The police came into my house without a warrant.
Marijuana is my sacrament (as can be proven in a court of law, shown below)
They broke into my house, stole my sacrament, and pulled guns on me, arrested me and a friend, threatened to "slam" me. And let my friends case go off free already. The police found not only ILlegal marijuana, but completely LEGAL Wild Lettuce, and Datura, along with the book "Food of the Gods". We were questioned about all these things, and explained our religious use of the plants. They had no warrant, but we got misdemeanor possession charges.
All without stating who they were, without having a warrant, and without probable cause. They then took us out of the neighborhood twice, then had drove us back in to speak with the narcotics sergeant. Then took us to jail, and ransacked the house, not allowing my mom in when she got back (again, all without a warrant). My case is wide open, and they are waiting for me to come back to Texas.
Here are some cases that are specifically related to my case
And that would be helpful after demanding a trial in Common Law court.
United States v. Ballard (1944)
Justice William O. Douglas stated:"They may not be put to the proof of their religious doctrines or beliefs."
Meaning, I shouldn't have to prove a damn thing. But I will anyways.
Lemon v. Kurtzman, 91 S. Ct. 2105 (1971)
The rulings made here were violated. The police had no warrant, and therefore no secular purpose. And have entangled themselves in my religion since I was a child at 14 years old.
1) the government action must have a secular purpose;
2) its primary purpose must not be to inhibit or to advance religion;
3) there must be no excessive entanglement between government and religion.
McDaniel v. Paty (197

They are taking away my fundamental rights.
Life: They wish to take my time
Liberty: They wish to infringe on my religious freedoms, and put me in a cage for loving a flower
The Pursuit of Happiness: Any effort I make with my religion is squashed by authority. And in effect, squashing me.
Church of Lukumi Babalu Ave., Inc. v. Hialeah, 113 S. Ct. 2217 (1993)
They ruled that the religious sacrifice of animals, is no different than hunting. And it is unconstitutional to consider the two different.
If that is true. Why is tobacco, alcohol, nutmeg, tea, coffee, energy drinks and even corn, and wheat (it has food and industrial uses) allowed to be grown and used legally while marijuana is not. This is unconstitutional.
ESA v. Rylander (2001)
We do not even have to define a supreme being, I do connect Shiva when smoking. But that doesn't have to be specified, or important.
And this, from 2005:
Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code CHAPTER 110. RELIGIOUS FREEDOM
I refuse to participate in the drug war my state is involved in, but they force me to. And I refuse to have not only my religion but my life substantially burdened by law enforcement, probation, and everyone else.
Plus there are around 15-100< people (That I spoke to from the age of 14 to 18 which was the time of my arrest): Probation officers, Correctional Officers, Psychologists, Therapists in and out of jail, Peers, and Elders that can, on the stand, say that it was part of my religion. I even yelled it as I was brought into detention centers, and spoke to people about it for months as I was imprisoned. They made talking about religion against the rules in my pod because of me. They'll remember.
There are tons of posts of mine on the internet regarding my religious reverence for Marijuana.
There should be a record of my asking for a Rig Veda (My religious Texts) in the County Jail. And possibly record of something about it in the Juvenile detention center. Definitely could get some good words from my required therapist there.My research is not complete, so if you can add to it please do so, and I will do so as well periodically. Please spread the word/share the link to this page/and help legalize it.