powhitetrash Grow


Active Member
I find my self staring at my plant (Plant A; Sears&Roebuck) in the morning when I wake them up every day, admiring just how many more little white crystals have accumulated on the leaves since the last time I saw them :mrgreen:

oh yeah, and new avatar :blsmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie:joint:


Well-Known Member
Update 8/20/08

Plant growth slowed considerably today, however, bud development boomed. While Plant A grew a miniscule ¼” today and Plant B grew only a paltry ½”, both plants’ buds are much more pronounced today. I’m pleased that they seem to be more focused on bud development and less on foliage production.

Plant A seems to be producing more THC than Plant B. You can clearly see the Trichomes spreading from the stem side of the leaves out to the tips. It looks like they will be covered in them.

Plant B, on the other hand, doesn’t have any visible Trichomes yet; however, it does have a lot more buds beginning today than it had yesterday.

I’m not too worried about our friendly little “contest” to see which plant will turn out the best. Mine (Plant B, or powhitewidow) may be later in maturing, but I think she will come out to be the weight winner. Too bad there isn’t a way for me to measure potency because I think Plant B (Sears&Roebuck) may just have me beat in that area. Time will tell.



Well-Known Member
Update 8/21/08

Wow, just when I thought the girls were gonna stop growing and focus their energies on budding, they pull a fast grow day on me. I'm not going to take pictures today because I'll take some tomorrow, but Plant A went from 8 3/4" to 9 1/4 inches today. Plant B grew from 13" to 15" in the past 24 hours. Not bad considering some bozo cut a water main out front yesterday and we were unable to water them at all yesterday.

Smell is becoming a factor now. When I came home from work today I could smell the plants when I walked in the door. It was weak and a lot of people wouldn't notice, but someone with a trained nose would smell it just like I did, I'm sure. Thankfully I make and sell incense for a living so we can keep a stick burning in the living room all the time.

The buds thickened up quite a bit today. The girls are looking more and more like some of the other grows I've seen on here, except that we are trying to keep the plants shorter than most people. When we started the flowering phase on 8/3/08, Plant A was 6" tall and Plant B was only 4 1/2" tall. 3 1/4" of growth for Plant A and 11" growth for Plant B. Both plants are from the same mother plant, both cuttings taken on the same day, they are given the same nutrition, same light... Very strange how different they are. I'm going to switch locations and see if that evens things out in a week or two.

Tomorrow I'll be starting the apple juice phase. :-) I'm very excited about it. Just want to find some organic juice to use.


Well-Known Member
Seed question. I just asked my son about the origins of the seed that produced the mother plant and he said they were just seeds from some powhitetrash weed. Do I have any hope that these plants will be anything good?


Well-Known Member
Seed question. I just asked my son about the origins of the seed that produced the mother plant and he said they were just seeds from some powhitetrash weed. Do I have any hope that these plants will be anything good?
if you grow em right and use good nutes the right way you shoule be able to grow dank!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I don't mind using powhitetrash methods for growing, but I want some ssssssmokin'! weed! lol Or in this case, weed worth smokin'. I'm gonna have to save up my money for some of those good seeds. I want some of that red colored bud. :-) Seeds will probably cost more than my whole grow! lol


Well-Known Member
I'm always on the lookout for things that would work for my powhitetrash grow, since my operational budget is next to NOTHING. Yesterday at work, during our team potluck I spotted an item I had to have. I asked my supervisor (who had brought it), if I could have it when we were finished. He agreed that I could take it home with me. So, now I have a terrific cloning, humidity chamber, from the plastic, domed cake cover he bought from a grocery store (complete with a plastic tray to set the plants on). Perfect domed top, just like the one I paid $10 at the grow shop for.

The first time we tried to clone without a dome and it wasn't very successful. Had to get up several times of the night to spray them and they just didn't do very well. The latest few we have going are doing beautifully under the store bought dome, not one yellow spot or dropped leaf.

Just another powhitetrash growing tip.


Well-Known Member
You Know You’re A Grower/Stoner When…

You find yourself waiting for your girls to wake up so you can spend time with them. (You know, just hang out and stuff. Lol)

Update 8/22/08

Today's journal entry includes some kiddy porn. We're showing off our baby buds. :-)

This is Plant A (Sears&Roebuck):

Here's one of the less developed Plant B (powhitewidow):

Here's a shot of the girls together. Notice I've switched places with them, A is now in the B slot and vice-versa.

Today I also began the apple juice treatments. 1 cup of pure, organic apple juice per gallon of distilled water. This feeding also contained out liquid FoxFarm Big Bloom, 0.01-0.3-0.7. My son decided to go ahead and have me treat Plant A with it too. Every day the plants change and grow in new and exciting ways.

Thought I'd give you a preview of C, D and E and F, G & H.

Here are C, D & E first:

C is front left, D is in the rear and E is far right. We don't yet know for sure that D is female. We know C and E are because they are clones. D was grown from some seed said to be Sativa dominate. I have high hopes for her. C will be my next contest plant however, if D turns out to be female, she will be my favorite. My son will compete with E.

Here are some close-ups.




My son is claiming F and G & H will be mine. They are all clones off the same mother as all our other clones.

Here's a shot of Mom who is going to be given a nice long resting period.

We won't need any cuttings from Mom for quite a while so she will look good again before we have to come back to her.

