Here it goes.... i have been studying organic marijuana growing for 8 years now.... and i am lucky enough to be from a family that travelled ALOT... europe, africa, switzerland, many many islands.... ive seen my share or organic growing indoor and out... and i realized one thing only in the united states do organic growers reaaaallly believe in the molasses technic..... it seems you guys dont have sweet enough variety's for your taste buds.... or something.... or all the dunken donuts are getting to your head with sweeteners....

but yeah flushing is an essential part of growing cannabis... if you want your bud to taste like the variety you bought.... You neeed to get it cleaned out of ferts and all other stuff that could be in your soil...... so yeah molasses why not..?? its not a bad thing to use... it boosts your harvest a little..(personally never got much bigger budz using it) but dont use it in the flushing period... Your just working to modify something that already would taste amaaaaazing....
get reading some good books... on organics and let them guide you through this... Peopl have been doing experiments with all this befor we were even born.....
If you want really good info on organic growing and what to use and not use ... get soma's organic marijuana book....
Noooo experienced ganja farmer would use anything but water or even demineralised oxygenated water to flush....
If you want the best harvest flush with the cleanest water you can find.......!!!