Powdery Mildew

never seen that ^. what are the ingredients sir?

We all grow and provide for many different reasons, so many reasons......doesnt surprise me we all have different levels of personal risk to bring our end results. If I ever see moldy marijuana in my grow room I will put it into the compost. Hopefully I'll have copies, if not I will learn how to do this without chemical romance choice-to never repeat what brought the mold in the first place and to lower my personal risks.
I see big pharma and agri doing the same shit, pulling the same strings. working backwards for the result. Listen the undesired effects that they are mandated to inform us of, (side effects, like a side gig, not a big deal right) death, cancer, suicide...all from taking a pill that treats depression/suicidal tendencies ? wtf yet piggies suck em up because they work, even convinced them of the old adage......

"They say that about every thing" while they disregarded the stated dangers of said products.

now, go check out their children, and their grandchildren now, how about those pills you took while pregnant mom? and those daily acrylic nails too, bitches. notice your kids eyes??? this is what I want to say to those that say "They say that about everything".

we mostly cannot see past the choices we make until the consequences of poor ones arise upload_2017-7-21_11-32-14.jpeg

green cure is basically baking soda.i use it,i like it.i have noticed if you spray too heavy it may turn pistils brown.so i no longer use it as a preventative during flower,but have switched to shavegrass as a preventative.shavegrass has silica in it,so its helpful in more ways than one.(from what ive read and understand.nothing is gospel)
green cure is basically baking soda.i use it,i like it.i have noticed if you spray too heavy it may turn pistils brown.so i no longer use it as a preventative during flower,but have switched to shavegrass as a preventative.shavegrass has silica in it,so its helpful in more ways than one.(from what ive read and understand.nothing is gospel)
So you spray preventatives in flowering stage? Do you rinse the flowers after spraying at all?
Don't need to research farther than the maker says not to use it and that's good enough for me lol.
So you've never tried MJ then because the govt says it's bad for you. That it's addictive as heroin and has no medical value? You listen to people who haven't run tests, who just say things about stuff they don't know for your own good. Hmm.
So you've never tried MJ then because the govt says it's bad for you. That it's addictive as heroin and has no medical value? You listen to people who haven't run tests, who just say things about stuff they don't know for your own good. Hmm.
No I care not to try using it as it has not been tested by the people that make it, and they say not to use it, simple as that, like I said that's as much research as I need. And actually my government does not say it's bad for you lol. They are in the process of actually legalizing it lol. Yes they have guidelines but no they don't blaintantly say it's bad for you. Look you can argue your point all you want but the people that make it say don't use it, that's it, done, no more discussion required. Go ahead and use it but don't try and justify it by saying you had it tested and it came back clean so it's ok for others. Anyways I think there is enough info here and on other threads that most if not all would be reluctant to use it.
Oh and it's not as addictive as heroin ..... I know, thanks to a doctor that was mislead by big pharma that actually said "go ahead, use it, it's non addictive" ..... they lied lol.
Good to hear-- at least if one of your guinea pigs/patients dies as a result of your experiments, you'll be able to raise him from the dead.
No one died, haven't used it in 2 years. I did expect that or a similar comment from you though.
To answer your question though, myclobutanil didn't change any chemicals from benign to toxic in any of the other hundred+ plant species they tested it on so........
But that question was perfect example of what I was talking about. The only reason anyone is still in this conversation is to do nothing but cast doubt on me or prove me wrong. no one actually wants to learn anything or discuss the reality of the situation so I'm out. Do what you guys want. I never tried to sway you into doing what I do just justifying my position since I've done the research and showing others there is a sure fire way to get rid of pm that's safe. If you don't want to do it fine, don't read about it.
The company is saying that so they don't get sued. They are bound by law to not recommend it unless it's been tested. You don't see them giving a shit about people in China spraying it on tobacco do you? They didn't say that to protect you they said that to protect themselves! So again, you're taking their word just like you'd take the fed gov'ts word on MJ, you missed th point bby saying your state is legalizing it and your doc says it's not addictive. Those people would equate to ME in this analogy. They don't know because they haven't tested it on MJ, so you're believing someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. They CAN NOT test it get approved for an illegal drug. No one can which is why NO sprays are approved for use on MJ. Colorado came up with a list out of their ass as no testing has been done. I'd put money that they will eventually test it for MJ when it's legal on a fed level.

No I care not to try using it as it has not been tested by the people that make it, and they say not to use it, simple as that, like I said that's as much research as I need. And actually my government does not say it's bad for you lol. They are in the process of actually legalizing it lol. Yes they have guidelines but no they don't blaintantly say it's bad for you. Look you can argue your point all you want but the people that make it say don't use it, that's it, done, no more discussion required. Go ahead and use it but don't try and justify it by saying you had it tested and it came back clean so it's ok for others. Anyways I think there is enough info here and on other threads that most if not all would be reluctant to use it.
So you spray preventatives in flowering stage? Do you rinse the flowers after spraying at all?
nope.i only spray for the first couple of weeks during flower.i'm coastal,so theres moisture on my plants every am,regardless of rain or not,so i really try not to spray my buds.pm kind of disappears for me during that time,but i have to keep an eye out for bud rot.that being said,i would have no problem spraying shavegrass tea on flowering plants,if i didnt have to worry about rot,and if they had a couple weeks before harvest with some rain.
Are you saying this about people who bring in clones without spraying them and then find out they brought in PM?
nope, I'm saying that when we encounter an issue and we come to our choice by working backwards towards the solution we often miss some key points along the way. those wont matter though because we often cannot see past our original choice.

