Pre flowers in 18/6


Active Member
So i have this one Ayahuasca purple from Barneys farm that’s throwing me. Im running two this grow, and ran one last grow. One of my two in this grow has preflowers. At first not gonna lie i panicked a lil but read a bit online that mature plants sometimes do that but i think this one is going into actual flower. The tops are starting to form buds. Its a photo period plant and they dont even make a auto of this strain so im very confused. Help pls!



Active Member
Must be an auto in disguise! Is it possible there is a bean mix up?
I was thinking that but it would have to be a different strain. They dont make these in an auto that i can find. And the odd thing is it is showing traits of how the ayahuasca looks.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Sounds exactly like when an auto wants to start flowering too! I think you should just keep it going under 18/6 and chalk it up to a bean mix up!