Post Your Outdoor Flowers Here


Well-Known Member
pic one is a harvest still curing pic 2 is my lavender clone
pic 3 is my blueberry haze hermi : ( lol
pic 4 is a bag seed almost done


Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Is that a 2pac grinder? My homegirl has one of those and it sucks. Fucks my hands up when I use it. Space Case is the way to go.

You've got a nice garden going!!


Well-Known Member
lol i dont know i got it for my birthday is an la dodger grinder but hella pinked out its the only grinder i have
and i hate sticky fingures lol so i dont have a choise but it works really good
Is that a 2pac grinder? My homegirl has one of those and it sucks. Fucks my hands up when I use it. Space Case is the way to go.

You've got a nice garden going!!

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Haha. Not hating. It is the same grinder, it just has a different logo. The one she has says 2pac and it has a gat on it. I'm telling you though, invest in a space case and you won't be disappointed. I rocked a cheap grinder for years and then a buddy of mine got me a space case. That thing is dope. I've had it packed completely full where I can't even get the lid closed, hit it with like a 1/2 turn and everything comes out beautifully, perfectly ground. No powder either. The large titanium costs 50 bones, but worth it in my opinion.


Well-Known Member

Heres a 1 or 2 random plants in my yard they are in a shady area so they are pretty small i also havent taken care of these ones lol just put the seed down and let it grow.


Well-Known Member
It's good to see the amount of new growers on here. A few days ago i read a post saying that outdoor growing will be impossible soon(next decade) but i cant see that happening. pessimisim is rampant in human culture, but the truth is in the people.
Dont lose your dinosaurs.