"we mostly cannot see past the choices we make until the consequences of poor ones arise"

My analogy would be for example.
Deciding unapproved chemicals are the only way for you to grow mold free marijuana is a quick choice you've made.
You've worked backwards after that choice to also make those chemicals harmless to you and yours.
You are not expected to see beyond that choice. On the contrary you are expected to defend that choice here.
Until/unless poor consequences arise, then you could see beyond your original choice.

Norby I love ya man, but I might not have the same aspirations or motives as you when producing I'll give you that.
Like if I found out the only way I could grow marijuana was with an unapproved chemical I just would not grow marijuana.
I am sick of chemicals used on my food. Much of my life has been spent becoming self sufficient for much of that very reason.
I spend oodles of time and ass busting moves to accomplish this. I have single handedly seen my family afflictions disappear during this time. I wholeheartedly blame chemicals used on and in our past foods. I thought you were also that same concerned person, the one that would never consider using such things on your consumables. Knowing others are doing it without using those chems could have motivation for you to stall your choice and continue searching for resolve the way those others have done. I only judge you now because you first defended your one time use, never to be repeated and now you say you use it on each batch of clones you get to prevent molds. I see many other options for example, because my choice was to grow without chems and I worked up to that not back from it.

stay safe my friend
Any company that makes a spray would say not to use it as none of them have been tested and approved on MJ. So would you ever use anything to get rid of pm or mites etc. on MJ. Cause if you would you are going against what the company would say about using it on MJ. Why not jump on nature boy for using greencure in flower? Why not jump on people for using neem? You should at least be consistent.
And I said I used it and tested it and it came back clean, which is further than they would go to get approval as they would find an acceptable residue limit that would be allowed and they would give a last spray date before harvest. I went further and got a fully clean time period instead of finding a maximal residue limit that the gov't would say it's ok to have in the finished product. I also said to test your product. What people do is not up to you. What people research and find to be the truth is not up to you.

No I care not to try using it as it has not been tested by the people that make it, and they say not to use it, simple as that, like I said that's as much research as I need. And actually my government does not say it's bad for you lol. They are in the process of actually legalizing it lol. Yes they have guidelines but no they don't blaintantly say it's bad for you. Look you can argue your point all you want but the people that make it say don't use it, that's it, done, no more discussion required. Go ahead and use it but don't try and justify it by saying you had it tested and it came back clean so it's ok for others. Anyways I think there is enough info here and on other threads that most if not all would be reluctant to use it.
I see, you only spray so the baking soda can get trapped on the innermost parts of the bud as a hard crusty, concretion. Did you see if the company said it was safe to use on MJ? cause as far as I know there have been no products tested and approved for use on a smokeable product that is MJ.
If the baking soda is caking up your buds that may be the cause of your bud rot.

nope.i only spray for the first couple of weeks during flower.i'm coastal,so theres moisture on my plants every am,regardless of rain or not,so i really try not to spray my buds.pm kind of disappears for me during that time,but i have to keep an eye out for bud rot.that being said,i would have no problem spraying shavegrass tea on flowering plants,if i didnt have to worry about rot,and if they had a couple weeks before harvest with some rain.
"The only reason anyone is still in this conversation is to do nothing but cast doubt on me or prove me wrong. no one actually wants to learn anything or discuss the reality of the situation so I'm out."

I don't anybody is trying to cast doubt or prove you wrong anymore than you are trying cast doubt on or prove them wrong as to why not to use it..

It's that it is something so complex that it takes several studies and the input from several phd level scientist. You neither have a PHD or are a scientist I gather..though you do have a fairly good command on the topic given the lack of either. So what you are left with is going over studies that are not necessarily specific to what the government guidelines would require to deem it safe for human comsumption (and has much as I hate government over reach, red tape and the general bureaucracy of it all) in some cases it really does protect the consumer. So it is something that entails an inherent risk of the "what if " factor that people simply aren't willing to risk given the fact that other means of producing the same product can be achieved without its use. I think it basically boils down to this that I would rather lose a crop to pm than risk the unknowns in a man made chemical with known toxicities. Marijuana (in most cases) is not a life saving drug and if the cure can produce worst possible effects than what its treating than you have a problem. Over and out
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I see, you only spray so the baking soda can get trapped on the innermost parts of the bud as a hard crusty, concretion. Did you see if the company said it was safe to use on MJ? cause as far as I know there have been no products tested and approved for usse on a smokeable product that is MJ.
personally,that is the chance i am willing to take.this bud is for me and me alone.im not worried about what baking soda does to my buds,there is moisture on my flowers every morning,like i said,more than likely diluting any baking soda residue.