 weeks in water culture otherwise i cant keep em outta the ceiling so i dont have any pictures of plants at wk 6 of veg for you to compare with. i use dixie cups instead of net pots. 10 gallon sterilites in my recirculators and 18 g in the stand alones. no drip. . . . . .lets contrast a few famous quotes in parting
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein (1879-1955) "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)"I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have."
- Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) " Size of the plant isnt everything about growth"

