Plush Berry: Ten Pack


Well-Known Member
ok cool glad to know all is good and understandable id be the same way if it came down to security and ill deff have to cuz i need some advice/help with some diff things but ill pm u about it and glad to here there oing good man and cant wait to here how it smokes and maybe c a couple pics


Well-Known Member
Ok so I kno I don't have picture for this post but I will because I'm blown away. It seems that out of my 9 plants in one gallon pots, 8 of which are female... The only male I have is really lanky and tall, kinda stinky. Truthfully it's not exactly what I "wanted" in a male.. Call me ungrateful but I was hoping for more males in this run. I wanted selection. I don't smell any type of berry on him, that's kinda what I wanted Apparently. Either that or some tremendous frost covering the plant. I guess I had high hopes, I've just seen some resonated males so I figured that's what I'd look for. I'm about ten days into flowering so once I segregate the lucky bachelor in a separate enclosure we'll see how he preforms towards day twenty. He is also what I would consider an "early or fast" male. Very fast cluster growth. Also the second plant of nine to show sex. I'm not sure if ill be chucking any pollen this season with just one male on my team. "What kinda girl do you think I am"


Well-Known Member
DSCN1640.jpg So this is about two and half weeks ago once I transplanted them and gave them a chop. Figured Id try Sub's technique on Sub's genetics.


Well-Known Member
Today is day 14 of flower and I have 8 happy Plush Berry females. Sorry about the late pics, I dont really like taking them. Im no good. Had to take like 50 pictures just to give you guys these.
Still debating on weather or not to give them the fox farms nutes or not. So far theyve only seen Big Bloom by Fox Farms, Bone meal, and Jobes general organics granular. I dont wanna add anything chemical in there but then again Im not seeing the exact resultst Im looking for. Mind you im not disappointed by any means but I ran out of N early in my last grow so I wanna make sure these puppies have plenty of food. Especially since I hear theyre Hermie prone. Im kind of upset I wont be able to re-pot the 8 ladies into something bigger, I just dont have the room. I was expecting 4-6 females, not 8. But I digress... I did a bunch of lolli-popping and cleaning up the underside of the plant to allow air flow and direct more energy to the tops. Wish me luck gentlemen, I wanna say i'll take more pictures but apparently I suck so Im not sure. I'll for sure have pictures of the buds though along with phenotype smoke reports.


Well-Known Member
Day 23... plucked a pollen sack off of #7 last night. I was afraid this would happen. There arent any light leaks of any sort in my tent either. The whole reason theyre in the tent is because I was afraid these buggers would hermie. Ive taken every precaution I could think of to keep this girls happy. Plenty of food, light, no light leaks at night, great soil, never let one get root bound.. I fear for the worst. And to top it off Ive still got a ten pack of Ace of Spades... I wish I didnt buy into the hype of new seeds.. I hope somebody learns from my mistakes..


Well-Known Member
just take ur time bro it happens c if them sacs will stay away now if not get the hermie out and hope the rest dont hermie not a indoor grower yet but light leaks confuse me to be homest like if theres moon and street lights and plants dont start to flower sonner y would a light leek cause that or a hermi stoned rambling just something that never made sence to me let me know how the rest are doing hope all else goes well let me know how all the dif genits are


Well-Known Member
Yes, I saw purple flowers at day 21. I'll show you when my clones hit 3 weeks. I have 10 plushberry BCS clones a week and a half in. I love that the clones have minimal side branching and more single cola dominant.

my avatar is the BCS plushberry pheno I'm currently growing again.


Well-Known Member
Ok lets talk phenos. 3 of my 8 girls have one cola that wont crown. It doesnt produce pistils, hairs, nada. Each plant has two-four heads on em being topped subcool style early in life but the highest cola never produces anything up top. Only two nodes below it forms buds so I chopped the heads off and went about my business. I assumed it was a trait from the BCS but then again I havnt grown anything with space queen in it. (To my knowledge). So what do I know. Have you seen this?


Well-Known Member
So I have spear shaped colas and rounded colas forming. I think the spear shape comes from the space queen but Im curious to see if the rounded head are more BCS dominant. Any feedback anybody?


Well-Known Member
I've run a 5 pack of Space Queen on 2 different occasions, and yes, I had tall pointy colas packed with resin. Out of 30 or so strains I've run, one of the few I ran twice, and was a very nice smoke, so should be some nice ladies there regardless of the lack of purple. I also have a 5 pack of Plush Berry waiting to be cracked despite all the Hermie talk. Sub's never let me down before, and if I do get a herm, just won't be the one I keep, that's all. You've got seven others to choose from right?

Would love to see some more pics of the group, but I understand what a PITA it is uploading and such.

If you're looking for purple from Subcool, go with any Querkle cross. I've come across dark purple phenos in a Querkle 10 pack and a Cheese Quake 5 pack, so good chance of colors there with not a hermie in the bunch! Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the imput Dirt, Ive just checked all 8 girls and not one has any color. Im beginning to think my plush berry seeds wernt plush berry seeds at all. Id think they were all bagseed but the resin production is just phenomenal. Im thinking of letting my blueberry get the main space and let the plush sit off to the sides in the coole areas, maybe we'll see some color. I want the most flavorful cutting to be the keeper regardless of color but at the same time Id like to keep or give the pink/purple to someone close for Safe keeping. Day 42


Well-Known Member
LOL, trade me some of that Florida weather and I'll put a CHILL on your room for ya! Was 8 degrees this morning... :shock: Can you say Pu-rrrr-pppppp-llllll-eeee...... Just like my skin!