Please just look at pics and diagnosis please


So idk what that is on the leaves please tell me how to fix And the seedlings I started longer before the other ones are not getting any bigger while the others ones I started like a week after and there bigger and quicker? Any help is appreciated 1st time grower completely new to it thanks


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Indoor? Outdoor? Lights? Temperature? Humidity? Nutrients you're feeding? Nutrient/water mixture pH? Medium you're using?
Are they all in the same soil? Are you feeding them? Lots of critical things going on beneath the soil surface.
I wouldn't worry about a few minor leaf abnormalities, especially when growing outside. Pay attention to the new growth as opposed to the old fan leaves.
Outdoor the soil is just garden and vegetable soil what is the cheapest nutrients to use growing outdoor waiting on a grow tentnow in the mail cannot grow indoor and I have ses 203 I think I'll use that tonight
Are they all in the same soil? Are you feeding them? Lots of critical things going on beneath the soil surface.
I wouldn't worry about a few minor leaf abnormalities, especially when growing outside. Pay attention to the new growth as opposed to the old fan leaves.
Thank u and please read my comment below
The leaves showing the squiggly lines in them are damage from leaf miners. As far as why the seedlings are growing slow, it can be a number of things. Try compost tea. It works well for me thru all growth stages.
Best of Luck!
So idk what that is on the leaves please tell me how to fix And the seedlings I started longer before the other ones are not getting any bigger while the others ones I started like a week after and there bigger and quicker? Any help is appreciated 1st time grower completely new to it thanks

I see leaf miner damage!!!!!
Ive never used ses 203 so I have no opinion of it. The product I do use is Azamax. It a organic product made from the neem tree in a super concentrated form. It can be used as a foliar spray but what I like best is, its a systemic. That means you can water the plant with it, and the plant sucks it up through the roots, and into the plants tissues protecting it. Bugs don't want to feed on it. The leaf miners are buried in the leaf so foliar sprays can have a tough time eradticating them. Try Azamax, it protects the plants from the inside out when used as a foliar and systemic insecticide.
Ive never used ses 203 so I have no opinion of it. The product I do use is Azamax. It a organic product made from the neem tree in a super concentrated form. It can be used as a foliar spray but what I like best is, its a systemic. That means you can water the plant with it, and the plant sucks it up through the roots, and into the plants tissues protecting it. Bugs don't want to feed on it. The leaf miners are buried in the leaf so foliar sprays can have a tough time eradticating them. Try Azamax, it protects the plants from the inside out when used as a foliar and systemic insecticide.
Which one I looked it up there are diff kinds