Police Brutality At Cereal City Compassion Club


Active Member
this is so simple, it's all about RISK.some of us actually work hard for what we got and do not want to lose it for being compasssionate.IT'S STILL ILLEGAL TO GROW.just like any buisness when the risk is high the rewards are high.seizure of all personal property and not to mention PRISON hanging over our heads is why the med's cost so much.how much is the legal vicodin or oxy's, all they are is synthetic poppies.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
this is so simple, it's all about RISK.some of us actually work hard for what we got and do not want to lose it for being compasssionate.IT'S STILL ILLEGAL TO GROW.just like any buisness when the risk is high the rewards are high.seizure of all personal property and not to mention PRISON hanging over our heads is why the med's cost so much.how much is the legal vicodin or oxy's, all they are is synthetic poppies.
The real risk is from the Feds. The Feds have made it pretty clear that they are not interested in TRUE medical growers and users. So rather than play by the rules, the cash croppers create their own risk, then want to make more money because of the risk? that's moronic thinking.

No ones going to prison over a 12 plant operation if they have their paperwork in order and comply with the rules.. Feds want big fish. Local cops prefer big fish too, but they will take a small guy rubbing it in their face.

If it wasn't for the cash croppers and profiteer's, I could legally transfer my relatively small overages, off set the cost of my grow, and yes..make a small profit.

Anyone growing INDOORS (which is the only legal place in Michigan) is nuts if they say they spend less than 200 to 300 per month on electricity alone. (unless they are WAY under lighted) I run 2000 watts (including veg) and that's just flowering 6 sativa's at a time. My electric is a little over 400 a month. fresh soil 100 bucks every grow (50 a month) 20 a month for fertilizer, new bulbs twice a year 300 (25 a month) lets go 20 bucks a month for misc. crap...That's around 515 a month...can I have 5 bucks an hour, 1 hour a day for my labor? that's another 150 a month...665 a month (on the light side)

My sativa's, though high quality, don't yield huge...lets say 2 oz a plant. 12 oz every 2 months. I keep 2.5 oz for myself to get to the next harvest...9.5 oz "overage" every 2 moths.

That's 1900 bucks minus the 1330 in costs ...570 profit every 2 moths. That's basically nothing..

cash cropper mentality would be 'get a higher yielding strain"..but I'm growing for quality, not quantity. cash croppers would say "you don't need that much lighting for 6 plants"..But they don't have a clue about growing true sativa's.

And those same cash croppers, by blatantly disregarding the Michigan med laws, prevent me from legally making the small "profit' I could make


Well-Known Member
that are pushing limits-

please post links to all the caregivers and patients following the book getting raided.

and the risk issue is moot. if oyu are going to risk federal prison time over what you are doing, FAIL.
if i was going to risk fed time iwould drive my happy ass right to arizona, buy `100 for 6 apiece, then, PROFIT.
any thing less than that is posing, if you're flaunting it.


Well-Known Member
The real risk is from the Feds. The Feds have made it pretty clear that they are not interested in TRUE medical growers and users. So rather than play by the rules, the cash croppers create their own risk, then want to make more money because of the risk? that's moronic thinking.
What defines a TRUE medical grower and user vs someone who isn't? Are you ever going to give me that expense breakdown? I'm still curious as fuck how you are spending $700 a month on a personal grow man.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
What defines a TRUE medical grower and user vs someone who isn't? Are you ever going to give me that expense breakdown? I'm still curious as fuck how you are spending $700 a month on a personal grow man.
Just posted an expense break down...True med grower? 2 kinds. First, the guy like me with a TRUE medical condition (Parkinson's) growing his 12 plants (including the ones in the cloner) striving to grow high quality,clean organic meds. The second would be a care giver.

Not the kind of care giver signing up 5 patients so they can have massive overages...the kind of care giver growing far fewer plants (because ya don't need 60 plants to care for 5 people) and concentrating on quality for the patient. Should a cre giver be able to have some overage, and make a little money? Sure.

But signing up 5 people, only giving them 1 oz a month, and growing out all the plant count to make profit on huge overages..is in no way complying with the intent of the law. The law was quickly and vaguely written. Not to create loopholes for the abusers, but because once voted in it has to be in place within a short time line.

realistically, I could supply 5 people 1 oz per month off my 6 plants easily. Why does a "care giver' need to grow out all 60? Greed and profiteering...only answer...

bob harris

Well-Known Member
not true they are busting patient's and caregiver's all the time.

Only the ones flaunting the law. Ya think they shouldn't bust a caregiver with 2.5 lbs of dry product and 10k in cash...just because he's "allowed" 60 plants?

