I'm sure you'll make it.. it's like my old lady.. she had every disease know to mankind and still lived to 87..JC does need the ones to kick around, and he's already treating me like I killed his dog....
Anyway... Oh yeah.. I forgot.. great pics..
later my friend...
oh yeah, 87....hmmm how bout 187?....nah maybe too long.....hehe

well the man's gotta kick someone around....it sure as shite isn't Sim Kim Yoon or whatever that feckers name is.....

would the guys who have their fingers on the red buttons push them already...the suspense is killing me anyhow....hehe
Hi Kilo .... your ladies rock, luvin Tina

The Irish are to damn hard to kill and we don't respond to therapy

"Too old to rock and roll but too young to die" Ian Anderson ... I am feeling old and cranky today. lol.
thanks there orz...they luv ya right back...I told you, they are exhibishionists, and want your attention....oh and by the way, I get along just grand with the Irish....all me life....

...man I drank Guinness before anyone here in America knew it existed.....and told my non Irish friends about Jameson compared to JD....ahhhh, the fecking good ole days....
alright then......today was maintenance on Veronica and Xtasy
starting tomorrow evening, Veronica will be going into her 3rd week of 12/12...we had to remove more lower stems as no light is penetrating the canopy..... in general she looks healthy, smells good and her roots are AOK....you can see the flowers are a poppin and soon she will be occupying the flowering area and should take off.....we still have her on the bloom nutrient ratio...now for the bad news, feck, burn on the tips of her fans, albeit minor....I mean WTF?...we have even under fed her (diluted).....

...don't have this issue during vegetation?....anyways, growing anxious to get her moved because Xtasy is booming fast...
Xtasy has come along real well.....she also looks healthy, smells good and her roots are good......we began trimming her lower stems as they will get no light when moved to the next area.....we have her on an Aggressive mix of Growth nutrients and she seems to be responding well....
still don't know the status of Zahena, Xtasy's clone....we should know in a few days....
and finally before practice...one picture of Tina because she just looks fecking good....