I admit the use of Hitler stirs up emotion, especially when you mention dead Jews.
Hitler didn't kill 6 million Jews! The people did!
Obama didn't kill any Muslims! The people did!
And I never said Obama was some incarnation of Hitler.
I did not say we are in a Nazi State committing genocide either.
The concept I'm trying to bring across is very linear.
Are we closer to the ideals of Benjamin Franklin, or Adolf Hitler.
Your attempt to discredit the parallels, without justly weighing them.
Hell, I have more animosity towards Jews(Zionist) then Obama.
Still trying to figure out how that was "legal."
I blame you, and I blame me. This vessel elects it's leadership, therefore the crew is to blame.
I didn't vote for Obama, so what do you want me to do? Kill him?
Does it bother you that you're comparing Obama to Hitler for a hypothetical problem that doesn't exist yet? Or is that fair game now?
He is a political figure, everything is fair game.
Not like other political personalities have been compared to Hitler and worse.
Does it bother you that you're comparing Obama to Hitler for a hypothetical problem that doesn't exist yet? Or is that fair game now?
I haven't proposed anything hypothetical.
I'm afraid you may have failed to grasp the main concept of this thread.
In fact, the idea is that you are the first to directly compare Obama to Hitler, and are the one continuing to do so.
My use of Hitler, was to propose a polar opposite to Franklin.This was to make a scale for the voting process.
The question I put forth, is where would you put us on that scale.
I did not propose that we were on either end of said scale.
Rather that the scale was tilting and we were sliding in that direction of a "Gestapo" society.
It was legal in germany, because it is what the majority wanted, therefore it was legal for them. I guess.. Might be a bit historically incorrect, but you get the gist.
If it were legal there wouldn't have been war crime tribunals and executions of convicted criminals.
This thread has proven something though. 66.67% of people voting in this poll so far are retarded.
because there was no option for "i like turtles", i chose "none of the above" by refraining from voting.