Possible breeding project.


Well-Known Member
Turns put I might have a male or 2. Im almost 100% sure on the pine appke chunk male, and about 50% on mkage. The critical kush is for sure a female. And almost sure the white widow is female. I plan on using the pineapple chunk male on the critical kush female. And possibly the white widow too. If I just leave the male insode with both females will they both make a decent amout of seeds with that process?

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
if you tent both of your males and collect pollen from them separately, you could breed with both of them using the paint brush tech of hand pollinating one or two buds. i like your choice in male though as it stands. pineapple chunk is a well respected strain and a nice flavor if it's anything like whatever pineapple bud i scored once.


Well-Known Member
i might juts rip the mkage as it looks all funky like a weird growth that looks like it tried to grow back into the stem. so mkage might be out of the picture, but i think i might just leave the pineapple in the same tent and move the other auto i have in there into my 2x2 and just use 1gals for them. here will be the crosses i will have out of this.

white widow g13 labs/pineapple chunk barneys farm could be white chunk, widow chunk, pineapple widow, white pineapple,
critical kush barneys farm/pineapple chunk barneys farm could be critical pineapple, critical chunk, pineapple kush, chunk kush

i know they wont be real strains but just crosses i made on my own. if i do get the space i will start a breeding project and start doing just regular seeds for cheap.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
oh, don't listen to all the uppity haters! you make your own crosses, you make your own strains! what you'll be making will be unique and your own. screw all that control freak crap from others that think it's their biz what anyone else is doing in THEIR garden!!! maybe some of them are just insecure breeders that have a pathetic need to feel superior to others and trust me, there's plenty of that around here. me? i just tell 'em to fuck off. LOL

you WILL create your own strains, just not a STABLE strain. that's where the haters are feckin' morons, just as a lot of them incorrectly call ONLY selective breeding breeding. if something fucks and gets knocked up, it's bred, THAT is the actual definition of breeding. honestly, not only control freaks piss me off, but the ones that try to re-define words into what they THINK they should mean are even worse as their delusions of grandeur create false definitions of words. a crappy breeder is still a breeder, PERIOD!

if you want to appease the haters, instead of clocking them upside the head like the deserve, just back cross your offspring selecting for your favorite traits until the strain breeds true. i kind of DON'T like that approach myself as the more stable you make a strain, the less HYBRID VIGOR you'll have. first generation crosses are the best as far as i'm concerned. besides the hybrid vigor you get, if you back cross, you can get a really nice variety of phenos with a mix of parental traits like having a hundred strains in one.

man, just do your own thing! it's your garden and you don't answer to anyone there. make sure to freeze some pollen if you want to breed some more with your pineapple male or even back cross a few generations to select for that instead of your mother or a 50:50.

if you're trying to SELL your beans to someone, THEN i can see where a stable strain would be important to someone looking to breed true, but if you're growing and breeding what YOU like in YOUR garden, that's your biz.


Well-Known Member
ture that, couldnt of said it better my self. sad thing is that the pineapple turned out to be female. even tho i still have my doubts on it. but i will keep an eye on her, or he? idk but as for the critical and whitewidow, both forsure a female. took out mkage just didnt ik ehow it grew with biig ass fan leaves with almost no internode growth except a few brancghes that were on the bottom. so now im down to, critical kush, white widow, pineapple chunk, also threw in some autos for a 12-12 run with la diva and some blue mammoth.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
if you're growing autos, give them 16 hours light. they don't need 12 hours like regs and 16-18 hours is considered optimal for those to get the most growth. the 4-6 hours you aren't adding to your 12 could give you at least a few more grams. it's too bad you can't clone autos though, but you CAN revert your keeper fems and clone those until you find a suitable male.

honestly, regarding the control freaks, i'm starting to think they just feel threatened by anyone doing something they aren't, or refuse to. it was REALLY funny, in a sad way, watching one of them trying to say he isn't greedy for cash crapping on one hand, then saying yield is important in the very next breath and refusing to make the obvious, painful connection when it's easier to lash out at me personally for doing my own opposite of cash cropping in every way thing including breeding.

