Police called next door. Could use some advice.


Damn all overly concerned Dudley Do-Right citizens. Anyone who would call the fucking cops when they smell smoke should be drug out into the street and shot.
I wouldn't be worried about the weed, I would be concerned about a neighborhood of uptight cock smokers who will snitch on you at the drop of a hat. Fuck 'em!
You need to smoke a J and relax, "drug out into the street and shot" :wall:


Damn all overly concerned Dudley Do-Right citizens. Anyone who would call the fucking cops when they smell smoke should be drug out into the street and shot.
I wouldn't be worried about the weed, I would be concerned about a neighborhood of uptight cock smokers who will snitch on you at the drop of a hat. Fuck 'em!

Hah yes your right I should kill em all. *goes to get shot gun* oh wait you dont have a minigun around that I could borrow do you? (just in case there are lots of them) :-)

I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! :-D
I wasnt being serious in case it wasnt obvious. lol.

I have now setup the carbon filter although it is a bit jerry rigged. the intake has been raised up on old paint tins and a box and the fans pointed at the door. maybe on the next grow I'll set it up properly. I've seen a canvass wardrobe that could be useful. Unfortunately the wire for the fan isnt long enough so this PC is going to be off for a bit till I get another extension cord.
i found an article where a build used a 5 gallon bucket and poured some pinesol into the bucket filled half way with water and a airstone to bubble the water and a fan attach to the top of the bucket to spread the scent. work wonderful.

I made one exactly like that but used the scented potpourri liquid that you use to re scent old or new potpourri I guess. I used fresh linens so that it smells like I am always doing laundry outside if anyone was around my place. It works really well and the bottle is about a liter for $3.00 at wal mart. Do not use an airstone though!! I did this and it turned into massive bubbles!!!
If you want your house to reek of pinesol 24/7, yes. Personally, I would get a splitting headache after that was going for an hour or two. Maybe if you have no other options and don't mind your house smelling like a janitor's closet.

Btw, this is why I ported the exhaust from my bucket outside through the attic, which is where all of my exhaust goes. No smell inside. I also use a homemade carbon filter later in the grow when it gets stinky.
Btw, this is why I ported the exhaust from my bucket outside through the attic, which is where all of my exhaust goes. No smell inside. I also use a homemade carbon filter later in the grow when it gets stinky.

Ah, this could be an interesting idea. So you pretty much just use it to mask your exhaust early in the grow? If you had the extra space for it, that seems like it might make a good alternative for some.

By the way, love the avatar.
If you want your house to reek of pinesol 24/7, yes. Personally, I would get a splitting headache after that was going for an hour or two. Maybe if you have no other options and don't mind your house smelling like a janitor's closet.

I means its a inexpensive alternative which works great in my specific situation cause my growroom is a garage. so the smell doesnt actually affect me at all. plus I have 1 can150 and another can125 carbon filters running 24/7.
I made one exactly like that but used the scented potpourri liquid that you use to re scent old or new potpourri I guess. I used fresh linens so that it smells like I am always doing laundry outside if anyone was around my place. It works really well and the bottle is about a liter for $3.00 at wal mart. Do not use an airstone though!! I did this and it turned into massive bubbles!!!

Will try that...