Power Consumption / Light Cost

It is nice to have predictability and summer has that 2 month period that really demands the power. I look at my Flower Power and know every 100w = at least 1kw a night - A/C (have 2 a Porto. D/Hose and a Window Unit) The A/C I use at night in summer might be used 50% of the night and it alone draws over 1kw and hour / (like 1800w = 1.8kw an hr is 21.6kw a night just for HPS lamps round it up and U R Safe) ... So that's one way you can get a predictable grip for the most part.
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600hps/MH in an enclosed hood cost me $200 shipped. Apollo bulbs are $20 on amazon. Light, oscillating fans, and duct fan cost $30/month to run

LED's arent there yet with HPS sorry. Your not going to come close to yield and penetration with anything in the $200 range with COB

People that think HPS create a ton of heat have never tried an enclosed hood or cool tube, makes an incredible difference, my T5's get the tent hotter than my 600mH does. No a/c required for either. Only using a 6" 300cfm duct booster dialed down for extraction
I knew that Sandy Eggo was bad....almost Hawaii bad at $0.32/kWh

The power company seems to get a kick out of telling me how much more
power I use than my neighbors too. "Smart" meters are not good....providing
the man with data...
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At those prices, custom high efficiency LED builds will pay for themselves in no time at all in power savings alone, jeepers. Twice, cuz they can run so cool AC isn't necessary, even for larger spaces.

On the other hand, maybe you just veg inside, then toss them out in the year round 12/12 tropical sunlight to finish?

flowering indoors with a shiny new 400w vero29 in a 3x3. I went a little overboard maybe. it's still 400w, plus fans, plus my 80w veg tent. about 600w for the whole shebang, right around $100 per month. A/C is out of the question. I'd get solar, except they won't allow hook up to the grid now (anymore) and must get 20-30k worth of batteries which would take forever to recoup.

I am counting on it to pay off in a 3rd way, namely 2-3x higher g/pw yields than my old blurples. was getting less than 1/2g before.

have been told that outdoors, there are 3 short flower seasons and 1 long full grow season. I will veg one inside late may and put it out in late july, for science. More than 1 or 2 small plants is not workable with my location
flowering indoors with a shiny new 400w vero29 in a 3x3. I went a little overboard maybe. it's still 400w, plus fans, plus my 80w veg tent. about 600w for the whole shebang, right around $100 per month. A/C is out of the question. I'd get solar, except they won't allow hook up to the grid now (anymore) and must get 20-30k worth of batteries which would take forever to recoup.

I am counting on it to pay off in a 3rd way, namely 2-3x higher g/pw yields than my old blurples. was getting less than 1/2g before.

have been told that outdoors, there are 3 short flower seasons and 1 long full grow season. I will veg one inside late may and put it out in late july, for science. More than 1 or 2 small plants is not workable with my location
Are they fucking serious?! Power process are THAT high and they don't allow solar tied to their grid????

That's called monopolistic behavior. Amazing they get away with that shit here in America.
Are they fucking serious?! Power process are THAT high and they don't allow solar tied to their grid????

That's called monopolistic behavior. Amazing they get away with that shit here in America.

Fuck solar power, its surrounded by water. Wave farms would be amazing.
My point is that they'd pass laws against tying THAT to the grid, too. Because they LIKE being able to rip people off for a modern necessity.

The state grants the monopoly, then profits from and protects it. HECO doesn't want too many people on the grid so they "capped" it, the cap has been reached. Even when it was allowed, it took months to get connected. Solar permits are down over 50% since the cap. No worries, the politicians are busy shaking down the solar guys and will raise the cap eventually... after they approve HECO's rate hike, no doubt.

Fuck solar power, its surrounded by water. Wave farms would be amazing.

There are already unsightly wind farms on the north shore, so they decided to build a wind farm in the ocean not far from Waikiki. Wave farms would be awesome, There is a wave prototype somewhere, yet it's not ready for prime time. No worries, the wind companies have more money to kick back for now.
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The state grants the monopoly, then profits from and protects it. HECO doesn't want too many people on the grid so they "capped" it, the cap has been reached. Even when it was allowed, it took months to get connected. Solar permits are down over 50% since the cap. No worries, the politicians are busy shaking down the solar guys and will raise the cap eventually... after they approve HECO's rate hike, no doubt.

There are already unsightly wind farms on the north shore, so they decided to build a wind farm in the ocean not far from Waikiki. Wave farms would be awesome, There is a wave prototype somewhere, yet it's not ready for prime time. No worries, the wind companies have more money to kick back for now.

Neighborhoods should band together and generate/distribute their own power.
Sanctuary cities could power the country by throwing all the illegals on treadmill generators for 12 hour shifts!!!
You had to quote my post to say shit like that on MLK Day?! :finger:

Why don't you get your own fat donut eating ass on that treadmill, I bet you could use the exercise, lardbutt!

@UncleBuck got another 'funny guy' for ya...
Well, every other bad idea maybe, but I am not remembering that one.

He insisted that he has the right to drone us without a trial....that is what
Rand Paul filibustered against....but Posse Comitatus still stands, for now.