i like it when i see anyone trying something different. that's how progress is made and new techniques or improved buzzes happen. some day, i want to do a shop light SCROG just because i think it's doable. i've already grown PLENTY of topped and topped and topped leaflet trim banzais under shoplights. if you take leaves as soon as they pop and are still small, you'd be surprised at how good the smoke can be, way more potent than mexican brick, and fuck anyone that doesn't approve of my rather smoking brick than indica bud. i ONLY like getting high. brick and leaf trim can do that. cash crapping beasters? NOT! i think it REALLY pisses cash crappers off when someone "dares" say they'd rather smoke leaflet trim than their fat stinky schwag appeal buds. that threatens their very concept of reality man! LOL

the worst case, if you don't find ANY suitable male plants, you can always just order more beans and make sure to get at least one pack of regs. sannies has a bunch of great strains many of which are cheap. mandala is always a good value for regs too. one of my top 3 favorite strains is high quality seeds' $28 x 11 haze x skunk. that is one potent long lasting high that doesn't degrade to stone even after a month. not a fan of the cigar wrapper taste, but there's worse.

if you just do cloning of your ladies, you should be able to maintain a grow for at least a few years before waning sets in.

it would well be worth your time and money to order $100 or so in beans some day both for variety and to get a keeper male. many expensive strains are available in 5 packs (eg. TGA) that should give you at least 1 each male and female unless you pull a really unlucky 1-2000 draw. if you want to breed, all males would be acceptable then even. then, you could get 4-5 fems from other breeders. once you get your first batch of seeds in any cross, you're virtually set for life, though you'll get waning if you keep inbreeding for years too.

to me, the entire point of growing your own is do what dealers refuse to, put quality above yield. the greedier you get, the worse your weed sucks. the more love you put into your garden, the more you get back in return. i really believe that, not just in the attention to details care, but on a spiritual level. if nothing else, spending a lot of time with your gals gives them a little C02 enrichment.


Well-Known Member
ha dont get me wrong yeild is a major play on what i grow, but so is the quality, i dont do a perpetual grow yet so i want tsomething that is going to last me at the least 2 months. as i slowly add more space to grow in i might go with a perpetual and keep a few different moms, i have grown autos on a 24/ onn and 18/6 already. using my other tent currently for cloning so no room for the autos so they will have to suffice in the 12-12, and plus thats about all the seeds i have left anyways. got some bagseed laying around from a fellow grwer claims its a mix of la con, hogs weed and white rhino? but he also says everyplant he has grown has been hermi so not going to risk running these with bought seeds, maybe one i run out ill sprout 5 or 6 look for a good female and male out of thoses and work on breeding with the bag seed till i get a good control of what im looking for. in due time i would actually love to open a bean operation on quality seeds for the cheap. dont want to start with fem seeds, so ill just be doing a few regular crosses. i personally wont name them just do llike white widow(male)xcritical kush (female) and let people decide their own names. hopefully with in the next few years i can have my beans up on attitude or sannies herbies anywhere that is an actual seedbank,

once i do start with the breeding project im going to need a few testers. your more than welcome to test them if you would like, want to find a few knowledgeable growers that know what they are doing so i can get actual feedback,

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i'd only test gear if i lived in a safe place like canada. i refuse any freebie offers. i don't trust anyone in these forums, post counts or not, so don't take it personal. i've had requests for my own gear at least once too i've politely tried to sidestep as i can't think of a safe way to send anyone beans without getting fingerprints on the packaging. i prefer to err on the side of paranoia. if you REALLY want to get your gear tested, look into med use. there are places that give out free beans to med users, and i've heard that SOME growers trade beans and gift them at international cannagraphic as one member here or in another forum was complaining about a panhandling weasel that scammed beans from a legit breeder then started trash talking on them claiming they were 0% when he refused to send MORE freebies. i wish the world were such that greedy corporate scum didn't have the leverage to keep weed off the market because it's SO MUCH of a threat to their system both financially, as well as simply changing people's behavior to opt out of the the american nightmare as hippies did in the 60s & 70s with all their peace loving and organic foods communes. i'd love to be able to just give beans, and even the bud i don't need, away for free. all i care about myself is getting high because no one else wants to help out there. if columbian gold was still around, i never would have gotten into growing. if you just have a single 400w light and a 3x3 SCROG screen, you should be able to get all the bud you need for a YEAR in just two grows with some to spare even. another way to keep your stash big is to smoke it efficiently. check out the purple days (and clones) vaporizers. they're supposed to be very efficient and help stretch your bud out much more. i plan on getting one myself the next time i have bud. i love vaping. there's no C02 or carbon monoxide made, they can be more efficient, they lower your stone, and to me, unburned weed just tastes better. $150 or more for a decent vaporizer is expensive, but it's a good investment, especially if you have limited stock on hand. i've heard that you lose flavor for flavor strains vaping, but i could live with that as flavors are just a novelty when buzz is most important. everybody does their own thing, regardless. hey, if i ever move to canada and start my own "bargain bob's seed emporium", you can send me whatever, and i'll pass it along as freebies. :) i'd really like to breed seriously instead of just chucking, but even that makes me happy in my own room. my 1st generation super cali haze x C99 was CLEARLY better than C99. start with good strains, you should get something at least good. AWESOME takes some careful selection.


