powhitetrash Grow


Well-Known Member
I get you bfq. I'm using 3 tbs per quart of water and each plant gets half of that. The plants also have very good drainage too so I don't think I'm overdoing it. I'm watching carefully though.

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
you soud be watering like every 2-3 day's depend's on your how your tem's and if you have you humidy in check at 40%...over watering is the number 1 mistake the new grower make's..so just keep that in mind...and you P.H. is also inportin..and you shoud be ok..so good luck and keep up the hard work!!!
da plantDOC


Well-Known Member
I've been watering every day because the two fans dry out the soil so much between waterings. Should I wait longer anyway?

Also, I haven't been able to figure out how to work the PH testing kit I bought. :-( So I don't know what it is. Sniff


Well-Known Member
pH is a HUGE deal with the grows... make it a priority to learn the tester.

as for figuring your watering schedule... during the grow, the easiest way to figure out just how long it takes for your soil to dry out is stop watering till the leaves droop. the plant will tell you when it needs water. after you figure how long it takes for the leaves to droop you can just subtract a bit of time from then and water.

the most reliable way to tell if you are watering properly is after the harvest (bummer how that works). you harvest the plant and pop the root ball out and take a look at it. if your roots are all at the bottom of the pot you are over watering. if the roots are fairly even through the pot you are doing it right. also, if the roots are thick and white things are good.

healthy roots (ones that get the right amount of water and oxygen) are white.

your first grow you want to get through with everyone alive so you can learn from the data and get through the next grow better :)


Well-Known Member
Are you married? Do you want to be? Bahahahahahaha I don't normally have sex outside of marriage... But I sure feel like I just got laid! lol


Well-Known Member
Gah! I don't have any seed! :-( Well, I do, but none of my plants are from seed, yet. I was given a plant by one of my sons and I cloned it. I have a few up from seed but it's just bag seed. I REALLY want Soma A+. If I could just get my hands on ONE seed of that, I'd be in heaven. lol

Looking forward to September 8th with you. Mine won't be finished until around the 28th, maybe up to two weeks after that. Don't know since this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Update 8/24/08 (2)

Wanted to give the girls a once over before the light goes out today. Plant B just doesn't look right to me. Some of the leaves are yellowing, looking deficient in something. Symptoms most closely resemble the drawings illustrating Zinc deficiency as shown in Jorge Cervantes book, Marijuana Horticulture The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible.

So, I bit the bullet and gave the PH testing ONE MORE TRY. And I think I've figured out how to use the blasted thing. If it's right though, my PH in both plants is 7.0, listed at neutral. So what should it be? I read somewhere that there are a couple of household items which can be used in place of the PH Up/PH Down stuff (which I can't afford right now). If anyone knows what they are, please let me know. For now, I haven't done anything about it except remove two lower leaves on Plant B that were looking hopeless.

I'm still wondering why Plant A is so covered in crystal while Plant B hardly has any at all. I know B is a little behind A in development but I'm not sure why since both cuttings were taken on the same day from the same mother.


Well-Known Member
6.8 is the high side for soil growing pH. you want to drop it down to between there and 6.4. seems like such a minor difference but if you look at the charts for nute absorption you will see that 6.8 is actually a bit high for a couple of trace elements.

BTW, the GrowFAQ here is better for identifying nute issues than JC's bibles. the pictures are better even :o

as for your lagging development between the two plants... depends on how you do your clones. doing them in rockwool makes them very uniform in their growth, but soil or peat plugs makes things erratic. for example, i clone in peat (dammit) and i have an early crop about due for harvest... half the plants are big (relative, yo) and filling out with nice red hairs on the buds.... another one of the plants is a little behind that, but the forth plant in this series is an easy week behind on development. the last plant went into flower before it had fully rooted.

genetics are one part of the equation on how your clones do, but environment is a big part too ;)


Well-Known Member
6.8 is the high side for soil growing pH. you want to drop it down to between there and 6.4. seems like such a minor difference but if you look at the charts for nute absorption you will see that 6.8 is actually a bit high for a couple of trace elements.
Any hints then on those household items that are used to bring down PH? I read something about lemon juice yesterday, said a couple of drops but didn't say to how much water. Plants still aren't droopy enough to water yet. Would I go ahead and water to bring down PH or wait? (I'm such a noob.)