Police were just here omg

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
I think people hate the meaning of 'Police' rather than the actual police, sure some of them slack at their job but I'm pretty sure we've all done it at some point, man was clearly not made to work.
The police man who only knows what he thinks is right, just as you think you know 'what is right' irrelevant to the subject as it's a position you stand, I'm talking about the position itself. He becomes a policeman/women to get a job to 'survive' in this aggressive world man has created.

So you should really see how it's not his fault for the way he is, for we're all born innocent unconditioned children, our own ignorance (mankind) leaves us unhappy.

So respect the man, whoever they might be, even if you don't agree with them let them carry on, for why upset yourself?


Active Member
Keep odor control in check, don't tell anyone and be a good neighbor. Not opening the door would be a dumb choice (assuming they saw you or your car out front). They think you have something to hide and more than likely continue to "harass" you. At least thats how it is around where I'm from, you look like hippie or gang banger they'll keep an eye on you more than likely because its their job and all cops do is profile. And the ultimate rule of thumb, RESPECT EM! If your a dick to them, they'll be one to you. Whenever I deal with the cops I always tell them what they want to hear and constant "yes sir/no sir". You'd be surprised how far a little respect and eye contact can get you with the po po.

At the end of the day theyre just doing their job, 99% of the time they don't even want to be there.


Well-Known Member
I once read online once a guy was arrested for trying to call 611 (customer support) and instead he kept dialing 911, after 22 calls to 911 in 1 hour they sent a officer to the guys home and they told him he had to let them in to make sure everything was ok.

He ended up letting them in and he was exposed as he had 18 plants....He was nabbed, so the moral of the story is---if your not under arrest you do not allow anyone to enter your home. LEARN YOUR RIGHTS, PROTECT YOUR SELF, AND most importantly EDUCATE YOUR SELF!
Acctually I think the moral of the story is that guy is a fucking moron.


Active Member
My answer to an outbreak of swine flu is (a)out of house door closed before they hit property greet and sit (b)Cop knock saunter to back door meander around home hands raised speaking as if talking to dog (c) with arms raised approach slowly with greeting,when responded to immediately but very slowly sit your ass down on the ground It's awesome fucks whole program up. Trained to the point of retardation outside the worst possible situation they're at a loss. Other than being trained to carefully remove 90lb "protesters" on camera they are ill equipt to deal with pre-emptive surrender. It's an awesome sight turning that corner. Depending on #s everyone has a job they must do deviation is unacceptable. Last visit I got cop knocked in boxers and sox early am. When I turned the corner speaking calmly to my invisidog 5 crowding door froze locked on job of "covering" left,right,center of door w/o fail. I coulda taken em out with a yo-yo and some banana peels but greeted the 5 barrels and sat my ass immediately down. The door (house) is left half guarded to focus on getting me to my feet so they can protect themselves.(d) if people are inside they are mentally retarded and can't even talk to them the more the better. A house full of tards is like off for people. There were three more posted on other side of home. They had a warrant to arrest me and did w/o knowing charges. My charge 6/8/06 looked like 6/6/06 for a 3 day traffic sentence I chose instead of paying them money. 8 cops,4 cars,120+miles,est.24 man hrs for my $347 fine.


Well-Known Member
I think people hate the meaning of 'Police' rather than the actual police, sure some of them slack at their job but I'm pretty sure we've all done it at some point, man was clearly not made to work.
The police man who only knows what he thinks is right, just as you think you know 'what is right' irrelevant to the subject as it's a position you stand, I'm talking about the position itself. He becomes a policeman/women to get a job to 'survive' in this aggressive world man has created.

So you should really see how it's not his fault for the way he is, for we're all born innocent unconditioned children, our own ignorance (mankind) leaves us unhappy.

So respect the man, whoever they might be, even if you don't agree with them let them carry on, for why upset yourself?
Actually a lot of psycho/sociopaths are cops and they aren't even human in my opinion.

Pats Against NFL

Active Member
Even if the guy doesn't live there or you don't even know him, we have had some recent situations where the entire police force of a certain state and the federal govt. were looking for someone and they were going door to door and searching the whole house looking for this individual whether you liked it or not. Timing is everything and location, location, location!!!!!


Well-Known Member
fuck the police
I can't believe nobody has said this so I will "fuck the pigs!"
FUCK THE pigs, officers, po-po, placas, puerko, 5-0, fuzz, rollers, cops, coppers, suits,

berries, badges -n- guns, swine, porkers, porky pigs, donut patrol, gumshoes, dicks,

bacon, boys in blue, barney fifes, flatfeet, heat, law dogs, johnny law, narcs, and fuck the police!


Active Member
Even if the guy doesn't live there or you don't even know him, we have had some recent situations where the entire police force of a certain state and the federal govt. were looking for someone and they were going door to door and searching the whole house looking for this individual whether you liked it or not. Timing is everything and location, location, location!!!!!
And that's what you call martial law.