Potassium Silicate concentration/npk calculations

What state is your store in again? You have the cheapest prices imaginable/

- Jiji

Its in BC Canada. I'm just getting the basic additives packaged. Me and a buddy of mine will be selling them in our stores only. Once I release the prices I can see some of the manufacturers not liking it lol but in reality fuck em I need to have something to differentiate my store from the 30 other ones in my general area.

For example. I got 2KG of a carb product which normally costs me $40 ish for 2.3 KG from the wholesalers. I package up the same thing and sell it for $40-45 in my store. So the customer gets it about wholesale cost.
iv just recieved some potassium silicate in the post today and it says npk=0-0-9.5 and 23% silicon....idk if that helps.

2 ml per 10 ltr =46 ppm si02 ....22 ppm k

that's all i know :)
Trying to figure out the NPK of this product. I have another product that is Ksil 6 packaged down and its says 0-0-14 but not sure if its mislabeled as their other sizes say something else.


A 2.1 ratio potassium silicate solution with a specific gravity of 1.38.

K2O, %12.65
SiO2 % 26.50
Weight Ratio, % SiO 2/%K20 2.09
this is what mine says ;)
Its in BC Canada. I'm just getting the basic additives packaged. Me and a buddy of mine will be selling them in our stores only. Once I release the prices I can see some of the manufacturers not liking it lol but in reality fuck em I need to have something to differentiate my store from the 30 other ones in my general area.

For example. I got 2KG of a carb product which normally costs me $40 ish for 2.3 KG from the wholesalers. I package up the same thing and sell it for $40-45 in my store. So the customer gets it about wholesale cost.
Sorry to dig up Bones. Did you ever figure out the ratios to mix this agsil stuff?
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Sorry to dig up Bones. Did you ever figure out the ratios to mix this agsil stuff?

I had National Silicates send me info on the PPM and mixing but my hd crashed and that email got wiped out. I'll have to request it again. If you were in Canada I could send you a 1L to test out.
I had National Silicates send me info on the PPM and mixing but my hd crashed and that email got wiped out. I'll have to request it again. If you were in Canada I could send you a 1L to test out.
Thanks. Was jus wondering if my 544 g per gallon to make 7.8% concentrate was in the ballpark.
It's all a placebo anyway. There's no such thing as silicon deficiency.
Not for deficiency. Its for supplement. I used it before for on a strain I have run non stop for 2 years and could see a noticeable difference in the plant vs same without on same schedule as always.

I want to explore this more minus bottle markups.

Believe it or not people don't want to spend a few min extra dissolving the silicate into say a jug of warm water so the pure Kasil 6 wont sink to the bottom of the barrel. The price of the product will be reflected in the dilutions.

For example right now I pay $14 wholesale for a 1L of branded Kasil 6. It'll cost me 1/2 of that to bottle it down, put it in a plastic bottle and then put a label on it. So now I can sell it to the end user as retail wholesale prices or just above it. I could probably make it even cheaper but I can't find powdered silicate locally, something like AgSil 16H

MBFerts.com has good prices and free shipping in the USA but there shopping cart and contact pages are down so I am not sure what is going on.
Just messing with you, but I'm pretty sure in Oregon they would hang you from the gallows for this.

Just trying to sell your own fertilizer, without registering it.

- Jiji

Oregon = enlighten fascists

There are states or maybe the Federal Govt who will arrest you if you capture rainwater in a barrel,
Its in BC Canada. I'm just getting the basic additives packaged. Me and a buddy of mine will be selling them in our stores only. Once I release the prices I can see some of the manufacturers not liking it lol but in reality fuck em I need to have something to differentiate my store from the 30 other ones in my general area.

For example. I got 2KG of a carb product which normally costs me $40 ish for 2.3 KG from the wholesalers. I package up the same thing and sell it for $40-45 in my store. So the customer gets it about wholesale cost.

Be careful mate. Big Dave at Advanced may be gunning for you. Their HQ is in Canada. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Supposedly MMj stocks in Canada are soaring.
Be careful mate. Big Dave at Advanced may be gunning for you. Their HQ is in Canada. Good luck and let us know how it goes. Supposedly MMj stocks in Canada are soaring.

LOL Big Mike, all the guy does is bitch and whine about Larry Brookes. Fuck dood get over it, Larry cashed in for $130 mil you didn't.

I've already upset some retailers here as I package down my down stuff and sell it at what my wholesale price is. I don't low ball it as I'm a business and here to make money but I got line of products that I can sell WAY cheaper, where the customer gets it cheap but I still make same money as if I sold the brand name products.

I buy 55 gal barrels of 29% Peroxide (from food grade), PH UP (Potassium Hydroxide 45%) and Kasil #6 and break them down. PH Down (Phosphoric Acid 75% highest legal % I can buy with out questions) I buy smaller 20L cans as its cheaper than the 55gal (not sure why)

I order Dextrose by 25K bags from Sysco, MKP+MAP from any agri whosaler and make a bloom booster out of it.
LOL Big Mike, all the guy does is bitch and whine about Larry Brookes. Fuck dood get over it, Larry cashed in for $130 mil you didn't.

I've already upset some retailers here as I package down my down stuff and sell it at what my wholesale price is. I don't low ball it as I'm a business and here to make money but I got line of products that I can sell WAY cheaper, where the customer gets it cheap but I still make same money as if I sold the brand name products.

I buy 55 gal barrels of 29% Peroxide (from food grade), PH UP (Potassium Hydroxide 45%) and Kasil #6 and break them down. PH Down (Phosphoric Acid 75% highest legal % I can buy with out questions) I buy smaller 20L cans as its cheaper than the 55gal (not sure why)

I order Dextrose by 25K bags from Sysco, MKP+MAP from any agri whosaler and make a bloom booster out of it.

LOL! Big mike. Ha ha. Let us know if you start selling it the States. I hope you have good luck selling your products.