if you're growing autos, give them 16 hours light. they don't need 12 hours like regs and 16-18 hours is considered optimal for those to get the most growth. the 4-6 hours you aren't adding to your 12 could give you at least a few more grams. it's too bad you can't clone autos though, but you CAN revert your keeper fems and clone those until you find a suitable male.
honestly, regarding the control freaks, i'm starting to think they just feel threatened by anyone doing something they aren't, or refuse to. it was REALLY funny, in a sad way, watching one of them trying to say he isn't greedy for cash crapping on one hand, then saying yield is important in the very next breath and refusing to make the obvious, painful connection when it's easier to lash out at me personally for doing my own opposite of cash cropping in every way thing including breeding.
i like it when i see anyone trying something different. that's how progress is made and new techniques or improved buzzes happen. some day, i want to do a shop light SCROG just because i think it's doable. i've already grown PLENTY of topped and topped and topped leaflet trim banzais under shoplights. if you take leaves as soon as they pop and are still small, you'd be surprised at how good the smoke can be, way more potent than mexican brick, and fuck anyone that doesn't approve of my rather smoking brick than indica bud. i ONLY like getting high. brick and leaf trim can do that. cash crapping beasters? NOT! i think it REALLY pisses cash crappers off when someone "dares" say they'd rather smoke leaflet trim than their fat stinky schwag appeal buds. that threatens their very concept of reality man! LOL
the worst case, if you don't find ANY suitable male plants, you can always just order more beans and make sure to get at least one pack of regs. sannies has a bunch of great strains many of which are cheap. mandala is always a good value for regs too. one of my top 3 favorite strains is high quality seeds' $28 x 11 haze x skunk. that is one potent long lasting high that doesn't degrade to stone even after a month. not a fan of the cigar wrapper taste, but there's worse.
if you just do cloning of your ladies, you should be able to maintain a grow for at least a few years before waning sets in.
it would well be worth your time and money to order $100 or so in beans some day both for variety and to get a keeper male. many expensive strains are available in 5 packs (eg. TGA) that should give you at least 1 each male and female unless you pull a really unlucky 1-2000 draw. if you want to breed, all males would be acceptable then even. then, you could get 4-5 fems from other breeders. once you get your first batch of seeds in any cross, you're virtually set for life, though you'll get waning if you keep inbreeding for years too.
to me, the entire point of growing your own is do what dealers refuse to, put quality above yield. the greedier you get, the worse your weed sucks. the more love you put into your garden, the more you get back in return. i really believe that, not just in the attention to details care, but on a spiritual level. if nothing else, spending a lot of time with your gals gives them a little C02 enrichment.