Point of life, suicide?


Well-Known Member
i went through a shroom binge like a year ago and it kindof fucked up my head a little, i really think your feeling the effects. be easy brosif
Yeah I believe I'm too young to take the drugs that I take, so I'm gonna hang low and avoid shrooms for a while. But I still love em, ha.


Well-Known Member
Man guys I feel pretty damn great right now, ha. So sorry for making this thread I didn't mean to annoy anyone. But this thread actually helped me, I might even go as far to say RIU and the great tokers it beholds saved my life. Thanks again guys.


Well-Known Member
Feeling hopless for an extended period of time is a sign of clinical depression. If this is the case, you should get some medical help. Pot can make you feel better but it's not an effective treatment for clinical depression when your brain chemistry is out of wack.

Transitioning from teenager to adult is one of the hardest things to do. You question everything you've been taught. It's normal for most people. Try to learn to enjoy the time you have here and savor the little things.


Well-Known Member
Feeling hopless for an extended period of time is a sign of clinical depression. If this is the case, you should get some medical help. Pot can make you feel better but it's not an effective treatment for clinical depression when your brain chemistry is out of wack.

Transitioning from teenager to adult is one of the hardest things to do. You question everything you've been taught. It's normal for most people. Try to learn to enjoy the time you have here and savor the little things.
Yeah I'm pretty sure I do have clinical depression, too bad I can't get a weed card where I live, ha.


Well-Known Member

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
my friend, once you realize this one thing... nothing can make you sad or depressed, but its hard... and takes time to understand this. but once you do to do the fullest extent, trust me...nothing will ever bring you down to the point of wanting to end your life again.

this is part of the letter i wrote myself a long time ago..

what i am in others views is insignificant, what is significant is what i am in my own view. but i have found the deep dark secret of the human condition. people have picked up the habit of seeing themselves through other peoples eyes, and they have forgotten that there is a direct and immediate way to see themselves. to see within, is the only real way to see... because it is not indeirect.

so firstly, people create false images of themselves and where masks to decieve others...

secondly, they then base their opinion of themselves on how others see them...

not only does the mass majority of the people on the planet do this to themselves, society actually encourages it!!

people have forgotten how important it is to know yourself as you are, what you are, because only after this has been done, can any steps be taken in some authentic direction of self realization. this is what im trying to do. i am trying to uncover and know myself, for there to be nothing in me that remains unknown to me, for there not to be a single corner in me that remains dark and uninspected. if i can become familiar with all of my inner rooms, that same familiarity turns into self-conquest. this self-conquest is the path i have chosen.

it is a sad thing to realize this, and to wake up... to see how the rest of the world plays this little game of pretending to be people they are not, just because they are afraid of people might think. It is because once you start to become concious about every single decision, or thought that you do or have... you then become responsable for them. People don’t want that responsibility..

when people figure this out, they cant go on living the lives they did before, it is sad and hard at first... but time will heal the wounds, and you will become stronger than ever.

and ive figured out, people arent really happy bro... they are pretending to be. thats why its so hard for most people to be alone, because when your alone for long enough, you are forced to think about many things you wouldnt normally think about whilst in the company of others. For example, asking yourself if your really happy lol.

as happy as everyone is pretending to be, i just know that they can be happier...that you can be happier within yourlself....just as i can, and im trying too. we are all trying in our different ways.

its just that so many people get happiness and joy confused. happiness comes from being at peace within yourself and everything you do. joy, joy comes from things affecting you on the outside...

joy is temporary, it can be given and taken away at any given moment...where as happiness?

happiness comes from within, therefor...it is eternal.

my friend, you will be happy when you want to be happy. you will be happy when you become true to yourself, true to your inner being. true to your concious, become awake... observe everything you do, and consistantly make decisions about your life every moment of every day to make yourself... a better part of who you really are.

if you do things this way my friend, you might not have much in materialistic terms...but that will matter not. once you find out who you really are, things of that nature just kind of lose their value... and you might find that happiness, it has been in you all the while.

good luck on your journy my friend, if theres any advice i can give you... dont listen to society, dont go along with things just because everyone else is doing it.

fallow your heart.


Active Member
^^^ wall of text bro! Life is meant to be hard, how can you know true happiness unless you have seen true darkness!

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
oh yea, cannabis helps too... we should all start calling it that too, it makes it sound much better than weed lol.


Well-Known Member
oh yea, cannabis helps too... we should all start calling it that too, it makes it sound much better than weed lol.
yeah ive been trying to do this recently. marijuana was the slang term used by mexicans back in the day. idk where weed came from. but cannabis is the official name so ive been tryin to use that


Hey, I have thought of the same delema before, but my survival instant over rodes the want to attemp suicide. Although, I know that some ignore that part of our nature to survive because life seems lifeless and empty. Have to look at what making so empty and lifeless. The type of friends you have, the job you do, what is the over all satisfaction you have in general for life. figure out what's making you so depressed. For me, I was not able to live with myself for who I really am. Always trying to be something I am not. Trying to be friends with people who really don't have a rat's ass about me, and realizing how self-fish I have been in the pass. I had to change myself into the person who I really am. Able to live with myself. I have learned if I can't live with myself how can I live with other's. But Picking who those other's are is also tricky, because peope can be deceptive because they want something or have their own agenda. Stay away from those kinds of people and be with the people who really care, but learn how to live with yourself first. And remember, God will always be their. I'm not claiming to know God at all, in fact, for me it is really hard to get to know a God that you don't See, hear, or can Touch. But I have the faith of believing that their is a God. Anyways, enough about that part. Just find some insight to what's making you so miseable and change it and don't worry about religion so much. That's not what's important to me, what's important is what make's you happy and how you can get their.


Active Member
theres variations of mental illness that comes to play for the people that do succeed, sure we want there to be a simple solution for it but i wouldnt agree that there is.

The Hours is a good movie about suicide.


Well-Known Member
Would you consider selling your soul for a nominal fee? That is, of course, if you don't believe in all that nonsense.


Well-Known Member
First off I'm not trying to gain attention I actually want something to live for. I have like an alternate personality that kinda doubts religion so if religion is wrong what is the point of life? I see no point in it we are all gonna die we are all gonna lose all of our memories so why live why the fuck don't we just kill ourselves? Please give me a reason to live because I'm probably too much of a pussy to pull the trigger anyway but I don't want to live for nothing. Maybe it's just that I have to face the fact that we are nothing, and I'm kinda facing that fact which is what is making me depressed. Sorry for being a little pussy but yeah I want a reason to live.
Suicide is the cowards way out. Life is a challenge, at the end I want to feel like I did the best I could. Most of us are delt a shitty hand from time to time, just roll with it and keep positive. It will get better cause it can't get much worse. Hopefully there is a reward at the end...