Gave a second feeding of apple juice/distilled water and this time put in a few drops of Shultz 10-15-10. Pots have perfect drainage so they aren't drowning. They are looking very healthy today. Buds are developing more fully by the hour.

Plant A (Sears&Roebuck)

Plant B (powhitewidow)


Well-Known Member
Powhitetrash Grow Part 2
**I’m starting the second chapter in the powhitetrash Grow. Not for any other reason than the .pdf and .doc files are getting too large to send through E-mail to interested parties. This will keep the files at a manageable size. (This journal is available in .pdf format for anyone interested.)

The photo on the left is of Plant A (Sears&Robuck) and Plant B (powhitewidow) the day I put them in the flowering chamber. The photo on the right was taken today, just under 3 weeks into the flowering phase. (I started counting the day I put them on the 12/12 cycle.) Have at least 5 weeks to go, maybe as many as 7. Just depends on how long it takes for the Trichomes to turn amber.

From the day I put them in the flowering chamber I’ve been monitoring growth in height, but now that flowering has begun in earnest, I don’t expect a lot more vertical growth.

Clones Taken 7/5/08

Plants Moved to Flowering Room 8/3/08
Plant A (Sears&Robuck) 6”
Plant B (powhitewidow) 4 ½”

Plants On First Day of Powhitetrash Grow Part 2 8/22/08

Plant A (Sears&Robuck) 9 ½” = 3 ½”
Plant B (powhitewidow) 16 ½” = 12”

***As a reminder, these two are clones from the same mother plant, taken on the same day.

Update 8/23/08 (Morning)

I know, I’m a bit obnoxious about updating when I’m home on the weekends. Plus, so much is happening during this time of the flowering process. I tallied the growth last night and updated above in preparation for today’s update. However, when I woke the girls up this morning, I was quite sure they had grown overnight. Out came the trusty tape measure and, sure enough!

Plant A (Sears&Robuck) 10”
Plant B (powhitewidow) 17 ½”

If I had a bigger room I’d be happy about that but A is so much shorter than B already and She is already propped up on something. I’m going to have to find something taller to set her on because I need to raise the light for B today.

I know height isn’t as desirable in this phase but with every new growth spurt, B produces more buds. I want a lot of buds though so I’d like her to get as tall as she can in the minimal space I have.

**Thinking out loud here for a moment, it’s become obvious that two plants at a time isn’t going to produce enough for our medicinal needs and leaves nothing at all for recreational needs. So, given that, I’m designing a grow box in my head that should allow me to grow up to 6 plants with two lights. That way if I have some plants that are taller than others, I can put short plants on one side and tall ones on the other. The new box would allow plants to get 3 ½’ tall.

Here’s a few shots of the girls this morning:

Plant A (Sears&Roebuck)

Look at the Trichomes S&R is producing! She’s WAY more powhitewidow looking than Plant B. She’s gonna be covered in crystals pretty soon.

Plant B (powhitewidow)

Wake and Bake with powhitetrash Grow!


Well-Known Member
actually, if you have enough light and nutes for Mom, she should be ready to take more clones form in 2-3 weeks. vegging plants recover from mad trimming rather well. i find mine take trimming often even if i dont need to pull clones.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I think you're right. I'm thinking about taking three more cuttings because I'd like to have 6 plants to put into the next flower. I'm building a bigger grow cabinet. Would really like to have it in place when the current grow is finished, however, I need to find another light/ballist at an affordable price before I can be ready. Need a second 250 Watt HPS.


Well-Known Member
Me too. Sounds like an interesting concept. Gonna be hard to tell what effect it will have on the smoke since we're doing it with both plants.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
hey just read your hole journal..WoW you and your son seem tobe doing well for your first grow!!!do you know what your P.H. mite be you may be locking out your nute's dew to hight alkline in the water...and you can get some seed's for like $45 buck's like T.H.C. got the cannacopa..So tell the son i said for you gye's to keep up the hard work..and if ya ken yo can get a cheap fish tank p.h. test kity for like $3-4 buck's..most of the problem's people have is dew to P.H. problem's...so cool like i said keep up the hard work...if ya want i can take a pic of what your looking for with a cheap test kit i have 3-4 of them!!!..

da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
Thanks! That's really nice to hear. :-)

I actually have a PH test kit but can't figure out how to use the dang thing! Sheesh! It's one that has several containers for testing PH, Nitrogen, etc. Says to put in dirt and water, then the contents of a little pill and shake. But I don't see anything happening from there.


Well-Known Member
Update 8/24/08

Had my first "oops" last night. Moved Plant A (Sears&Roebuck) closer to the light but then she went and grew and burned herself a little:

She seems no worse for wear though:

But check out plant B. Leaf stems and veins are turning purple. I know purple can be a good thing, though I'm not sure if it is in this instance or not. I'd appreciate some words of wisdom in this area if there are any wise ones in the viewing audience. :-)

Only minor growth last night. Hoping both plants will concentrate on budding and knock off the growing now. lol


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see how this apple juice treatment will turn out
word of advice on using sugars in your grow:

go easy with it! fermented sugar is alcohol and kills plants.

some like DB swear by using stuff like this, personally i swear AT it ;)

all boils down to your grow methods and style though, so dont think i am bashing or saying not to do it... my style is just chemical overkill so organics cause a mess for me... good luck :)