The intent of 12 plants per patient is clearly to allow the individual grower leeway to make mistakes and still produce an uninterrupted supply. A care giver taking on 5 patients, then investing in the equipment to grow out 30 at a time,with another 30 in veg (and generally 30 more in the cloner because"they don't have roots yet, they don't count) is going to have a much higher success ratio.

I believe the law says that a care giver may grow the patients plants for them. Not that the plants become the care givers to do as they wish with. And that's exactly how the cash croppers want to read the law. Sign over your plant count, I'll give you 1 oz per month, and make tons of money on the overages, was certainly not the intent of the law.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
(2) for each registered qualifying patient who has specified that the primary caregiver will be allowed under state law to cultivate marihuana for the qualifying patient, 12 marihuana plants kept in an enclosed, locked facility; and

Yup..pretty sure that says FOR THE PATIENT.....not for themselves so long as they give the patient 1 oz per month, not the care giver gets 12 plants so long as he supplies the patient...not for the patient and to supply dispensaries and others..

How exactly do you read into that the right to profit from mass overage?


Active Member
not at all the law say's that the price for good's and service's are to be negotiated between caregiver and patient.nowhere at all in the law does it say anyone should be doin anything for free i suggest that you read it again.k

a farmer grow's corn for the PEOPLE but it does not make it their's until they purchase it. and people die for sure without food..

bob harris

Well-Known Member
not at all the law say's that the price for good's and service's are to be negotiated between caregiver and patient.nowhere at all in the law does it say anyone should be doin anything for free i suggest that you read it again.k

a farmer grow's corn for the PEOPLE but it does not make it their's until they purchase it.

You are thick headed..corn? WTF.....A farmer is isn't a food "care giver" The farmer can legally grow corn, the care giver must be assigned the right to grow....quit digging for stuff that isn't there.

And yes..the price for goods and services can be negotiated between the care giver and the patient...so, how do you read"and i can do whatever I want with the overages" into that? An assigned care giver charging his assigned patient 1000 an oz would technically be legal..you wouldn't get many patients though...

The law makes no provision for transfers other than to the assigned patient..from assigned care givers.

Please, show me where it does...

It's the continual "I'm smarter than the law" thinking like yours that causes all the problems...


Active Member
My name is Laurel Krause. Last Friday (2/20/09) as I looked out my kitchen window I was shocked to see 25 Mendocino County Sheriffs/Deputies coming through my gate very quickly. The lead man, Sheriff (don’t know deputy, or what class) Jonathan Martin, showed me a search warrant, hand cuffed me and read me my rights. I was cooperative (I actually cried and begged for mercy, but that didn’t work) as they searched my home, my grow area on my five acres (behind my locked gate–so no probable cause) and seized all grow equipment related to 24 medical marijuana plants in full bloom. They chopped down the plants and hauled them away as I was being grilled and bullied in my home. This number is significant because if you google the Mendocino County Sheriff’s web page on MedMari guidelines it says 25 plants. You are probably aware of the ‘fuzziness’ of these guidelines. I have a recommendation from my doctor to allow me to grow med marijuana. They charged me with two felony counts, one for marijuana cultivation and another for intent to sell/distribute, carted me to Ukiah, CA to jail in handcuffs.
It gets worse. I was the #4 bust of 5 that day (Friday, Feb 20) and the guys let us know that they had five more for Saturday (yesterday) and five more on Sunday (TODAY!). Not individuals, but actual grows that might arrest multiple people. And most of the growers are women with kids (so now the children are possibly being taken away and bank accounts frozen). Real emotional and economic despair.

As I met others that were arrested in Ukiah, the county seat to jail (never before, first offense for everything for me) I learned they were my neighbors and not one had a ‘commercial’ size grow. So this Mendocino County Sheriff’s dept sweep is coming up short as the take is not producing the kind of busts they claim they are after (i.e commercial, 500 plants & up), unenvironmental grows that scar the land (we all grow organic), we all have our recommendations that we paid for and actually care about the quality of medicine we are growing (it’s in the past for me now).
I am in shock, but then I started getting mad yesterday. What is motivating this gestapo situation all of the sudden? DA Meredith Lintott or Sheriff Allman? NeoCons?

look him up google is full of them.


Active Member
You are thick headed..corn? WTF.....A farmer is isn't a food "care giver" The farmer can legally grow corn, the care give must be assigned the right to grow....quit digging for stuff that isn't there.

And yes..the price for goods and services can be negotiated between the care giver and the patient...so, how do you read"and i can do whatever I want with the overages" into that?

The law makes no provision for transfers other than to the assigned patient..from assigned care givers.

Please, show me where it does...

