Plush Berry: Ten Pack


Well-Known Member
lol thats wats up lil odd but i get it but that goes both ways u ever need any help with anything just get at me lol
Thanks dcasper. I appreciate that. Dont even bother with buying plush berry seeds you can have any pheno u want from me. You scratch my back i'll grab the back scratcher and take care of the both of us. Weird metaphor but hey, not the craziest ive heard here.


Well-Known Member
So only a few of my seedlings have this problem, Im still not sure as to what it is but it may just be over fertilization do to the ffof.. Also I had a high N fertilizer in a simililar jug that may have been used to water my remaing seedlings when the Ph'd water ran out. But again, Im not sure whats going on. Does anybody know what this is or have dealt with this before? Any advise is welcome.

Remember: 10 pack PlushBerry
Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil
Ph'd water at 7.3 (its what works for me)
and 27w cfl's as lighting in a GL60



Well-Known Member
Nice colors DrDank!! I havnt seen early coloring like that before. What are your temps during the day/night? What soil/hydro do you use, and what lights and wattage do you run?


Active Member
Looks like burn to me. Might want to flush them containers a bit and check what your runoff is as well.I can't wait to see what you produce with this! I have many a TGA seeds in my possession calling out to me and this is one of the strains! I would love to post a picture of the stuff I am growing atm(Cannacopia BC Roadkill x DC) The entire buds are purple, even when cured and looks like I dipped them in sugar! Unfortunately RIU has broken their site for me once again and I can no longer manage attachments. :( I will find a link to one of the other threads when I find the picture I am referring to. GL and can't wait for the show to continue! :)


Well-Known Member
DRDank those babies are gorges id loe to try those wen there done lol and paulndchuck iam no expert so i leave my thoughts out on wat it could b but deff seems like theyll pull thru to be some big mommas and hopefully some tasties buds lol


Well-Known Member
It is burn i believe or i messed up the ph somewhere. Only 3 babies look like this, the other 5 look grreeeaattt


Well-Known Member
Soo i have yet to find the culprit but i am continuing with plain water. Didnt want to flush the nutes out of the cups so im hoping that it will work its way through. Gonna top them all soon. Debating on when to do it, i normally top them and use the head as a clone. A thick stem is normally easy to root, im just hoping for this mishap to blow over


Well-Known Member
Nice colors DrDank!! I havnt seen early coloring like that before. What are your temps during the day/night? What soil/hydro do you use, and what lights and wattage do you run?
I'm hydro using a hempy bucket with 1 : 3 parts vermiculite : perlite. I'm feeding her the 2 part GH lucas formula with some cal/mag, floralicious, and pineapple rush. She's sitting under a 400 watt with many of her sisters. I chose to run just 1 of these for now to rule out any hermi traits. So far so good though. She's frosting up nice, smells very sweet, and is looking more delicious by the day :D


My temps are running about 75F-77F with the lights on and 65-62F with the lights off. None of my other ladies are purplish like the plush. She was purple right at the start of flowering!


Well-Known Member
Interesting.. Any chance you can shed some light on what exactly the Lucas formula is? Do your Plush burn easily?


Well-Known Member
yo everything is cool over here just been working a lot. Moved my grow to another location do to security reasons. For that reason Ive been overly parranoid and havnt and probably wont be on as much. I know I havnt posted pictures and thats horrible of me but I will make up for it I promise. Also I will definitely be posting a smoke report on this thread one way or another. Currently they are all in one gallon pots under 600w hps. I topped them down to the second internode as I see Subcool do on the Nerd, and since have grown into squat bushes no bigger than 8" a piece. Gonna veg for another couple of weeks then switch over to 12/12. Im surpised at how Indica dominant all nine are in all honesty. I know without pictures it does no justice but I'll be around. PM if you need me