Poppy Seed Extraction

So, my friend decided to let the crushed seeds soak for 5 days the first time. He filtered the mixture through a cotton filter. The solution filtered from the seed/alc. mixture is a tan milky substance, which settled into 2 layers, greenish-clear liquid on top and tan milky liquid on the bottom. He is now evaporating the alcohol from the extract and soaking the seeds in another 100 ml of 95% grain alcohol.
So, my friend decided to let the crushed seeds soak for 5 days the first time. He filtered the mixture through a cotton filter. The solution filtered from the seed/alc. mixture is a tan milky substance, which settled into 2 layers, greenish-clear liquid on top and tan milky liquid on the bottom. He is now evaporating the alcohol from the extract and soaking the seeds in another 100 ml of 95% grain alcohol.

He was going to use a coffie filter after the cotton filter, but decided against it at this point. He thinks it will be better to filter everything once the solution is heated to 160F. The milky solution could have been filtered off, but who knows what is in the milky layer?
I'm interested to hear the eventual outcome of this, but for those ladies and gents at home:

Do not try this. It is extremely easy to overdose from poppy seed tea. You need proper equipment to test the morphine/opium content, as this varies from seed to seed, extraction to extraction. You can die. Don't do it. At least when you score and extract from a pod, you have a rough estimate of how much active material you're harvesting per plant.
My friend now has a light brown thick oily substance, he will let this dry completly out and weigh it soon.
if u mix the opium with some bubble hash. U end up with a killer stash. I had some afghan hash with a tiny bit of opium in it the opium in the hash forms into crystals. This is for the hardcore smokers who prefer a deep indica stone is real strong.
not trying to be a dick but i' read a bunch of places and that the seeds contain minimal if any opium. That it all comes from the pod

could be wrong tho, i found some good information

How To Grow Opium Poppies

I read that you can overdose on morphine from injesting the seeds. My friend is not trying to produce opium, he is going for morphine/codine base, which he will then converted into morphine HCL.

All parts of the poppy plant contain psychoactive alkaloids!:mrgreen:
Evaporation is almost complete. My friend has what looks like a tanish clear flaky substance, which is still a little oily. He scraped it up and chopped it finely with a razor and will let it dry completely.

He said I can have a few photos of the substance once dried, so I will post them!
I hope this picture is clear enough, my buddy let me take this picture. However, the substance is not fully dry, it is still a little oily. I guess it doesn't really matter. He plans on taking this substance and purifying it. No heat has been used thus far.


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straight I wonder what the weight is goin to be after your homie is done purifying the yummy morphine (i hope its morphine). Is your friend goin to just eat it or was it more for fun to see if anything came out of the seed extract?
straight I wonder what the weight is goin to be after your homie is done purifying the yummy morphine (i hope its morphine). Is your friend goin to just eat it or was it more for fun to see if anything came out of the seed extract?

Eyeballing it looks like 10-12 grams of raw poppy seed extract, plus my friend is going to do 1 last extraction from the seeds in 160F PH 5 water.
After he filters he will add the pictured extract, them filter 1 more time with a very fine cloth filter.

After all that is done he will add pickling lime, then cooling the liquid and filtering until most waste is gone. He will then reheat and add ammonium chloride and have hopefully morphine base, which is illegal no matter where it came from. He is guessing anywhere from 20 mg to nothing!

Yes, this is just an experiment for the masses, he isn't planning on consuming it. If there is a decent ammount, he will then put the morphine base into water and lemon juice and heat with activated carbon to make a more pure form of morphine hcl. Then, he might consume it?
I wouldn't be surprised if that there contains many opiates, and I'm sure morphine is in it, but not in any significant range (but if I understand correctly, he's just chemically experimenting).

My fiancee actually has a fairly large opium poppy patch she tends and occasionally makes opium from (God only knows what our first child-planning on next year-will grow), and the one time she tried to snatch morphine from the opium residue it came out horrible. What your friend will come out with, at best, is what is called crude morphine. But in order to get that, he must isolate it from the opium (what it appears you may have there). To refine the morphine, you have to heat it together with acetic anhyidride. Then there's a bunch of steps you have to do in order to purify the morphine into the traditional hydrochloride salt.

All in all, though, I do think there's a distinct potential, and I think your friend is worth his weight in salt, given his use of lime to precipitate.

Keep up the good work, and definitely keep us posted!