It's the continual "I'm smarter than the law" thinking like yours that causes all the problems...
no your the only one that is thick headed,doctor's do not it for free and they are "caregiver's" bayer does not do it for free even though thousand's of live's are depending on them,and neither do farmer's which yet again thousand's of people are depending on for their life and like you said corn is legal and they still do not grow their crop's for the starving people of the world they grow for the market.and when did i say i sell my overages to anyone beside's my patient's.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
My name is Laurel Krause. Last Friday (2/20/09) as I looked out my kitchen window I was shocked to see 25 Mendocino County Sheriffs/Deputies coming through my gate very quickly. The lead man, Sheriff (don’t know deputy, or what class) Jonathan Martin, showed me a search warrant, hand cuffed me and read me my rights. I was cooperative (I actually cried and begged for mercy, but that didn’t work) as they searched my home, my grow area on my five acres (behind my locked gate–so no probable cause) and seized all grow equipment related to 24 medical marijuana plants in full bloom. They chopped down the plants and hauled them away as I was being grilled and bullied in my home. This number is significant because if you google the Mendocino County Sheriff’s web page on MedMari guidelines it says 25 plants. You are probably aware of the ‘fuzziness’ of these guidelines. I have a recommendation from my doctor to allow me to grow med marijuana. They charged me with two felony counts, one for marijuana cultivation and another for intent to sell/distribute, carted me to Ukiah, CA to jail in handcuffs.
It gets worse. I was the #4 bust of 5 that day (Friday, Feb 20) and the guys let us know that they had five more for Saturday (yesterday) and five more on Sunday (TODAY!). Not individuals, but actual grows that might arrest multiple people. And most of the growers are women with kids (so now the children are possibly being taken away and bank accounts frozen). Real emotional and economic despair.

As I met others that were arrested in Ukiah, the county seat to jail (never before, first offense for everything for me) I learned they were my neighbors and not one had a ‘commercial’ size grow. So this Mendocino County Sheriff’s dept sweep is coming up short as the take is not producing the kind of busts they claim they are after (i.e commercial, 500 plants & up), unenvironmental grows that scar the land (we all grow organic), we all have our recommendations that we paid for and actually care about the quality of medicine we are growing (it’s in the past for me now).
I am in shock, but then I started getting mad yesterday. What is motivating this gestapo situation all of the sudden? DA Meredith Lintott or Sheriff Allman? NeoCons?

look him up google is full of them.
California..not Michigan...lets worry about our State.

24 outdoor plants in full bloom? for one guy? Abusing the intent of the law...gonna smoke all that himself? What's he gonna do with the overages on dry weight?

Sounds like he deserves to get busted...

now, show me an article about a guy with a couple plants (somewhere even close to a reasonable, personal amount), proper paper work and complying with the rules and intent of the law getting busted...maybe I'll show some compassion for him..


Active Member
BAYER has been assigned the right to grow poppies and they do not give it away plain and simple.sorry that the world does not revolve around you.but we all have to make a living and i could be making money with that time i spend on my plant's,but my patient's ASKED ME to do them a favor and spend my time working for them.don't be mad that people are happy to pay me that much for my time.


Active Member
are you kidding me the FEDERAL GOV can go to any state.and i don't know how much you are paying attention but they have a hard on for all medicinal. they do not like being slapped in the face by it's little brother's.

bob harris

Well-Known Member
no your the only one that is thick headed,doctor's do not it for free and they are "caregiver's" bayer does not do it for free even though thousand's of live's are depending on them,and neither do farmer's which yet again thousand's of people are depending on for their life and like you said corn is legal and they still do not grow their crop's for the starving people of the world they grow for the market.and when did i say i sell my overages to anyone beside's my patient's.
Hey, if you only supplying your registered patients..your fine. How many patients you got? How many plants? you simply don't sound like you are just taking care of a few registered patients. You post a pic of you personal grow..then state that my "big' grow is somewhere else...I've outlined in this post my plant count, hypothetical yields, cost to grow...Why don't you give us details of your operation?

bob harris

Well-Known Member
are you kidding me the FEDERAL GOV can go to any state.and i don't know how much you are paying attention but they have a hard on for all medicinal. they do not like being slapped in the face by it's little brother's.
They have a "hard on" for medical mj because of the abusers. The guy in Cali was a great example..thanks...and you're right, they don't like being slapped in the face..by abusers.

I don't know how much your paying attention, but the feds had backed way off on med mj, until recently. They backed off...the abusers took it as a sign to to ramp up profiteering..so the Feds cracked back down.

When daddy lets you borrow the car, and you trow trash all over the interior and bring it back with no gas, dad quits letting you borrow the car.


Active Member
why so u can bam look at that you have way more than you need blah blah blah ... am i right? it's not fair it's not fair waaaa waaaa waaa booo hooo.how much i profit is nobodies buisness.your just a selfrighteous crybaby cause you used to have to pay full price and because of your condition you thought that everyone owes you "compassion" aka free hard work.