Well-Known Member
no problem man, its all good. ive got a few buddies that want to be testers but they are not pros but they are also not noobs i was considering moving to either canada amsterdam to start a seed company. me and a few people out here that are starting to breed wants to make our own strains. which would be cool, and i would be weary of people too trying to send me things free but for seeds as long as there is no return shiping the shipper could not really get in trouble if found. reciver i guess would be screwed unless you had shipped to buydds house or somehting. but if you get that going before i get my stuff going i will send em to you. but if i get mine going if you ever order just let me know and ill throw extras in.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i think i'm going to stop ordering beans in the future once 8 miles high comes back and i try a few new strains i have my eye on like third dimension, jack f7 and a few others as i have plenty of genes already i like and want to tinker with. i just want to get a couple undiluted landraces to work with current state of the art hybrids. i like the idea of preserving malawi gold at least as a hybrid in future generations as it's a new line to work with tired old hazes and i just like doing what everyone else isn't in general. if i get some surplus after my next 2 grows, i might even try mekong haze again. if it lives up to it's cannabible description, it should make hybrids better than generic hazes easily. a breeding round with a malawi male should give me a better idea of what to expect from my "cash croppers" like C99 & C99 x A11 hybrids, sativa trans love, jack, jack 33, & buddha's sister. if you want to start a really cool seed bank, make hybrids out of great gear few are making crosses with. C99 x kali mist seems logical for a pure motivation strain. kali mist isn't in too many crosses, probably because it's a 17 week strain. if you have buddies that grow already, it sounds like you have a solid test crew already. really, you can do your own testing. everyone's tastes differ too, but if you breed strains that you know are awesome compared to common schwag, you'll know.


Well-Known Member
i'd only test gear if i lived in a safe place like canada. i refuse any freebie offers. i don't trust anyone in these forums, post counts or not, so don't take it personal. i've had requests for my own gear at least once too i've politely tried to sidestep as i can't think of a safe way to send anyone beans without getting fingerprints on the packaging. i prefer to err on the side of paranoia. if you REALLY want to get your gear tested, look into med use. there are places that give out free beans to med users, and i've heard that SOME growers trade beans and gift them at international cannagraphic as one member here or in another forum was complaining about a panhandling weasel that scammed beans from a legit breeder then started trash talking on them claiming they were 0% when he refused to send MORE freebies. i wish the world were such that greedy corporate scum didn't have the leverage to keep weed off the market because it's SO MUCH of a threat to their system both financially, as well as simply changing people's behavior to opt out of the the american nightmare as hippies did in the 60s & 70s with all their peace loving and organic foods communes. i'd love to be able to just give beans, and even the bud i don't need, away for free. all i care about myself is getting high because no one else wants to help out there. if columbian gold was still around, i never would have gotten into growing. if you just have a single 400w light and a 3x3 SCROG screen, you should be able to get all the bud you need for a YEAR in just two grows with some to spare even. another way to keep your stash big is to smoke it efficiently. check out the purple days (and clones) vaporizers. they're supposed to be very efficient and help stretch your bud out much more. i plan on getting one myself the next time i have bud. i love vaping. there's no C02 or carbon monoxide made, they can be more efficient, they lower your stone, and to me, unburned weed just tastes better. $150 or more for a decent vaporizer is expensive, but it's a good investment, especially if you have limited stock on hand. i've heard that you lose flavor for flavor strains vaping, but i could live with that as flavors are just a novelty when buzz is most important. everybody does their own thing, regardless. hey, if i ever move to canada and start my own "bargain bob's seed emporium", you can send me whatever, and i'll pass it along as freebies. :) i'd really like to breed seriously instead of just chucking, but even that makes me happy in my own room. my 1st generation super cali haze x C99 was CLEARLY better than C99. start with good strains, you should get something at least good. AWESOME takes some careful selection.
Hazey why do you bother?

OP. Ask the guy to see any of his finished or flowering plants. He cant he chops them at week 3, he just re quotes what others have done.

i'd only test gear if i lived in a safe place like canada. i refuse any freebie offers
Not what your history says? cali con blue dream, attitude freebies.

Their is not many breeders would waste test gear on you to waste or even design a "CROSS" before the seed is germed or grown