Well-Known Member
thanks kho. I googled it and found it is 2700k. Surprised they dont list that on the box.
Will be using this setup in my next autoflowering closet grow. The bulbs should be perpendicular to the plants, correct?

thanks kho. I googled it and found it is 2700k. Surprised they dont list that on the box.Will be using this setup in my next autoflowering closet grow. The bulbs should be perpendicular to the plants, correct?
thats what i was going to say!! bizarre coincidence i guess with the lumens. once i set it up i noticed a definite "warm" "soft" definitely red glow. happy to see you found your answer! this is pretty much an open CFL discussion thread, so feel free to share any CFL related goodness whenever.
not to steal thread but this is my fixture i made... i will upgrade to another one or even two if needed im just now on day 3 so i have no prob with the light i have now and for 50$usd a pop it aint a bad light.... and based on another forum these lights put out 12,000 to 13,450 lumens so about how many plants could i grow if i had 2 rigs and or 4 rigs... thus producing 24,000 to 26,900 lumens or 48,000 to 53,800 lumens.... i have a 2.5'W x 2.5'D x 5'H
i would love to have a 12-16 plant garden which is harvested every 3 months from clones....
i also plan on topping and fimming if someone can help me when i get there in my grow! thanx Riukiss-ass
would it be better to get a power strip with a timer? or does it not matter.
thats a damn good idea!! i plugged my strip into a timer and it worked fine. with that said, i like that idea!!
Thank You!!! also since if i use a pc it may look weird since people are curious and may touch. what if i use my xbox 360 box to grow? would it make a difference?
haha an xbox?! even standing vertically i don't you have NEARLY enough space for it to be worth your time or effort. there was a shotglass competition recently (still a current thread) the best yield i saw out of it was about 4 grams, the effort you'll put into mod'ing an XBOX to grow will not be worth it. Stick to your PC.
Some links for you..
Spoon420's PC Grow
He just harvested a little over an ounce, he has DEFINITELY set the bar for PC grows
Shot Glass Grow Off
Check it out, it's just kinda fun, but if you're planning to do a grow, this is a bad place to start LOL takes a bit of skill to actually manage to keep a plant healthy in such confined conditions, and this is more or less what you would have to do in an XBOX
good luck! happy growing!