The Jews have always been welcome. During the holocaust they flourished in Arab countries because the Arabs welcomed them.
Not true. You don't know history.
There was little to no problem until the British forcibly took the land from the Palestinians.
You mean when the British took the land from Jordan?
Palestine did not exist, and the Palestinians were not asked to leave. In fact, Israel offered them full citizenship, seeking to live side by side with the people of Palestine, which is far more then what Jordan and the Ottoman Empire offered them.
Also if it’s okay to take back land you've left for countless generations then its okay for me to take land from America up to Africa which is the origins of man.
So which is it, two wrongs make a right? Or wrong is wrong?
Well almost all the world seems to condone the government but it’s usually just USA, Israel and a handful of other countries that always blocks them in the UN. And it’s usually the whole world calling for justice when Israel commits its countless war crimes but simply because USA has its back nothing ever happens. Don't forget that Israel created Hamas aswell. Suicide bombing is completely wrong but they must be doing it for a reason. No one is just going to wake up one morning and decide to do it. They must have been pushed to do it by persecution, death of family members, demolition of homes, living in concentration camp like conditions and mix all that with un-Islamic scholars. Also you’re talking as if it’s only Hamas that’s terrorizing civilians 1,400 dead Palestinians in a few weeks’ ¼ of which were CHILDREN! Whilst on the other hand 13 dead Israeli’s 4 of which were from friendly fire. So 9 deaths compared with 1,400. If anyone hurt my friends and family your damn right I will go out and hunt the people responsible. It’s not like they have access to guns (unlike the settlers) to fight so suicide bombing is virtually their only choice, which is still WRONG.
You are right, and I have already acknowledged this point, so why do you act like I have not?
You are just babbling now. Typical Zionist ploy to call someone a racist/anti-Semitic if anyone criticizes Israel.
I have no problem with anyone criticizing Israel. I have a problem with racist assumptions, exaggerations and false claims.
Am sure the Jews around the world were calling the Nazi's all sorts of words worse than 'infidel' during the holocaust. Just as the Arabs are doing today with Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. But am sure you would rather hear a Jewish MP call them Nazi's so I'll attach a link at the bottom. And what participation from Muslims. I said that they are looked at as an infidel state. Do you even know what 'infidel' means? It means someone that believes in a different religion. Muslims regard Jews and Christians as the same religion so that doesn’t make them an infidel. The fact that Israel is slaughtering and stealing land does. Am talking about the government not the people by the way because there are some Jews that oppose Israel and some Arabs that support it. Also in Islam just because someone is an infidel does not mean you can do them any harm.
I can't help it if you are ignorant to the diversity of the Muslim population. Not all Muslims believe what you claim.
Do you ever wonder why Israel is the only democratic country in that region?? It might have something to do with certain countries overthrowing dictators that don’t follow their agenda. Also freedom of press hahaha are you joking during the Gaza massacre foreign journalist were not allowed to be in Gaza for ‘their safety’. When in reality it was to hide the war crimes they were going to commit.
A fair criticism.
Also which nation has sworn to kill anyone that is not Muslim Arab? Please provide me with a reliable source because that’s a first I’ve heard.
The king of Saudi Arabia once said to The Associated Press, "Israel to the Arab world is like a cancer to the human body, and the only way of remedy is to uproot it just like a cancer.... We Arabs total about fifty million. Why don't we sacrifice ten million of our number and live in pride and self respect?"
Freedom of religion? Are you forgetting there are countless Christians, Jews and other religions in the Middle East living in peace under Muslim rule?
Fallacy of redirection. Are all Christians and Jews living in peace under Muslim rule?
In fact the Christians that live in Palestine have the same complaints as the Muslims constantly being treated like dirt and even spat on! What independent judiciary system one that favors Jews over Arabs not that great is it.
More fair criticisms.
When have you refuted any of my ‘lies’ your lying right now which is even more pathetic hahaha Are you retarded in thinking that there is no genocide being committed by Israel towards the Palestinians. They are the ones that are being expelled from THEIR lands not the Jews. Maybe you should get your facts right! When you STEAL AND MURDER people tend to get upset! You need to be taught to empathize with people because it’s just a joke. Also you think its okay for a nation in the 21st century to be murder and steal in to existence? Clearly you have a barbaric mentality which most Zionist do. And I’ve already said Israel exists and will remain but they should give the human rights to the Palestinians instead of letting them live like animals in a cage or is that too much to ask for?
More manipulations, and false claims in an attempt to demonize me.
I never once claimed Israel's actions towards Palestinians was right. In fact, I acknowledged Israel commits wrongs, however, those wrongs are not within the same scope as what Hitler and his Nazis attempted.
It is easy to throw words around like they have no meaning. But Hitler is proof that words have meaning and power, and they should not be abused.