I would love 7 days to see where they are to choose a plant lol.
Whatever it is I'm growing all 5 to see how they develop.
Been all over the place with ferts.
Notice the overhead of #2 compared to the rest.
Dark green leaves and some clawing in the new growth.
#2 was hit with a heavy dose of ferts including 3 tsp of marine cuisine not to long ago.
I have been giving different doses of MC to the others trying to green them up.
#2 is to dark, the rest are still to light IMO but their color should improve over the next 7 days.
The N def that started has been halted and most are getting a good green from the top down.
The over head shot is in order 1-5.
OP when do you want me to pick?
On a side note, I made some bubble hash and have been enjoying it for the last 4 days.
Must be good.
Germinated some seeds yesterday. Meant to put them in a cabinet, my wife found them in the microwave. It was never turned on lol. They are starting to peek.