Possibly dying


Well-Known Member
Hmm i have 3 plants. all 10days old. all different sizes. my problem is. the tallest one started drooping.
I tried turning it more toward the lights but it continues to droop. i went to sleep, next morning i woke up and it was hanging over the side of the pot it is in, i quickly got the soil packed a little tighter around the stem to hold it straight up. its now standing straight but the top is still drooping over like it did when it first started to droop.

am i giving it to much water? or not enough? i haven't given any nutes yet, still to soon, i am using fox farm ocean forest soil. and 4 23w cfl's and 4 27w cfl's in a closet grow with mylar covering the walls.

so basically is it a watering issue, a lighting, or is the stem possibly snapped?

Thanks Again in advance

i would show a pic... but i was in a rush and fixed it with soil before i got a pic of it drooping


Well-Known Member
how big are your buckets and how often and how much water. ya pic`s would help. could be alot of things, cfl`s get pretty hot.


Well-Known Member
sounds like too much water and now its dead but trying to clone"root again.
id cut it in half and take 3/4 of the fan leaves off.
any pics.


Well-Known Member
yea its actually only 10days old. so im not sure i can really cut that in half, lol. but the 1 im talking about that was doing it was the tallest one, thats like the main focus in the pics with the bigger fan leaves


Well-Known Member
any pics of the fixed plant and maybe some of the others you have.
what lights are you using and how far away was the drooping plant from the lights.


Well-Known Member
im using 4 23w cfls and 4 27w cfls
they are actually closer to the plants now, then what they were in those pics


Well-Known Member
those plants are stretching due to lack of light. get those CFL's RIGHT UP ON IT, stake them up for support and make sure a fan is blowing around the bottom of the bulbs/top of the plants. dont water too much, let the soil dry out between waterings, you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
also, ditch those bulbs, and go to home depot and get some 42 watt bulbs. they are the highest wattage CFL i've found easily available at stores.


Well-Known Member
agreed the lights were to far away to start. what is the k number on the light`s? i feel they are to young to be cloned especialy if they are stressed. how often do you water.


Well-Known Member
i just spent 60$ on those bulbs at home depot, lol.. im not about to get rid of them to buy others, hehe, and to be honest those were the highest i seen in stock at home depot 100w's true power 23 and 27 watts

so maybe if anything i can just add on to them. but yea they were drooping because they were under a different light up until last night. they just got under those lights. only been there for about 8hours. so im hoping these lights revive them, they were under a T3 Halogen Bulb Before this.
i also did move the CFL's in closer now then what they were in those pictures. and i will hold off on watering now. i have a fan blowing in there which is catching the plants and making them wave around a bit so that should also help


Well-Known Member
agreed the lights were to far away to start. what is the k number on the light`s? i feel they are to young to be cloned especialy if they are stressed. how often do you water.
well those werent the lights they started under they were just moves there last night, but yea im actually not even sure on the K number not sure where to find them, but
they were the 100w daylight and soft white at home depot, 23w and 27w

they are closer now

and i usually water them once a day a little bit with distilled water at room temperature


Well-Known Member
why do you water every day? you need to let the soil dry out between waterings. the best practice is to water slowly and thoroughly, until about 20% of the total volume of water comes out the bottom of the pot. but most people just get a feel for it.

then you HAVE TO let them dry out a bit. Ideally you actually want them to show the very first signs of wilt before watering again, although that seems to be more the opinion of horticulturalists, not so much cannabis cultivators.


Well-Known Member
so...unless you have way too much perlite in your mix, you should be watering perhaps twice a week. It really depends on how much water your soil retains.

You know the 'weight' method? Just water your plants thoroughly one day as i've described. then lift the pot, feel its weight. everyday go back and lift the pot up, when it starts getting much lighter you know the water is leaving, and it will be/is time to water again.


Well-Known Member
to start with go for a drive about 100 miles an hour and toss that halogen bulb out the window. just kidding, halogen dont work well for growing they dont have the correct spectum. the kelvin number is usualy on the base oof the bulb. how big are your buckets and how much water do you feed them?


Well-Known Member
in those pictures those are the buckets and i dont feed them yet only 10 days old and i been watering every 24hours which i now know needs to stop. but yea buckets they r in are very small


Well-Known Member
actually you could have done a lot more damage with that sort of watering than you did.

when you stop watering like that, and move the lights AS CLOSE AS YOU CAN WITHOUT BURNING (sorry to yell, its just really important) then they'll stop stretching, they'll put their energy towards capturing the light they are supplied, more leaves/nodes, lateral growth of the stem. I still say you'll want to stake them up.


Well-Known Member
ok my other concern is how can i get that stem to get thicker and stronger?
it seems pretty thin and fragile